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Diabetes in Pets: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

A cat being held by a vet.

Diabetes in pets is an important condition to know about. Understanding the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatments of diabetes can help manage the pet’s long-term health outcomes.

Signs of Diabetes in Pets

Increased Thirst and Urination: More water consumption and frequent urination are common signs.
Weight Loss: Even with a good appetite, pets may lose weight because they can’t use nutrients effectively.
Increased Hunger: Your pet may seem hungrier due to their body’s difficulty in obtaining energy from food.
Lethargy: Unusual tiredness or lack of energy is common.
Cloudy Eyes: In dogs, cataracts may develop, making their eyes look cloudy.
Weakness in the Back Legs: Cats may show weakness in their hind legs due to diabetic neuropathy.

Causes of Diabetes

Diabetes in pets results from either insufficient insulin production or inadequate response to insulin.

Type I Diabetes: More common in dogs, this occurs when the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin.
Type II Diabetes: More common in cats, this happens when the body becomes resistant to insulin or the pancreas doesn’t produce enough.

Risk factors include obesity, age, genetics, and chronic pancreatitis or hormonal imbalances.

Diagnosing Diabetes

Diagnosing diabetes involves clinical signs, blood tests, and urine tests. High glucose levels in the blood and urine confirm the condition. Regular vet visits and monitoring are crucial for effective management.


Managing diabetes includes:

Insulin Therapy: Most diabetic pets require insulin injections to regulate blood sugar levels.
Dietary Management: A high-protein, low-carb diet can stabilize blood glucose. Consult your vet for a tailored diet plan.
Regular Exercise: Helps maintain a healthy weight and improves insulin sensitivity.
Monitoring Blood Glucose: Regular checks are essential to adjust treatments as needed.