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Common Signs of Allergies in Pets

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

Our furry kiddos can be sensitive to a lot of allergens out there in the world. For example, environmental allergens, foods, and even flea bites can cause immune reactions leading to allergies, affecting their comfort and health.

If you suspect allergies trouble your fur kiddo, make sure you get a proper diagnosis from the vet. Acute and chronic allergies can cause irritation, inflammation, and various other health issues – some of which can be life-threatening. To provide supportive care at home, certain supplements may help soothe these reactions.

Signs Your Pet Has Allergies

Allergens are any substance that triggers an overreaction in the immune system

Allergens are any substance that triggers an overreaction in the immune system. When pets breathe in or come into contact with these tiny particles, they can produce symptoms such as itching, sneezing, and/or watery eyes.

One of the clearest signs that a pet suffers from an allergy is itchiness. Allergic pets may get red, irritated, or inflamed skin. They may try to soothe themselves by scratching, biting, and licking the area. Certain spots may appear as pimple-like structures that are red and may fail to heal easily. Try to examine areas your pet seems to concentrate on or areas that appear to irritate your pet the most. If you spot redness or bumps, it may be a sign of an allergic reaction in pets.

Another common sign is itching or scratching. If your pet scratches behind the head and ears, shakes or tilts their head, and appears sensitive when you touch them, they may be struggling with an allergy.

Sources of Allergens for Pets

There are many sources of that can cause allergies in pets, each of which can cause an inflammatory response in your fur kiddo. One of the primary causes is environmental allergens; that is, allergens that come from their surroundings indoors and out.

Outdoor sources of allergens include:

  • Pollen – from flowers, trees, and other plants, pollen can cause allergic reaction
  • Mold – pets can get into moldy things on their outdoor adventures. This is important for care for pets during spring since snowmelt can cause lots of outdoor mold
  • Grass – even grass can sometimes irritate certain fur kiddos

These allergens can even affect pets that remain indoors as we track them indoors. To help minimize this, remove your shoes and wipe your pet’s paws when they come indoors.

Even indoor fur kiddos aren’t protected from allergens. Indoor allergens can lurk in fabric, furniture, and other common items.

  • Dust mites – these tiny pests thrive in bedding, carpets, and other fabric. Wash pet beds often
  • Fleas – the bites from fleas can cause allergic reactions and itchiness
  • Cleaning products – certain ingredients in cleaners, air fresheners, and sprays can irritate the respiratory system and skin
  • Smoke – smoke from cooking or cigarettes can irritate your fur kiddo
  • Mold – damp basements or bathrooms may harbor mold spores
  • Food – alleviate food allergies by identifying potential triggers with your vet

To help keep pets healthy indoors, clean spaces and fabrics regularly with natural and pet-safe detergents and cleaners. To help minimize indoor pollutants coming from outside, a HEPA air purifier may help.

Natural Support for Pets with Allergies

Alongside veterinary care, natural supplements may help support your pet’s immune system when in overdrive due to pesky allergies.

Our go-to allergy support supplement, Alge-Ex, features 5 herbs

Our go-to allergy support supplement, Alge-Ex, features 5 herbs that help balance the immune system, such as eyebright. Eyebrite has a long history of use for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. When taken daily, Alge-Ex may support pets with seasonal allergies caused by grass, pollen, and other sources.

For food allergies, Stimmune makes an excellent partner for your pet. It promotes balanced immune activity and histamine responses.

Finally, for pets with conditions that compromise their immune systems, you can add Natures Immuno to their daily routine. This medicinal mushroom blend contains super mushrooms like reishi, which is one of the most popular mushrooms in herbalism.

If you need support navigating complementary care for your pet’s allergies, chat in with a Pet Expert by using the link below. We love helping fur kiddos, whether they’ve got a case of the sneezes or need to cope with chronic immune troubles!

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: March 21, 2025

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