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New Puppy Checklist

Pet Care Tips 3 min read
A white puppy in a field

Tiny paws, big eyes, wagging tail – there’s nothing quite like the excitement of bringing a new puppy home! But no home is puppy-ready without a little preparation. This new puppy checklist can guide you through what you need to prepare for your new furry addition.

The first year can set puppies up for a long and healthy life.

Puppy Proof Your Home

Puppies can get themselves in all sorts of unexpected trouble. To puppy-proof your home, you have to think like a puppy. Clean up anything that might look good to chew on and tuck away choking hazards. Electrical wires can be chewing targets too, so unplug or conceal them with cord concealers.

Heights, kitchens, and other hazards in certain areas of the home can pose a danger, so be sure to use puppy gates or other secure barriers to keep them away. You should also secure trash cans since they can tempt pups into prying them open for stinky treasures that could make them sick.

Find a Nearby Vet – Or Consult with One Online!

Before you bring your new puppy home, research local vet offices in your area. Establishing a relationship with a vet will be crucial for your new fur-kiddo’s health. Blood tests, routine checkups, and getting all their shots can set them up to be happy and healthy, as they should!

You will also want to plan your route to the nearest one in case of an emergency. That way, you already know where to go.

For non-emergencies, you can use an Online Vet Consultation service. NHV has in-house vets that can offer personalized advice and tips for both specific concerns and general wellness.

New Puppy Checklist: Basic Supplies

Puppies need a lot more than just food. They will also need toys, leashes, and other supplies. Here is a handing shopping list:

  • A Dog First Aid Kit (which can include NHV First-Aid Spray!)
  • Puppy food or a puppy-friendly meal plan
  • A leash and collar for safe walks
  • Tags for identification
  • Toys for teething and exercise
  • Treats for training
  • Dental care – it is best to start early so they can become accustomed to it
  • A cozy bed, since sleeping on hard surfaces can cause issues

Puppy-friendly Supplements for Worms

As long as your puppy has had all their shots, and has fully recovered from being spayed or neutered, puppies under the age of 6 months old can start two NHV supplements at half-doses: Multi Essentials and Inulin PK.

Multi Essentials has nutritive herbs like alfalfa, oat, and kelp, which have fiber, vitamins, and minerals that can top them up with natural goodness as they play and grow strong, alongside a healthy diet.

Inulin PK is a natural de-wormer support which has herbs like Elecampane, Wormwood, Jamaica Quassia. Worms are common in puppies, so this pro-active support can play an important role alongside your vet’s recommendations for keeping them at bay.

Congrats on Your New Best Friend!

The first year can set puppies up for a long and healthy life. With a little preparation, and a lot of heart, you can provide them the perfect environment to thrive.

Have any questions about how to care for your new best friend? Reach out to our Pet Experts for advice, tips, and recommendations.

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: August 6, 2024

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