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NHV Gives Back: cats fighting outbreak of flu in the Philippines

NHV Gives Back < 1 min read
coffee boss cat

NHV Gives Back through #NHVNaturalselfie donation drive went all the way to the Philippines. @coffeethebosscat Rescues are a home-run shelter in the Philippines. We made one exception and went outside North America. These cats were previously saved by our remedies when they had intermittent diarrhea- which medicines couldn’t fix. Months later, there was a flu outbreak and 5 kittens lost their lives. We simply want to do our bit at saving the rest of the cats from this flu.

cofffee cat rescues nhv donation

UPDATE – The kittens are all taking their supplements and seem to be doing much better, on their road to recovery. We are working closely with the people at the rescue to get their doses organized and make sure the supplements are given to the cats who need them the most.

NHV Gives Back: Cats Fighting Flu Outbreak In The Philippines

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Published: January 5, 2019

4 replies

  1. hi, can u help my cat who is diagnosed of breast cancer? She is 12 years old and badly needing help.:(

    1. Team NHV says:

      Hi Heather,

      We’re really sorry to hear about her cancer. We can only imagine how uncomfortable it must be for her. We have a regimen that can help to support her against the health symptoms

      We have Natures Immuno, which is a mushroom blend rich in anti-cancer, anti-tumor properties, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help her body against the mammary cancer symptoms

      ES-Clear is our main cancer support. It can help to support the body against the cancer symptoms, reduce tumor growth, purify blood and can help to support digestion and appetite levels.

      Milk Thistle is a super herb that can help to balance the liver enzyme levels and can help to detoxify the toxin traces, sometimes vet meds and chemical laden foods can leave, from the liver naturally and gently

      Lastly, we have Turmeric that has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help to support her body against the pain and inflammation from the cancer.

      Here’s a blog we have on mammary tumor that can give you a better understanding on how to better support your girl with the herbs

      Do take your time to go through our recommended regimen. We’re always just a message away if you need anything or have any questions, our pet experts are always happy to help you support your girl! Sending your sweet kitty lots of love and healing vibes.

  2. Jan says:

    Hi which nhv supplement is good for a cat that keeps sneezing because of herpes virus ? Not much congestion, just sneezing.

    1. Team NHV says:

      Hi Jan,

      We’re sorry to hear that your little one is having issues with sneezing. That must be really uncomfortable for your kitty so thank you for being there for them when they needed you most.

      We have a few suggestions that we think could help your sweet kitty.

      First, we would recommend Felimm as this is our main support for viral infections, like feline herpes. Felimm is a powerful blend of herbs that can help to encourage detoxification of the lymphatic system, strengthen a weakened immune system, combats upper respiratory issues, and can help to stimulate appetite. You can click here to learn more about Felimm:

      Next, we’d suggest our main breathing support, Resp-Aid. This powerful yet gentle supplement can help to encourage healthy breathing while helping to relieve shortness of breath and inflammation. Here’s more on Felimm for you:

      We hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions whatsoever, we’re always here to help. Sending lots of love and light to you and your little one!

      Yours in wellness,
      Team NHV

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