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Pet Care Essentials: Must-Haves for New Pets

Pet Care Tips 2 min read
A dog looking at leashes at the pet store.

Are you a new pet parent about to visit the pet store? Or the new NHV Boutique? It can be a bit daunting with all the options there! That’s why we made this handy guide with our Pet Experts’ top recommendations for what pet care essentials you should always have on hand.

Pet care essentials include more than just toys, bedding, and treats.

New Fur-Parent’s Checklist for Pet Care Essentials

Before you wander down the aisles of a pet store or explore the cozy NHV Boutique, it can help to be prepared with a list. Here are the 7 things every pet parent should have in their homes:

  • Food – of course, your fur-kiddo needs to eat! Choose something vet-approved and contains meat as the first ingredient, rather than fillers. To help pets get the most out of their food, you can serve it with Multi Essentials or PetOmega3.

  • Hygiene Items – some pet-safe shampoo, a brush, and nail trimmers will have your pet feeling fresh and fab! Coco FurCare can be used in-between baths to help pets stay fresh.

  • Dental Care – getting your cat or dog basic dental cleaning supplies like a toothbrush, pet-safe toothpaste, and Mouth Drops can help address bad breath and other mouth troubles.

  • A Cozy Bed – it’s true: most pets would rather sleep on their human’s bed! But it is still important for them to have their own space where they can rest unbothered. Because sleeping on hard surfaces can cause issues, a soft pet bed will help them feel well-rested.

  • A Leash and Collar – this one is obvious for dogs, but even cats can enjoy the outdoors more safely with a leash, collar, and tags. You can use Target Spray before they head out as proactive care against ticks, fleas, and mosquitos.

  • Pet First Aid – the items needed to treat wounds are important to have on hand before any scrapes or cuts happen. You can make your own with gauze, medical adhesive, and the Cut and Wound Kit.

  • Enrichment – Your pet is a curious and smart little creature! Pick up some toys and enrichment items to keep them stimulated and sharp. It’s a great way to help them get exercise and bond, too!

Healthy Inside and Out

Pet care essentials include more than just toys, bedding, and treats. We are also responsible for our fur babies’ health, inside and out! That’s why supportive supplements that can help our pets fight off health conditions and age with health all play a role in what is essential for your fur-kiddo.

Want to chat about which supplements can play a role in your pet’s daily routine? Reach out to our Pet Experts below!

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: August 8, 2024

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