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Resthyro for Pets – Hyperthyroid Support
USD $50.95
Resthyro for Pets – Hyperthyroid Support USD $50.95 Add to Cart

Skullcap for Dogs and Cats – Hyperthyroidism Support

Herbs For Pets 2 min read
Skullcap blooming.

Skullcap may sound like a scary name, but this gentle plant has been used as a natural remedy for centuries. This incredible plant may benefit pets, too. Holistic vets and wellness experts love using skullcap for dogs, cats, and other critters thanks to its calmness-promoting effects.

Our expert herbalist and holistic vet have added Skullcap to Resthyro for a gentle boost

What is Skullcap

This purple-flowered beauty is part of the mint family, and it grows in temperate climates all around the world. The name skullcap refers to the medieval helmets that resemble skullcap’s flowers. Imagine your pup or cat rocking one of those!

It also has a long history of use as a medicinal plant by Indigenous peoples in North America, in traditional Chinese medicine, and as a folk remedy to help calm rabies patients.

Botanically, Skullcap is rich in flavonoids. Research suggests that flavanoids can act as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer compound as well as promoting calmness.

Benefits of Skullcap for Dogs and Cats

Nowadays, holistic vets use this wonder herb to help calm and relax hyperactive pets, like in the case of hyperthyroidism.

If you have a pet with hyperthyroidism, you may have already noticed that they can never seem to relax. Why? Hyperthyroidism affects the hormones that regulate energy levels. Because rest and sleep play a huge role in how bodies repair themselves, using a calmness-promoting supplement can help.

Skullcap can promote this needed balance in our fur-babies. Because it is an herbal remedy, it can be used alongside your vet’s recommendations.

Skullcap’s Role in Resthyro

We put a full-spectrum extract of skullcap in Resthyro for hyperthyroidism support. It works great alongside valerian, which is also in the Resthyro formula, to promote calmness, relaxation, and sleep.

Like the name suggests, hyperthyroidism primarily affects the thyroid, so Resthyro has ingredients that can help to balance this gland. Eleuthero, Lemon Balm, and Bugleweed offer gentle yet effective thyroid support.

How to Start Skullcap for Dogs, Cats, and Other Critters

Choosing a supplement or a kit that contains natural calming ingredients like skullcap can help soothe hyperactivity in pets with hyperthyroidism. Our master herbalist and holistic vets have added Skullcap to Resthyro for that gentle boost, along with six other calming and thyroid balancing ingredients.

Got any questions about skullcap for dogs or cats, or about supporting your fur-baby with hyperthyroidism? Reach out to our Pet Experts by chat or phone – we are always here to help!

Remember, the dosage and quality of the herbal ingredient are crucial for safety and efficacy. We advise against using any herb without proper guidance and under the supervision of your pet’s veterinary team. NHV formulas are meticulously researched and made in a GMP-certified facility using only the highest quality organic or ethically harvested herbs. Each formulation was expertly developed by a holistic veterinarian and a master herbalist with a combined 50 years of experience in plant-based remedies. Through dedication and research, NHV formulations are safe and effective in extracting the medicinal properties of the herb through a patented process.

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: July 22, 2024

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