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Sustainable Pet Food for Happy Healthy Pets

Pet Diet & Nutrition 4 min read
A dog beside fresh foods like carrot, zucchini, eggs, and meat.

As a company that helps to heal pets using the amazing abundance of nature, we make sustainable business practices one of our top priorities. After decades of supporting pets with some of the most trusted pet supplements, we realized that we can advocate for both pet health and sustainability through pet nutrition.

How? We’re doing our part by offering chef-made sustainable pet food locally here in Vancouver, BC that uses carefully selected ingredients for both health and environmental considerations.

The Health Benefits of Going Green

It’s no secret that some pet foods have low-grade ingredients, unhealthy fillers, and artificial preservatives and flavorings. Over time, the lack of proper nutrition compounds in the body and causes all sorts of ills, from the troublesome to the severe. Conversely, balanced meals that contain fresh foods offer incredible benefits for our cats, dogs, and other beloved critters.

As a holistic company – that is, one that believes that lifestyle plays an important role in overall health – we strongly believe that food is medicine. And when compared to the expense of possible vet bills related to poor nutrition, investing in healthier foods for our fur babies makes sense.

As a holistic company, we strongly believe that food is medicine

For example, adding a source of pet-safe vegetables and fruit to our pets diet may increase the antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins and minerals to help them not only recover when they are sick but stay healthy in the first place. That’s because many diseases result from or worsen from inflammation.

Serving your pet fresh foods can also add a source of hydration. Well-hydrated pets may experience fewer digestive issues, like constipation. In particular, cats can benefit from hydrating foods since they evolved to obtain most of their moisture through prey.

This is our approach when it comes to our Personalized Pet Nutrition service. Offered by Dr. Amanda Nascimento, this plan empowers pet parents to choose more local and healthier ingredients. It also allows them to support particular health concerns or diseases through diet. An aging oldie who needs more energy? A pet whose condition causes excess inflammation? Many conditions can benefit from veterinarian-approved recipes.

Sustainable Pet Food Myths Debunked

Sustainable pet food is more than just a fad – it’s the future! Don’t believe these common misconceptions about sustainable pet foods.

  1. It’s bland: Sometimes people think that healthy food must be bland, but this isn’t true at all. In fact, some processed pet foods actually need artificial flavorings just to make them appetizing. Pets love the taste of healthy whole foods, and there is no need to artificially flavor them because they already have a rich and interesting flavor. Just think of the times your pet was more interested in what was on your plate than in their food bowl!

  2. Pets should only eat kibble or “dry food”: The quality of dry foods can vary a lot. Sometimes, high temperatures used in the manufacturing process can remove precious nutrients from the food. On the other hand, certain fresh fruits and vegetables can add beneficial fiber, moisture, vitamins, and minerals for your pets, encouraging wellness from the inside out.

  3. It’s inconvenient: Regularly feeding your pet sustainable foods doesn’t have to mean spending hours cooking each day. By choosing pre-made sustainable pet food through NHV, your pet can have a tasty and nutritious meal without the prep work.

NHV’s Approach to Sustainability

As a company that often relies on ingredients wildcrafted from nature, we take every step we can to keep our company green. Without healthy environments, we wouldn’t be able to provide life-changing herbs for our clients or for the generations of pets to come.

That’s why our new pet food line uses rescued fruits and vegetables. What are rescued fruit and vegetables? When grocery stores choose which produce to sell, they often reject the undesirable ones believing they won’t sell.

However, they all boast the same nutritional value as their “perfect”-looking counterparts. NHV rescues these fruits and vegetables and repurposes them into nutritious pet foods available locally in Vancouver BC, reducing the environmental impact of food waste.

If you’re local to Vancouver BC, you can visit the NHV Pet Boutique, where we prepare nutritious and tasty pet food that can be customized based on your pet’s unique needs, whether they’re healthy or need help with a specific disease or condition. Stop by during business hours to chat to our Pet Experts for more info!

Sustainability Tips for Pet Owners

Want to get started on a sustainability journey? Here are three ways to start:

  1. Choose environmentally friendly pet toys: Pet toys can contain artificial colors and materials that are not only bad for the environment but may also be ingested by your pet while they play. Opt for natural pet toys instead.

  2. Choose sustainable pet foods: Pet foods may contain artificial ingredients that are bad for the environment and bad for your pet. Making your own pet foods at home can help give you more control over what goes into their bodies – just make sure that the recipes you use are approved by a veterinarian.

  3. Invest in sustainable supplements: Natural supplements can offer our pets amazing benefits, but overharvesting of key ingredients could result in their extinction. By choosing sustainable businesses, like NHV, you ensure the protection of nature’s abundance.

Sustainable Pet Food for the Planet

When pets eat healthier and the demand for artificial and overly processed pet foods reduces, the planet also benefits. Want to chat about sustainable pet supplements or nutrition plans for your pet? Reach out to our Pet Experts by using the chat button below!

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: September 26, 2024

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