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Tips for Gas Relief for Dogs & Cats 

Pet Diet & Nutrition 3 min read
A overweight pug dog lays down on the floor and looks up to illustrate a blog about diet tips for gas relief for dogs and cats.

Gas relief for dogs and cats is crucial when tummy trouble is on the horizon. That’s because excessive gas in your little one’s stomach and intestines, a condition known as flatulence, can cause from temporary discomfort to chronic pain. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of flatulence and provide essential diet tips to help ensure a gas-free tummy. 

Should I Be Worried About my Pet’s Fart? 

Flatulence is natural, but excessive gas production can be toxic and harmful to your pet’s health.

The production of gases in your little one’s body is normal. This process naturally occurs due to the microbial fermentation of components present in the intestines and results in the formation of various putrefactive compounds, such as ammonia, and gases, such as methane.

Farting is typically more common in dogs and cats two to three hours after their meal. While this gas production is natural, excessive amounts can be toxic, leading to discomfort and potential health issues for our pets. So, what are the signs that your little one’s gas situation has gone out of control? Keep your eyes out for these symptoms:

  • Higher than normal expulsion of gases (with or without odor).
  • Abdominal discomfort.
  • Mild abdominal distension.
  • Sensitivity to abdominal palpation.
  • Presence of intestinal borborygmi (gurgling sounds).
  • Lethargy.
  • Lack of appetite. 
  • Poor assimilation of nutrients. (which can lead to diarrhea or loose stools, vomiting, and weight loss). 
  • In more serious cases, they may become dehydrated and, without proper management, can lead to death.

If you notice any of these signs in your little one, please take them to a vet. They will investigate the root cause by considering clinical signs, medical history, and diagnostic tests, including abdominal ultrasound, intestinal biopsies, blood and urine tests, and fecal examinations.

Possible Root Causes of Excessive Gas in Pets

Gastrointestinal conditions like parasites and chronic bowel diseases can play a role in the production of excessive gas, but more often than not, chronic or excessive flatulence is often linked to dietary factors. 

Poorly digested food, high food intake, or a diet with excessive fiber or fat content are some of the common causes of excessive flatulence in pets. When your furry friend is fed any ingredient they are sensitive to, it can also trigger excessive fermentation in their colon, leading to unwanted gas build-up.

A tabby cat is eating a bowl filled with kibbled to illustrate possible causes of flatulence in pets in a blog about diet tips for gas relief for dogs and cats.

Another common cause of flatulence occurs when dogs or cats eat too quickly, accidentally ingesting excess air. Brachycephalic dog breeds like the English Bulldog, French Bulldog, and Pug are known to produce more pronouncedly smelling poop and experience increased instances of flatulence. This inclination is attributed to their predisposition to ingest larger quantities of air when eating.

Natural Gas Relief for Dogs & Cats

Treatment involves addressing underlying causes, which may include a new dietary plan and medications. Your trusted veterinarian may also recommend the following:

  • High-digestible food with less fiber and fat content.
  • Avoid ingredients you know they are more sensitive.
  • More frequent but smaller feedings.
  • Pharmaceuticals for gas relief for dogs and cats.
  • NHV Probiotic + Prebiotic for an increased population of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract.
  • Encourage exercise as it helps intestinal gases move, preventing them from building up. 
  • Incorporating natural supplements.

In terms of natural supplements for effective gas relief in dogs and cats, our primary recommendation is NHV Plantaeris. This herbal blend offers a natural and gentle solution to address diarrhea and gas. NHV Tumflora is another beneficial option, especially for alleviating symptoms associated with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), a potential contributor to tummy issues and flatulence. Lastly, NHV Yucca has historically been proven to help promote healthy digestion and reduce discomfort or inflammation in the intestinal tract.

Gas relief for dogs and cats is crucial, given the common yet potentially discomforting issue of flatulence. By understanding the causes and recognizing clinical signs, pet owners and veterinarians can collaborate for effective treatment. Reach out to our team of pet experts if your little one is struggling with digestive health and tummy issues. We are here for you!

Dr. Barbara Benitez DVM, MS

Dr. Barbara Benitez DVM, MS

Dr. Barbara is a veterinarian from Brazil with a specialty in pet nutrition. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine in 2006 from the University of Uberaba. In 2010, Dr. Barbara received her Master’s of Science in Pet Nutrition from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. She has over 15 years of experience in research and development in the pet food industry. When Barbara isn’t helping pet parents, you can find her spending time with her family, including her senior dog, Caze.

Published: November 15, 2023

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