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What are The Causes of Paralysis in Pets?

Pet Care Tips 4 mins read

Paralysis in pets is the loss of the ability of one or more body parts to move voluntarily. It can be confused with paresis, which implies that a specific limb may be able to move but not as easily. Conversely, paralysis means there is a complete loss of function or control of a body part....

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A black cat Bella looking up and sitting on a bed with a brown towel under her and a white pillow. She's battling with spinal cancer feeling more comfortable with cat cancer symptoms improved.

Cat Cancer Symptoms: What Helped Beth’s Bella?

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Cat cancer symptoms vary depending on the severity and type of cancer, but they can all be very hard on your little one. Furmom Beth noticed something was off with her sweet girl earlier this year. After a trip to the vet for examination, they were told that Bella had a tumor in her lower five vertebrae. Besides...

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Graphic of two dogs dressed up for Halloween to illustrate a blog that has the signup form for the NHV Halloween Costume Contest for Exclusive Treats and Sneak Peeks

ALERT! SMS Sign-Up for Pet Halloween Costume Contest

Promotions & Giveaways < 1 min read

Halloween is near! When’s a more purrfect time to dress up your little one and get treats? Pawticipate in our Pet Halloween Costume Contest this year to receive an exclusive coupon code! Sign up now to have the limited-time discount sent directly to your phone. Important note: Upon signing up, you’ll get a confirmation. Please...

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Graphic of two dogs dressed up for Halloween to illustrate a blog that explains the rules of NHV Halloween Costume Contest for Exclusive Treats and Sneak Peeks

Pet Halloween Costume Contest – Exclusive Treats & Sneak Peeks

Promotions & Giveaways 2 min read

Join our Halloween Costume Contest and fetch a spooky-good discount for your next order! Let’s kickstart Halloween season by haunting our Instagram page with photos of your not-so-scary furkiddo! Pawticipate, for some good wicked fun as a furmily, and for access to an EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME HALLOWEEN DISCOUNT CODE!  If that’s not skele-fun enough, you will automatically be...

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Photo of a dog with the ears held back and showing their teeth, typical signs of fear aggression in dogs.

Mental Health in Pets: Calming Fear Aggression in Dogs & Cats

Pet Care Tips 4 min read

If you’ve heard of the term fear aggression in dogs and cats, you probably know the importance of mental wellness in your pet’s life. Behavioral concerns in your little one can make coexistence harder, but it can also lead to physical or emotional harm to your beloved pup or kitty. It’s important to remember that...

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Photo of a cat sitting on a chair and looking up to illustrate a blog about metabolic disease in dogs and cats

Healthy Metabolism: Avoiding Metabolic Disease in Dogs & Cats

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

A well-functioning metabolism helps your little one live their best life and helps prevent metabolic disease in dogs and cats. But why is a healthy metabolism such a crucial aspect of pet care? We’ll discuss how this process is vital to our pets’ overall quality of life, health, and longevity. We’ll also delve into common...

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Young male dog walker walking five dogs and may also be Running with Dog along suburban street

Dog Running or Walking: Safety Tips

Pet Care Tips 4 min read

Who doesn’t love to see a dog running free and having fun? But let’s take a closer look at that scene. You’re walking your little one on this beautiful trail, strolling carefree. The very next moment, your pup runs off chasing squirrels, and you’re losing control of the leash. Sounds familiar? Yes, seeing your little one...

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Photo of a person giving a dog something on its mouth on a field covered in red leaves to illustrate a blog about a pumpkin dog treat recipe

Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe for Happy Tummies

Featured Articles 3 min read

Sweater weather is the perfect time to surprise your furkiddo with a new pumpkin dog treat recipe. Incorporating seasonal ingredients like pumpkin, berries, or turkey into your little one’s meal helps ensure freshness and the nutritional variety that can help them grow healthy and strong. Your Pet’s Gastrointestinal Health in the Fall The leaves are...

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A fire pup with an American flag scarf on a leash, walking alongside other firemen.

National Fire Pup Day: 5 Fire Hazard Prevention Tips

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

Did you know that over the years, some fire departments have had the help of a brave fire pup? Back in the days when the fire equipment was horse-drawn, dogs would help clear the way for the fire carriage to pass. Even today, pups play a vital role in search-and-rescue missions! Not to mention the...

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A collage with two photos of fergie, a beagle with rhinitis in dogs outside in the yard

How Did Fergie Overcome Rhinitis in Dogs?

Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min read

It is 1 a.m., and your pet on your lap has been up sneezing because of rhinitis in dogs. What do you do? The story of Charmain’s sweet beagle, Fergie, may help bring you some insights! What is Rhinitis in Dogs? Before getting to know Fergie, we should first understand the health issue she’s been...

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A dog smelling mushrooms in a grassland to illustrate a blog that helps answer the question: can dogs eat mushrooms?

Falling for Fungi: Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms?

Pet Care Tips 4 min read

As we cozy up to fall – the fungi season – you might wonder, “Can dogs eat mushrooms?” We’re afraid there isn’t an easy answer to this question. While many mushrooms, like the ones in our supplements, are safe in the proper dosage, a few can be highly toxic. So, before you and your little...

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