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Inspiring Pet Tails

A cat outside in tall grass and foliage.

Bailey’s Battle – Leukemia in Cats

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Bailey the cat’s tale begins in Tamela’s shed, where he was born. The two grew a strong bond over the years based on mutual trust, and that bond helped them get through one of their scariest trials: leukemia in cats.

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Anemia in Dogs and Primmie’s Amazing Recovery

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

From being saved from the brink of euthanasia to recovering from a serious case of pet anemia, she’s had quite the journey.

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A cat with a plush recovery cone around its neck and a bandage on its arm.

CKD in Cats: Mort’s Story

Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min read

About 50% of cats might get Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). CKD in cats, like for Mort, is manageable with the right tools.

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A kitty with Christmas collar with nasal lymphoma in cats

Nasal Lymphoma in Cats: How Emma Defies The Odds

Featured Articles 3 min read

Nasal lymphoma in cats can be a scary diagnosis, but it doesn’t have to steal hope. Furmom Amy has been doing independent cat rescue for more than 20 years now. When one of her senior kitties, Emma, got nasal lymphoma in cats, she was devastated and worry-sick. Where it all started…(August 2020) Nasal lymphoma is...

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fiv positive cat. A black cat's before (left) and after (right) since taking NHV herbal supplements for his FIV and diabetes. In the left picture, he looks lethargic and his coat is in terrible shape. On the right, he looks much healthier with shiny coat and hair.

FIV Positive Cat: Jackery Binx

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read

An FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) positive cat has a weaker immune system. That’s why they require extra support to avoid secondary infections like upper respiratory infections. Furmom Jeannette has been giving her FIV-positive and diabetic kitty NHV supplements, and since then she’s noticed an amazing transformation! Let’s take a look at exactly what she did...

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white cat with cat gut health issues eating cat food from blue and white bowl with NHV Probiotic and Prebiotic placed by the bowl's side

Building a Strong Cat Gut: Makoa

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Maintaining cat gut health is an integral part of their overall wellness. Our furriends’ intestinal microbiota, or gut flora, form a mini-ecosystem in their digestive tract, working hard to keep their hosts (your little one) healthy in various ways! Here’s what having a balanced “gut ecosystem” does: As you can see, if you don’t maintain...

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lymphoma cat Merkaba's transformational story. Before and after pictures since using NHV Lymphoma Gold Support Kit

Lymphoma Cat: Merkaba’s Story

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Do you have a lymphoma cat? This systematic cancer can appear in many parts of their bodies and often require chemotherapy to treat it. Other treatments besides chemotherapy are surgery and radiation therapy. Vets will decide which treatment option to go for after confirming the location and severity of your little one’s lymphoma. Undeterred by...

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Cancer in dogs: Dandee the white pitbull smiling at the camera with her tongue out and sitting at the backseat of a car.

Dandee’s Tale: Cancer in Dogs

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Talking about cancer in dogs is definitely a difficult topic, yet it is a discussion worth having. Understanding more about it is crucial as, unfortunately, it’s a common condition in our canine friends. According to the Veterinary Cancer Society, one out of every four dogs will experience cancer at some stage in their lives, with...

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A grid of 6 cats taking NHV Mouth Drops for their oral health and cat bad breath

Herbal Oral Care: Cat Bad Breath

Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min read

Does your little one have cat bad breath (halitosis)? It was a typical night, and you were about to hit the sack after a long day. Your kitty, as usual, was peacefully lying on your chest. So, you leaned towards them for a goodnight kiss…and oh! What is that smell? That is not the sweet...

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Supporting Boots's cat kidney disease with NHV Tripsy

Cat Kidney Disease – Meet Boots

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Cat kidney disease, especially chronic kidney disease, requires immediate treatment and support for managing the symptoms and discomfort. We were heartbroken when we heard that Boots here was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. To support her sweet boy, Dr. Maria Zayas, was determined in finding a holistic and natural remedy — that led her to...

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