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NHV Behind The Scenes

A muddy dog stands on top of a fallen log in the forest.

Behind the Scenes: NHV’s Sustainable Practices

NHV Behind The Scenes 4 min read

We are dearly committed to sustainability. In fact, sustainable practices are fundamental for what we do. Without it, we wouldn’t have the amazing biodiversity needed to make our formulas in the first place.

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NHV: Women Leading the Way in Wellness with Compassion and Care

NHV Behind The Scenes 3 min read

From our Founder and CEO Patra De Silva. “My love for animals has always been in my blood, but 5-year-old me would have never thought she would one day own a holistic pet company and have the chance to help pets worldwide alongside other talented and accomplished women.” Origin Story: Path to Patra’s Holistic Pet...

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A dog getting supplements from a dropper with inactive ingredients.

NHV Base Ingredients: From Glycerin to Olive Oil for Dogs & Cats

NHV Behind The Scenes 4 min read

What are inactive ingredients, and why does NHV use olive oil for dogs and cats in their natural supplements? As you clicked on this blog post, this question probably popped into your head. And why wouldn’t it? Learning about the supplements you feed your precious furkiddo, especially the ingredients, shows you are a diligent parent....

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NHV holistic pet store - store front of our boutique

NHV’s New Flagship Pet Boutique in Vancouver

NHV Behind The Scenes 3 min read

EXCITING NEWS – we’ve opened our very first physical boutique in Vancouver! 1574 West 6th Avenue in the bustling south Granvilled location of Vancouver, BC! NHV is taking a leap from the virtual realm to the tangible world. So, what does it mean for our fellow Vancouverites? With these exciting developments, we are elevating our...

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cat lying on a red rug with patterns happily after he took cat and dog probiotics

Benefits of Cat & Dog Probiotics: Beyond the Buzzword

NHV Behind The Scenes 3 min read

As a loving pet parent, you’ve likely come across the terms “cat and dog probiotics and prebiotics.” This buzz-worthy duo is not just pet care jargon. These friendly microbes offer benefits that go beyond a healthy gut, providing a natural way to support our little one’s immune function and overall well-being. Let’s explore how the...

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Photo of NHV's Multicultural Team of Pet Experts.

A Global Company with a Multicultural Team

NHV Behind The Scenes 3 min read

For us at NHV, being a truly international company comes from within, starting with our multicultural team of humans. We usually feature our office pups, and let’s face it, we can’t compete with their adorableness. But today, we’ll talk a little bit about our diverse team of pet experts from all over the globe, of...

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A collage with three photos of four working dogs in the NHV office.

Behind the Scenes: Sharing the Office with our Working Dogs

NHV Behind The Scenes 3 min read

If you follow us on Social Media, you’ve probably met some of our working dogs. As pet parents ourselves, we love the fact that we get to bring our furkiddos to work every day. It feels natural in this field to be surrounded by little ones. It’s unbelievable that in almost 15 years of working...

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Photo of a female holistic vet caring for four different dogs with a smile on her face.

How are holistic vets different from other animal specialists?

NHV Behind The Scenes 3 min read

As a loving pet pawrent looking for natural ways to support your little one’s health, you may be wondering, “what are holistic vets, and how are they different from regular vets?” This alternative veterinary approach can complement the work of animal behaviorists, to vet dentists and oncologists for pets. Our vet team is here to...

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Photos of a wolf dog hybrid and three other pit bull type dogs laying down together in bed.

A day in the life of a wolf dog hybrid and rescued pit bulls

NHV Behind The Scenes 5 min read

What happens when a wolf dog hybrid, a pit bull and even a parrot live under the same roof? In my experience, adopting and rehabilitating pets that demand special care can sometimes seem overwhelming. But patience, training, proper diet and the right supplements can go a long way. It is all worth it when you...

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a nova scotian duck toller is laying down getting hot stones put onto their leg surrounded by flowers and candles, holistic pet supplements

Holistic Pet Supplements: What Are The Different Healing Modalities?

NHV Behind The Scenes 3 min read

Have you ever wondered about holistic pet supplements and different healing modalities in veterinary medicine? As a loving pet parent, you may be searching for a more natural approach to your pet’s wellness. With the rising interest in holistic animal care, you may be asking yourself: “what is the difference between a naturopathic vet and...

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