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Everything You Need to Know About Your Pet's Health

Preparing Your Senior Pet for Winter: Joint Pain & Stiffness

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

As the temperature drops, senior pets may face more than just chilly air and the need for more cuddles. Cold weather can actually worsen joint pain in senior pets and make it harder for them to move around as easily. Conditions like arthritis and general stiffness may become more prominent, especially as pets age, leading...

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Featured Articles

Scoop the Poop: How Pet Waste Affects You & Your Furkid’s Health

Featured Articles 3 min read

We all love our furry (or feathery or scaly) friends. But let’s face it, being a pet parent comes with some less-than-glamorous responsibilities, and scooping your pooch’s poop is definitely at the top of that list. While it might seem like a minor inconvenience, those little piles of pet waste can actually have a significant...

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Calico cat face tongue funny humor on carpet inside indoor house home with hairballs in cats vomit stain and woman owner cleaning rubbing paper towel on floor

Coughs and Whiskers: A Comprehensive Look at Hairballs in Cats

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

Even though hairballs in cats is a natural phenomenon for kitties to experience, it can be concerning to see our little ones gag and retch. This informative guide will help you understand, manage, and potentially minimize these pesky hairballs. What are hairballs? Hairballs in cats are compacted masses of fur that accumulate in your kitty’s...

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dog at vet clinic for heartworm disease in pets exam

Understanding and Preventing Heartworm Disease in Pets

Vet Talks 3 min read

Heartworm disease in pets can be very concerning for pet parents. The invasion of this mosquito-borne parasite can be life-threatening for your little one in severe cases! So it is essential to take steps to protect them from the disease. Understanding the Threat: Causes and Symptoms Heartworms require mosquitos to complete their lifecycle. Infected animals...

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Woman Picking up Her Dog's Poop from Green Grass, Closeup. Irregular stools in pets

Irregular Stools in Pets: Causes and Remedies

Pet Care Tips 4 min read

Oh no, why does my pet’s litter box situation seem…off? Our furriends can’t exactly tell us when their tummy isn’t feeling right. But luckily, they do leave us with some clues: their poop! While scooping duty might not be glamorous, irregular stools, whether diarrhea (loose, watery stools) or constipation (hard, dry stools), can give you...

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Inspiring Pet Tails

How Flower the Dog Overcame a UTI

Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min read

This floofy pup is Lotus Flower, or Flower for short. Isn’t she adorable? We think this name fits her very well because the lotus flower symbolizes strength and resilience, and this special pup showed a lot of strength when she battled and overcame a troublesome Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Because UTIs in dogs can make...

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A rabbit on a rug.

How Moose Went into Remission from Sarcoma

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Even little rabbits can have big stories to tell. Moose definitely has a good one; she became a hero in her story about cancer in rabbits! First, we have to go back to the beginning to a time before Moose was a cancer-fighting brave girl, and her thoughts were only about when dinner time was...

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A large cat on a countertop.

How King Beat Cat Cancer

Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min read

Kingston the cat battled cat cancer - and won! Read to learn how.

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A cat outside in tall grass and foliage.

Bailey’s Battle – Leukemia in Cats

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Bailey the cat’s tale begins in Tamela’s shed, where he was born. The two grew a strong bond over the years based on mutual trust, and that bond helped them get through one of their scariest trials: leukemia in cats.

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Pet Care Tips

Can Dogs Get Colds from Humans? And Vice-versa?

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

Are you feeling under the weather and worried that your little furry friend will catch a cold from you? Or vice versa? Look no further. This article explores how colds in dogs and humans are different, and whether or not you can transmit colds to your fur kiddo. Similarities and Differences between Colds in Dogs...

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A dog with its front paws on a pumpkin.

5 Fun Fall Activities for Dogs

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

With the upcoming holidays, warm drinks, and beautiful colors, it’s easy to see why so many people love the fall! Our pups can sense the change in seasons too and can also enjoy the new sights, sounds, and smells that fall offers. Make the most of the season and create some memories with these fun...

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A paralyzed dog in a dog wheelchair.

What are The Causes of Paralysis in Pets?

Pet Care Tips 4 min read

Paralysis in pets is the loss of the ability of one or more body parts to move voluntarily. It can be confused with paresis, which implies that a specific limb may be able to move but not as easily. Conversely, paralysis means there is a complete loss of function or control of a body part....

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An old dog laying in the grass.

Senior Pets and Brain Health

Pet Care Tips 4 min read

As our pets age, we begin to notice changes in their behavior, energy levels, and even their cognitive function. Just like humans, senior pets can experience cognitive decline, which may lead to confusion, memory loss, and changes in personality. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to support cognitive function in senior pets, helping them...

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Vet Talks

Managing High Liver Enzymes and Large Liver in Pets

Vet Talks 3 min read

The liver is an important organ in both dogs and cats because it helps with digestion, removes toxins from the blood, and stores vital nutrients. Additionally, it processes nutrients, produces bile for digestion, and detoxifies harmful substances – all of which are vital to maintaining general health. Infection, toxins, poor nutrition, and congenital disorders can...

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A kitten biting down on a toothbrush.

Feline & Canine Diabetes and Dental Health: The Connection

Vet Talks 3 min read

Diabetes and dental health in pets is an often unexplored relationship, but because they are related, we should must take care of both.

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A vet holding a puppy and a cat.

Common Blood Disorders in Pets | Causes and Treatment

Vet Talks 3 min read

Understanding blood disorders in pets can make the process of treating them a little less scary. Vet visits and natural supplements can help.

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A scruffy looking cat is sitting down outside.

Hyperthyroidism in Cats: Specialized Diet Strategies

Vet Talks 4 min read

Hyperthyroidism in cats is an endocrine syndrome resulting from abnormal functioning of the thyroid gland.

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