stress & anxiety support

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It’s a regular day in a pet parent’s life. You bring your dog home from the park and just as you are about to remove the collar, eeeeek. You notice a tick crawling behind her neck. You rush to get the anti-tick spray. Zapppp! One shot of the strong chemical-laden spray and the red bugger falls right off as if it’s been shot with a gun. And boy are you relieved. Phew! You start frisking your dog for more ticks. You don’t find any but in any case, spray her all over. Amazing, isn’t it? Well, let’s dig a little deeper.
If it can kill a tick in a zap, it can obviously do harm to your dog too!
Have you thought how powerful this spray must be? If it can kill a tick in a zap, it can obviously do harm to your dog too! There are many such everyday decisions that indeed affect your pet’s health. Getting them dry kibble instead of wet food because it’s convenient to store and give is another such decision. Adding a regular tums tablet to their food when you notice little flatulence. Hey, tums are not for pets! The best route to pets’ everyday problems is one that is safe, gentle, and one that is specially made for them. Suited to your pet’s body and long-term wellbeing. This route will often be natural. 🙂
Since we’ve got things stirred up, let’s not leave you wondering what you’d do in such situations with your pet if it weren’t for these convenient less safe resources. Here’s a list of 10 pet troubles that are common in houses with dogs and cats and a suitable natural solution or remedy that’ll work perfectly well. Well researched, tried, and tested solutions coming from the Pet Experts at NHV.
Home Fix: One or two servings of papaya during the day can help induce healthy pooping in cats and dogs the next day. Pureed pumpkin is fibrous and nutritious, it works for both, pet diarrhea and pet constipation. Adding pet-friendly Omega 3 fish oils also helps maintain healthy digestion and bowel movement.
NHV’s Natural Support: For chronic constipation or constipation that tends to reoccur, we’d suggest adding NHV Maris to your pet’s food. This is a herbal blend that promotes soft stools and helps support good colon health in puppies, kittens as well as adult cats and dogs.
Home Fix: Spray some lavender herb-infused water around the house. Ensure that you get them a lot of activity and tire them out before hitting the bed. Serve them food at least 4 hours before your bedtime. If your dog or cat is showing anxiety try tying this calming wrap around them. It helps make them less anxious. Placing a drop of lavender oil in their bedding also helps induce restful sleep.
NHV’s Natural Support: Is your cat or dog showing signs of stress for a prolonged period? While you deal with whatever is the cause of the stress or anxiety, administer our calming blend to your anxious pet. Matricalm for cats and Lesstress for dogs are two herbal blends that can help reduce stress levels, calm nervous anxiety and make it easier for pets to cope with the stressful situation, whatever it is.
Home Fix: Neem oil and coconut oil are natural disinfectants that can be found easily at a drug store. Place a few drops of each on a cotton pad and pat your pet’s allergy-prone spots with it. You can even dab your pet’s surroundings with this. Finely grind some oatmeal, add a little water to make a paste. Rub this paste on the itchy spot and let it sit for 10 minutes. Use warm water to rinse it. This usually works right away.
NHV’s Natural Support: It is important to understand what is causing the allergies. However, while you figure that out keeping our Ouch Away spray handy will help. Spray it on the itchy spot 2-3 times a day until the itch vanishes. If your dog or cat suffers from environmental allergies, you could help boost their body’s histamine response to allergens by adding some NHV Alge-Ex to their regime. NHV Turmeric can be topically applied to promote external healing of an itchy spot.
Home Fix: The calming wrap we introduced before, also works wonderfully for reducing arthritic discomfort in senior dogs and cats. If you suddenly notice your dog or cat limping then while you wait for your vet’s appointment or your NHV Delivery, add half a cup of Epsom salt to a warm bath. Let your pet soak in this tub for 5-8 minutes, twice a day. If your pet’s fussy about getting into the tub then soak a cloth in this mixture and place on the effected area for 10 minutes, twice a day.
NHV’s Natural Support: NHV Old Timer is great at helping pets with arthritis, osteoarthritis and hip dysplasia. It helps reduce inflammation in hip and joints. NHV Yucca is a great muscle strength support. It also doubles up as a natural discomfort reliever, making it useful for any sprains or fractures too!
Home Fix: First things first, don’t feed them for 10-12 hours. It helps give their tummy some uninterrupted time to heal on its own. After a stretch of no eating, start with yogurt. Plain yogurt is rich in digestive enzymes which makes it a great snack to give to pets with upset tummies. Once you notice your pet getting better, try homemade chicken broth the next. Keep it bland and simple and slowly introduce regular food after 2-3 days of healthy healing.
NHV’s Natural Support: If your pet is suffering from a long bout of tummy upset or gets GI issues frequently, you should get NHV Plantaeris. This is a herbal blend that helps with a host of GI issues, such as diarrhea, stomach infection or flatulence. It helps relieve spasms of the digestive tract in cats and dogs.
Home Fix: Infuse some water with neem oil, witch hazel oil and citronella oil. Spray this water on your pet (keep away from nose and eyes) and their surroundings. Comb for fleas and ticks daily, dip the removed buggers in soapy water or alcohol.
NHV’s Natural Support: NHV Target Spray is an all natural anti tick and anti flea spray. It helps deter ticks, fleas and even mosquitoes, all naturally and safely. Keep this handy in tick prone areas or in houses with multiple pets.
Home Fix: Groom your long haired pets regularly and after brushing them, use a gentle baby wipe to run over their coat and grab any loose fur. Adding some coconut oil to their food helps lubricate their tracts and makes it easier for them to expel hairballs from the mouth.
NHV’s Natural Support: For cats who tend to have frequent hairballs or are experiencing trouble expelling them, hairballs can become quite uncomfortable and harmful. NHV Hairb-Ez helps relieve discomfort, bloating and discomfort and helps them release the hairballs through poop.
Home Fix: In high temperatures or anytime when you notice your pet hasn’t been drinking enough water, try to replace the water in one of the bowls with fresh coconut water. It is rich in electrolytes and will keep them hydrated for longer.
NHV’s Natural Support: There isn’t really a supplement that can help with this one. But NHV Multi Essentials is a herbal multivitamin blend that can enhance the value of the food they eat and provide much needed energy boost to dehydrated or malnourished pets. It also helps in stimulating appetite and improving skin and coat condition.
Home Fix: Dip green tea bags in hot water. Pull them out and place them in the fridge for a few minutes. Dry them by pinching any extra water out and cold compress your pet’s eyes.Do this 2-3 times a day until situation improves.
NHV’s Natural Support: NHV Ey-Eas are herbal eye drops that can be used to ease conjunctivitis, eye allergies, redness, itchiness and watery eyes.
Home Fix: Cranberry has the property to increase urine acidity and hence, reduce infections in the bladder and urethra. Syringe feeding your pet some unsweetened cranberry juice or adding the juice to their food will help reduce infection slightly.
NHV’s Natural Support: NHV Tripsy is a soothing formula that controls infection, has a demulcent effect for urinary calculi, and supports the health of kidneys and bladder. It can help pets with kidney or renal disease and urinary tract infections.
There you go. Common pet health problems can often be tackled at home, but if they are serious and worrisome you should head to a holistic vet and consider taking an approach that includes natural options such as NHV along with any needed pharmaceutical drugs. Our blends are both preventative and therapeutic. They work in conjunction with conventional medicines and also work independently. Read some happy tails of #NHVpets and you’ll know. Do you need any holistic advice for your pet? Contact your NHV Pet Expert right now.
stress & anxiety support
Natural Support for Canine Stress and Anxiety
buy 2 and save $3
3 month supply for a small to medium size pet
Everyone knows what stress feels like, and we all know that too much stress can make us ill—high blood pressure, ulcers and even cancer can result from excessive stress. Like us, dogs can get stressed by numerous factors as well. Help your furkiddo relax into a long and happy life with NHV Lesstress - a natural dog stress support.
Everyone knows what stress feels like, and we all know that too much stress can make us ill—high blood pressure, ulcers and even cancer can result from excessive stress. Like us, dogs can get stressed by numerous factors as well. Help your furkiddo relax into a long and happy life with NHV Lesstress - a natural dog stress support.
Natural Dog Stress Reliever Supplemental Support
With a heightened sense of hearing and smell, small events that seem mundane to us can be terrifying and stressful for your dogs. Sometimes the stress is from the ride to the office, or maybe they are missing their human companions. This all contributes to changes in behavior like excessive panting, drooling, sweaty paws, dilated eyes, pacing, excessively shedding, or just completely shutting down. Some dogs become so stressed that it may lead to fear and aggression.
Other forms of stress in a dog’s life include:
In addition to panting, excessive barking/whining, chewing on themselves, shivering (when it’s not cold), panicked tail wagging, or tense muscles, stress can also cause GI tract issues such as diarrhea or vomiting.
The key to a healthy pup is balance. Too much or too little activity can be harmful, as well as too much or too little socialization. A balanced, clean diet also helps maintain the body and the mind. If your dog is susceptible to stress, you can use calming herbs like those found in NHV Lesstress. This formulation gently acts on the nervous system and immune system to provide a natural dog stress reliever.
How NHV’s Natural Dog Stress Relief Eases Stress and Anxiety
For stressful experiences such as separation anxiety, the loss or addition of a furry friend, special events (eg. fireworks) and illness (stress can cause conditions to worsen), the natural (non-addictive) sedative properties of Lesstress gently relax the nervous system and endocrine system. Ingredients like Chamomile, Passion Flower and Lemon Balm work to calm nerves while ingredients like Reishi, Eleuthero, and Echinacea Angustifolia are very beneficial for helping the body adapt to stress and illness and stimulate healthy immune function.
Help Support Your Dog Naturally
All NHV supplements like Lesstress are 100% natural and created by a holistic veterinarian and a master herbalist, specially formulated for pets. Feel free to contact our veterinary professionals to get more insight into your little one’s health and wellbeing.
Made with the finest, organically grown, or ethically harvested herbs. Made specifically for pets, vet-formulated and vet approved.
Lesstress for Dogs
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
For small animals (rabbits, ferrets), avians and reptiles use 1 drop for every 2 lb of body weight.
How to Administer
Shake well before use.
The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and places the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favourite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not use Lesstress in pregnant or nursing animals.
Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
Natural Dog Stress Reliever Supplemental Support
With a heightened sense of hearing and smell, small events that seem mundane to us can be terrifying and stressful for your dogs. Sometimes the stress is from the ride to the office, or maybe they are missing their human companions. This all contributes to changes in behavior like excessive panting, drooling, sweaty paws, dilated eyes, pacing, excessively shedding, or just completely shutting down. Some dogs become so stressed that it may lead to fear and aggression.
Other forms of stress in a dog’s life include:
In addition to panting, excessive barking/whining, chewing on themselves, shivering (when it’s not cold), panicked tail wagging, or tense muscles, stress can also cause GI tract issues such as diarrhea or vomiting.
The key to a healthy pup is balance. Too much or too little activity can be harmful, as well as too much or too little socialization. A balanced, clean diet also helps maintain the body and the mind. If your dog is susceptible to stress, you can use calming herbs like those found in NHV Lesstress. This formulation gently acts on the nervous system and immune system to provide a natural dog stress reliever.
How NHV’s Natural Dog Stress Relief Eases Stress and Anxiety
For stressful experiences such as separation anxiety, the loss or addition of a furry friend, special events (eg. fireworks) and illness (stress can cause conditions to worsen), the natural (non-addictive) sedative properties of Lesstress gently relax the nervous system and endocrine system. Ingredients like Chamomile, Passion Flower and Lemon Balm work to calm nerves while ingredients like Reishi, Eleuthero, and Echinacea Angustifolia are very beneficial for helping the body adapt to stress and illness and stimulate healthy immune function.
Help Support Your Dog Naturally
All NHV supplements like Lesstress are 100% natural and created by a holistic veterinarian and a master herbalist, specially formulated for pets. Feel free to contact our veterinary professionals to get more insight into your little one’s health and wellbeing.
Made with the finest, organically grown, or ethically harvested herbs. Made specifically for pets, vet-formulated and vet approved.
Lesstress for Dogs
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
For small animals (rabbits, ferrets), avians and reptiles use 1 drop for every 2 lb of body weight.
How to Administer
Shake well before use.
The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and places the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favourite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not use Lesstress in pregnant or nursing animals.
Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
arthritis support
Supports the general well-being of your canine companion
buy 2 and save $3
3 month supply for a small to medium size
Use turmeric for dogs with cancer, arthritis, digestive disorders, and more as a supporting supplement.
Use turmeric for dogs with cancer, arthritis, digestive disorders, and more as a supporting supplement.
All pet parents want their beloved canines to be healthy, and with the tremendous health benefits of turmeric, your dog will be barking for joy in no time. This herb is also used as a spice, and is considered to be a superfood.
The active compound in turmeric is curcumin, which may be beneficial for dogs suffering from the following health issues:
Pet parents who found relief for their canine with NHV’s Turmeric for Dogs also found Milk Thistle and Old Timer supplements to be beneficial.
You can read the story of Captain Morgan, the dog who thinks turmeric is the spice of life after dealing with extreme inflammatory issues.
Epidemiological studies have linked frequent use of turmeric to lower rates of mammary, lung, liver, and colon cancers, and can even help prevent tumors from forming.
At NHV, we offer a vast array of natural support for your pet’s health and wellbeing. If you are unsure of holistic supplements or have questions about them, ask an NHV expert because our primary goal is to help your pet achieve health and vitality naturally.
The active compound in turmeric is curcumin. Studies have shown turmeric to be an excellent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-fungal, antibacterial, anticoagulant, antiseptic, astringent, helps with liver function, bile production and externally for wound healing.
Turmeric for cats is beneficial for arthritic conditions due to the anti-inflammatory properties and is COX2 inhibitors.
You can use turmeric for your cat as a cancer support due to its antioxidant properties.
Use of turmeric extracts in a pets daily diet may help scavenge free radicals, increase antioxidant enzymes, and inhibit lipid peroxidation.
The healing properties of curcumin may also be beneficial for cats with autoimmune diseases, liver disorders ( increases detoxification of the liver) and heart and circulatory support. Turmeric for cats may help lower the bad cholesterol (LDL), and also helps reduce the risk of blood clotting.
Black pepper is well known for cooking, but it comes with a host of beneficial medicinal properties for your cat. Black pepper itself also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-bacterial. It helps to promote digestion, and studies show that it helps protect against oxidative damage by inhibiting free radicals.
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
How to Administer
Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and places the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favorite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications: Do not use Turmeric in pregnant or nursing animals. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
All pet parents want their beloved canines to be healthy, and with the tremendous health benefits of turmeric, your dog will be barking for joy in no time. This herb is also used as a spice, and is considered to be a superfood.
The active compound in turmeric is curcumin, which may be beneficial for dogs suffering from the following health issues:
Pet parents who found relief for their canine with NHV’s Turmeric for Dogs also found Milk Thistle and Old Timer supplements to be beneficial.
You can read the story of Captain Morgan, the dog who thinks turmeric is the spice of life after dealing with extreme inflammatory issues.
Epidemiological studies have linked frequent use of turmeric to lower rates of mammary, lung, liver, and colon cancers, and can even help prevent tumors from forming.
At NHV, we offer a vast array of natural support for your pet’s health and wellbeing. If you are unsure of holistic supplements or have questions about them, ask an NHV expert because our primary goal is to help your pet achieve health and vitality naturally.
The active compound in turmeric is curcumin. Studies have shown turmeric to be an excellent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-fungal, antibacterial, anticoagulant, antiseptic, astringent, helps with liver function, bile production and externally for wound healing.
Turmeric for cats is beneficial for arthritic conditions due to the anti-inflammatory properties and is COX2 inhibitors.
You can use turmeric for your cat as a cancer support due to its antioxidant properties.
Use of turmeric extracts in a pets daily diet may help scavenge free radicals, increase antioxidant enzymes, and inhibit lipid peroxidation.
The healing properties of curcumin may also be beneficial for cats with autoimmune diseases, liver disorders ( increases detoxification of the liver) and heart and circulatory support. Turmeric for cats may help lower the bad cholesterol (LDL), and also helps reduce the risk of blood clotting.
Black pepper is well known for cooking, but it comes with a host of beneficial medicinal properties for your cat. Black pepper itself also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-bacterial. It helps to promote digestion, and studies show that it helps protect against oxidative damage by inhibiting free radicals.
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
How to Administer
Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and places the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favorite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications: Do not use Turmeric in pregnant or nursing animals. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
joint support
Natural dog joint support to alleviate arthritis, muscle, and joint discomfort
buy 2 and save $3
3 month supply for a small to medium size pet
NHV’s Old Timer joint support for dogs provides your canine companion with natural support to help alleviate arthritis, muscle, and joint discomfort. Just one bottle contains a 100 day supply for a small-medium sized dog.
NHV’s Old Timer joint support for dogs provides your canine companion with natural support to help alleviate arthritis, muscle, and joint discomfort. Just one bottle contains a 100 day supply for a small-medium sized dog.
Getting older is never easy, especially for dogs. Arthritis is a degenerative disease that progresses with age. It is a debilitating condition that can lead to impaired mobility and even hip dysplasia in dogs.
Finding the right supplements for older dogs can be a challenge, but NHV’s supplements are safe to be given along with any vet prescribed medications. NHV Old Timer can be given to dogs of any age. In fact, we would recommend starting the Old Timer at mid-age even before severe arthritis develops, as a natural and effective proactive care regimen.
We also have a complete Rejuvenation Kit for arthritis and joint discomfort.
Just because your dog is getting older doesn’t mean playtime is over. Read how Snuku bounces back from arthritis with Old Timer dog joint support supplements.
If you have questions, you can ask an NHV expert because we are here to help give guidance and support so your precious pooch can jump for joy and raise the ruff!
Six potent herbal ingredients will target the entire body to provide dogs support with joints, spleen, lymph nodes, major arteries.
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
How to Administer
Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and places the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favorite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not use Old Timer in pregnant or nursing animals. Should be used in moderation in cases of sensitive digestive tract. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
Getting older is never easy, especially for dogs. Arthritis is a degenerative disease that progresses with age. It is a debilitating condition that can lead to impaired mobility and even hip dysplasia in dogs.
Finding the right supplements for older dogs can be a challenge, but NHV’s supplements are safe to be given along with any vet prescribed medications. NHV Old Timer can be given to dogs of any age. In fact, we would recommend starting the Old Timer at mid-age even before severe arthritis develops, as a natural and effective proactive care regimen.
We also have a complete Rejuvenation Kit for arthritis and joint discomfort.
Just because your dog is getting older doesn’t mean playtime is over. Read how Snuku bounces back from arthritis with Old Timer dog joint support supplements.
If you have questions, you can ask an NHV expert because we are here to help give guidance and support so your precious pooch can jump for joy and raise the ruff!
Six potent herbal ingredients will target the entire body to provide dogs support with joints, spleen, lymph nodes, major arteries.
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
How to Administer
Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and places the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favorite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not use Old Timer in pregnant or nursing animals. Should be used in moderation in cases of sensitive digestive tract. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
Published: September 22, 2017