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Diabetes Super Support Gold

Mellit, Milk Thistle & Yucca

USD $132.85
Diabetes Super Support Gold USD $132.85 Add to Cart

Living with Diabetic Cats & Dogs: Tips and Tricks for Pet Owners

Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 4 min read
A fat dog stands in the grass.

It can be an overwhelming experience to discover that your very own furkiddo has been diagnosed with diabetes, but you are not alone in this journey! NHV is here to provide you with some advice that may help you manage living with a diabetic pet. Our diabetic pet care tips may require some vigilance as routine is important when dealing with this condition, but they should help you feel more at ease and prepared to manage the different facets of this disease.

Diabetic Pet Care Tips for Daily Life

Consistency and structure are important when managing the health of a diabetic pet. As this condition revolves around glucose levels, it is important to develop stability around the factors which can influence blood sugar. We advise creating a schedule for feeding, medication, and exercise.

Consistency and structure are important when managing the health of a diabetic pet.

Veterinarians typically suggest feeding diabetic pets two meals a day, with twelve hours in between. Insulin should be administered after the pet has eaten, ideally an hour after a meal. The insulin dose is specifically based on the activity levels of a pet, so it would need to be appropriately adjusted if their energy requirements are changing every day. Consistent, moderate exercise on a daily basis can help your pet meet this goal.

Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels

Measuring a diabetic pet’s blood sugar is essential for managing their condition and ensuring that they receive the correct insulin dose. Glucose monitor device and test strips can collect and measure blood samples. Warming the area beforehand by rubbing it or using a warm cloth can improve blood flow, allowing for easier sample collection. While this process may be challenging at first, offering positive reinforcement during and after the blood draw can help your pet become more comfortable with this routine.

Although not yet FDA-approved, continuous glucose monitors are emerging as a safe and convenient option for pets, as they reduce the need for frequent blood draws.

Measuring a diabetic pet’s blood sugar is essential

Otherwise, lancing devices can be used to collect blood samples, with the best spots being the ear vein or accessory carpal pad (the pad found on the back of the front limb, where the wrist would be). Warming the area beforehand by rubbing it or using a warm cloth can improve blood flow, allowing for easier sample collection. While this process may be challenging at first, offering positive reinforcement during and after the blood draw can help your pet become more comfortable with this routine.

Recognizing Warning Signs of Blood Sugar Imbalance

As maintaining optimal blood sugar levels is crucial in diabetic pets to avoid an emergency, it is important to become familiar with warning signs of hyperglycemia as well as hypoglycemia. Both of these fluctuations in blood sugar may lead to abnormal behavior, including changes in thirst, urination, appetite, and activity levels. If a diabetic pet is exhibiting such changes, a glucose monitor can come in handy to establish whether there is an imbalance.

A blood sugar imbalance in a diabetic pet can become a medical emergency, so if a pet is exhibiting severe lethargy, vomiting, or losing consciousness, it is crucial to seek veterinary care.

Identifying Low & High Blood Sugar Episodes

In contrast, hypoglycemia, which involves low blood sugar levels, can lead to symptoms of lack of Hyperglycemia is when a pet’s blood sugar levels are too high, and hypoglycemia is when blood sugar levels are too low. The symptoms of hyperglycemia include increased thirst and urination, excessive hunger, and depression. Hyperglycemia can lead to a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis, where glucose levels are so high that they cause a shift in the acid/base balance of the body. This can lead to irregular heart rhythms and muscle function, and can become fatal if left untreated.

In contrast, hypoglycemia, which involves low blood sugar levels, can lead to symptoms of lack of appetite, lethargy, weakness, and vomiting. This may occur if the insulin dose is too high, and more severe signs of this condition can include seizures and coma.

Emergency Preparedness

Parents living with a diabetic pet may feel more comfortable knowing that they are prepared for an emergency. One important care tip that we have for diabetic pets is to develop an emergency plan with your veterinarian, so that you may learn what to expect if a diabetic emergency arises. Some items to have ready to go at any time include:

  • Glucose supplements
  • A carrier or other form of transportation for the pet
  • A care plan
  • Medical history
  • Pet health insurance information

In the case of severe hypoglycemia, pet parents can rub a small amount of glucose solution or corn syrup onto their little one’s gums or under their tongue.

NHV Supplements for Diabetic Pets

Our Diabetes Super Support Gold kit comes with multiple supplements that may be beneficial additions to a care regimen for a diabetic pet. The star of the kit is Mellit which contains herbs that may help to regulate blood sugar levels, as well as balance the metabolism, and support the function of the pancreas which produces natural insulin.

To complement this supplement, we also suggest Milk Thistle for improving kidney and liver function, two organs which can become impaired due to high blood sugar in diabetic pets. Finally, Yucca is a great product for reducing discomfort as it may lower inflammation, thereby supporting a balanced appetite and digestive system.

Diabetic Pet Care Tips from Pet Experts

A diabetes diagnosis may seem overwhelming at first, but the best way to feel more confident about handling your pet’s condition is to create a schedule, familiarize yourself with the warning signs of blood sugar imbalance, and organize preparations in the case of an emergency.

NHV wants to support you supporting your little one. Our products tailored for diabetes can help your furkiddo to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and support the systems of the body impaired or damaged by high blood sugar. We hope you find this information helpful, and our Pet Expert team is always available if you need additional guidance with adjusting to living with a diabetic pet.

Sarah Burr, BSc

Sarah Burr, BSc

Sarah graduated from the University of British Columbia with a BSc. in Applied Animal Biology, and has experience working with a variety of pets in animal shelters and veterinary hospitals. She has received a certificate in animal welfare, and her topics of interest have also included animal behavior and physiology.

Published: August 20, 2024

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