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Lymphoma in Cats and Dogs

Pet Care Tips 4 min read
ymphoma in Cats and Dogs

Lymphoma is one of the most common types of cancer in both cats and dogs. It is generally seen in middle-aged to older cats and dogs. Dog breeds such as Bullmastiffs, Boxers, St. Bernards, and Basset Hounds seem to be at higher risk, as well as cats with the Feline Leukemia Virus. Unfortunately, the cause of lymphoma in cats and dogs is not known, however, studies are investigating several possible causes such as viruses, bacteria, chemical exposure, and exposure to tobacco smoke.

So, what exactly is Lymphoma?

Lymphoma is a group of cancers (there are multiple types of lymphoma) that affect the white blood cells. These white blood cells are called Lymphocytes and they function as part of the immune system to protect the body from infection. Lymphoma usually originates in lymphoid tissues, like that in the lymph nodes (can affect the entire lymphatic system), spleen, and bone marrow, but can occur in any tissue in the body.

What signs should I look for?

Symptoms of Lymphoma in pets can vary depending on the type of lymphoma, location in the body, and the stage of the tumor. Common symptoms across all types can include:

  • Weight loss
  • Poor or lack of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Enlarged lymph nodes around face, neck or backs of legs
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Unusual lumps or bumps

What should I do if I see any of these symptoms?

The first thing that any pet parent will want to do is take their pet to the vet for a complete physical examination to determine the cause of any symptoms seen. If lumps or bumps are found or if Lymphoma is suspected, your vet will perform more specific testing to confirm the diagnosis (biopsy of the tumor, x-rays, bloodwork, ultrasound, etc.).

What is the prognosis for my cat or dog?

Unfortunately, the prognosis is heavily influenced by the type of lymphoma and the tumor stage and will differ from pet to pet. Pets with lower grade lymphomas tend to live longer than those with higher grade lymphomas. Life expectancies of pets receiving treatment can range anywhere from 6 months to 2+ years. If the Lymphoma is left untreated, life expectancy is much lower (4-6 weeks). Other factors that could affect prognosis are the age of the pet, the health of the pet, and stress experienced by the pet.

How is Lymphoma treated?

Since most Lymphomas are not detected until they are stage 3 or higher, vets often recommend chemotherapy, surgery to remove the tumor, and/or radiation therapy. Herbal remedies can provide support for pets with Lymphoma and can be used in conjunction with chemotherapy or without. Your vet may also make dietary changes (e.g high protein, low carb) where appropriate.

What herbal supplements for pets do you recommend?

NHV ES Clear – Helps by detoxifying the vital organs of the body, supports immune function, scavenges free radicals, supports healthy healing, and eases discomfort associated with cancers.

NHV Felimm – Helps by detoxifying the lymphatic system and supports the body fight symptoms of infection.

NHV Tripsy – The renal system (kidneys) plays an important role in bodily functions.  The kidneys help to remove toxins and waste, which helps the body’s immune system fight the cancer cells. Lymphoma can often affect the kidneys, putting stress on the body. Tripsy helps to flush the kidneys and keep them healthy and strong.

NHV Turmeric – Improves antioxidant function to help scavenge free radicals, may help the body destroy mutated cells, and inhibit the growth of certain proteins. Turmeric is also beneficial for overall health.

NHV Milk Thistle – Helps flush and regenerate the liver. Chemotherapy and other drugs can leave behind toxins that can cause liver damage, so it is important to flush these out and help strengthen the liver. Milk Thistle has also shown to have anti-cancer activity against different cancer cells, obstructing the growth of certain cancer cells. Milk Thistle also supports the good antioxidant function.

NHV PetOmega 3 – High levels of omega fatty acids are beneficial for pets’ bodies when fighting lymphoma. Omega 3 also helps reduce inflammation and maintain immune function.

There is so much going on and I am not sure about what I am doing!!

Since pets can’t speak to us, we just have to do our best that we can, given the information that we have.

We get it. It is extremely scary to find out that your beloved fur baby has lymphoma. There is a lot of information to process and decisions can be difficult especially when that sweet face is staring right at you and thinking the whole world of you. Since pets can’t speak to us, we just have to do our best that we can, given the information that we have. Some vets are open to natural or integrative approaches, while others are not and this can make things difficult for pet parents. So, whether you are working with your vet to find a natural or integrative approach, or if you are looking for natural options on your own, we are here to support you and find the best approach for your individual pet.

We are available to provide tailored recommendations about supplements, provide recipes for nutritional support for pets with lymphoma or pets that are not eating well. You can also get a second opinion or additional advice from our lead holistic vet, Dr. Amanda, through our online vet consultations. We want to see your pet live the highest quality of life as much as you do, so please reach out and have a chat with us. Sometimes just talking things over can help remove the fog from the road.

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: February 17, 2017

12 replies

  1. Gabriela Griffin says:

    Hi , I got all of the supplements except NHV Tripsy. I thought Milk thistle would take care with the kidney. My girl’s kidney checked out ok, would you recommend that I get it ?
    Thank you so much for your help.

    1. NHV Natural Pet Products says:

      Hi Gabriela,
      It’s great that you are looking into this! Milk Thistle can help to flush both the liver and the kidneys. If your girl’s kidneys are showing to be in good condition, you may not require the Tripsy, but we would recommend that you keep an eye on them. The kidneys can be put under a lot of stress when a pet in dealing with lymphoma, from the condition itself to the drugs that are often prescribed. They help to remove build up from prescription drugs and other toxins and waste, which helps the body’s immune system fight the cancer cells. If your fur baby’s kidneys start to show signs of stress, or if she is on any pharmaceuticals, we would recommend adding the Tripsy to her routine.

  2. Debra says:

    Hi my boy has lymphoma he’s 12 just found out last week it’s so heart wrenching! The vet has him on prednisone twice a day + he got a B-12 shot, both have seemed to help him somewhat however what do you suggest I put him on? I also ordered life’s gold on a wellness site, still waiting for it to arrive. I don’t know where to get these supplements at any suggestions?

    Thank you please help Socks!!

    1. Hello Debra,

      Thanks so much for leaving a comment on our “Lymphoma in Cats and Dogs” blog post. We were so saddened to hear of your poor boy’s lymphoma. As you had asked about where to get the supplements, we just wanted to let you know that you can buy the supplements directly from our site: . We have recently put a bundle of products together to help support the body when dealing with lymphoma: . These products are fine to use along side the prednisone and the B12.

      When using the products to help address a condition we recommend the therapeutic dosage listed below. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

      Here’s just a little extra info on our supplements:
      Please note that our supplements are all natural and do not contain any preservatives, so they require refrigeration once opened and will last 6 months in the fridge. Please also note that we have 2 dosages for our oral supplements: The maintenance dosage used to maintain health, which is on the bottle (1 drop per 2 lbs of weight, twice per day) and a therapeutic dosage used to address a condition, which is outlined in the table below. We would suggest using the therapeutic dosage when addressing a condition.

      Therapeutic Pet’s Weight Dosage– to be taken two times per day
      0 – 24 lb = 0.5 mL
      25 – 49 lb = 1.0 mL
      50 – 74 lb = 1.5 mL
      Over 75 lb = 2.0 mL

      We would suggest administering the supplements with food or with your furry friend’s favorite treat for convenience. Alternatively, you may wish to administer the product via a syringe or dropper directly into the mouth preferably after feeding so that the product is easier on the digestive system.

  3. Jerri says:

    Our dear Sparky has been diagnosed with lymphoma. He is on prednisone, a mushroom supplement, and your Lymphoma Gold Support. He is doing well, but, his lymph nodes have not shrunk, like they did when he was on a large dose of prednisone. He has a heart murmur. Anything else that I can do for him?

    1. Team NHV says:

      Hello Jerry,

      we are sorry your baby is having a hard time. Sending all the love!

      For Sparky we would also suggest Yucca and Hearty-Heart.
      Yucca contains two very beneficial compounds: Sarsasapegenin and smilagenin. These two compounds work on the mucous membranes of the small intestine helping with the penetration and absorption of minerals and vitamins. Sarsasapogenin and Smilagenin are also known as steroids saponins which act as precursors to corticoids helping with symptom relief related to inflammation, pain, and loss of appetite. Our Yucca is formulated and dosed specifically to be safe for long term use in pets.

      Promotes heart health in dogs, Helps symptoms of heart conditions in dogs, like coughing and difficulty breathing, Helps your dog with energy levels, so they can exercise and play, Boosts blood flow to your dog’s heart, while maintaining the required flow, Helps your dog with restlessness, A natural aid for general circulation issues in your dog, and pulmonary function

      And lots and lots of love.

  4. Valerie says:

    My five-year-old goldendoodle was just diagnosed with GI lymphoma (small cell) and she has pretty much quit eating. What can I do? I’ve tried chicken, baby food, rice with broth, etc. The little she does eat comes right back up as vomit. She is on meds already for diarrhea and appetite stimulation.

    1. Team NHV says:

      Hi Valerie,

      We’re so sorry to learn about your sweetheart’s health. We’d like to do all we can to help you support her health naturally. Our main regimen for gastrointestinal lymphoma is

      1. Felimm may help balance her immune health by detoxifying her lymphatic health. It also helps to support her appetite and energy levels too.

      2. Plantaeris has properties to help support healthier bowel movements and protect the body against the plantaeris symptoms by soothing and relieving spasms of the digestive tract.

      3. Yucca is a super herb that has properties to help encourage the natural production of corticosteroids. It also may help support her appetite and digestion too.

      4. Lastly, Milk Thistle may help to detoxify the toxicities caused by pharmaceutical meds and chemical-laden food from her liver and kidneys naturally and gently.

      Here’s more info on our GI lymphoma regimen

      Do take your time to read through this and feel free to share this with your vet team. We’ll always be here to help support your goldendoodle from afar! Sending lots of love and healing energy to her! ♥

  5. Team NHV says:

    Hi Gail,

    Thank you so much for reaching out to us.

    Your pup is so lucky to have you during this tough time. We can’t begin to imagine how stressed out you and your sweetheart must be, so we want you to know that we’re here for you whenever you need us.

    We chatted with our in-house veterinarian Dr. Amanda for you and she had some suggestions that we think could help your little one:

    First, we would recommend our ES-Clear formulation. This 100% natural supplement is our main cancer support. It can help to encourage detoxification of the vitals, balance the immune system, and can promote a better quality of life. You can click here to learn more about ES-Clear:

    Next, we would suggest our medicinal mushroom blend, Natures Immuno. The mushrooms in this supplement can help to support pups with cancer, balance immune system function, and can help to fight off viral infections. Here’s more information on Natures Immuno for you:

    Lastly, we would recommend our PetOmega 3 supplement. Our Petomega 3 is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fish oils that can help to maintain a good quality of life, balance immune system health, and can support important oranges like the kidneys. Click here for more information on PetOmega 3:

    We know this is a lot of information to take in so please take your time to review everything. Feel free to pass this information on to your trusted vet and please reach out to us should you have any questions whatsoever.

    Sending you and your sweetie all our love and positive vibes.

    Yours in wellness,
    Team NHV

  6. Team NHV says:

    Hi Ela,

    Thank you so much for reaching out to us.

    We’re so sorry to hear that your sweet pup is going through this. We can only imagine how tough and stressful everything must be for both of you. Please know that we’re always here for you, whether you want help or you want to just vent to us.

    We have a few natural recommendations that we think could help to keep your sweetheart as comfortable and as happy as possible.

    First, we suggest our main support for cancer in pets, ES-Clear. The herbs found in this unique formulation can help to promote detoxification, encourage the scavenging of free radicals, reduce inflammation, and can help to improve quality of life.

    Here’s more information on ES-Clear for you:

    Next, we think adding our Yucca extract could benefit your precious little one. Yucca is a powerful superfood that can help to naturally stimulate appetite, reduce discomfort and inflammation, and can help to improve digestion.

    Lastly, as traditional medications can be tough on a pet’s body, specifically the liver and kidneys, we suggest our Milk Thistle supplement. Milk Thistle is a powerful yet gentle supplement that can help to support liver and kidney health and can help to encourage liver regeneration.

    More on Milk Thistle for you here:

    Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can help you in any way. We’re sending you and your furmily so much love and light.

    Yours in wellness,
    Team NHV

  7. Team NHV says:

    Hi Diana,

    Thank you so much for sharing your concerns with us. Your kitty is very lucky to have such a diligent furmom.

    We are terribly sorry to hear that your senior kitty is dealing with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and B-Cell Lymphoma.

    The good news is that the three supplements on our Lymphoma Gold Support kit (Tripsy, ES-Clear, and Felimm) can help with both diagnoses:

    Tripsy is our main kidney support formula, which can help deal with the uncomfortable symptoms of her CKD. It can also help protect her kidney from the undesirable side effects of chemo.

    Whereas ES-Clear and Felimm work together to promote anti-cancer properties, help balance your little one’s immune system, encourage healthy detoxification of the lymphatic system, and much more.

    The good news is all three supplements are safe to be used alongside the vet-prescribed medication. We only ask that you respect a break of at least 30 minutes between the herbal formulas and the pharmaceuticals.

    Please let your vet know that our team of pet experts will gladly answer any questions or concerns about the supplements.

    We are sending your little one lots of love and healing vibes.

    Yours in wellness,
    Team NHV

  8. Julie Liddicoat says:

    Hello. Our beloved dog Cody is 12 and just got diagnosed with lymphoma. He’s on prednisone, panacur, mushroom complex powder, turmeric chews, safflower oil, and about to start milk thistle. We are currently between Vets and trying desperately to figure out what to do for him. Are the meds and supplements I listed ok to give together spaced apart? He is on a high protein, low carb. freeze dried raw diet. I can’t find the information that says it’s ok to mix all these in his treatment.

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