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Lymphoma Gold Support


USD $131.85
Lymphoma Gold Support USD $131.85 Add to Cart

Moose and Multicentric Lymphoma in Dogs

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read
Moose and Multicentric Lymphoma in Dogs

When Wessen, aka Moose, was diagnosed with multicentric lymphoma, the vet said he only had 4 months left to live, even with chemo. More than 15 months later, against all odds, Moose thrives and lives his life to the fullest with his loving furparents and a playful kitty-sister. Talk about a second chance at life!

A Little Sneak-Peek Into Moose’s Life

Moose is a beautiful and energetic Australian Shepherd that loves his plushy Joe Avocado, gets super excited about snow, and likes to twerk his butt for scratchies. A very cheeky boy at that!

Australian Shepherd

Being only 6.5 years old, Moose was still too young to be diagnosed with lymphoma. His pawrents decided to start him on chemotherapy to help him fight for more time to live. They also researched all over the place for what could help with his treatment plan and find proactive support to help him with any side effects from the chemo. Thankfully, their effort paid off as Moose has finished his chemo and has now been in remission for over a year!

We’ve tried to give him as much love as possible and tried to give him a summer to remember because we thought he would slip out of remission by the winter…but it’s been over 1 year and his last vet check said he’s doing better than ever! We’ve been hoping the lymphoma gold would help, and a whole diet change, it’s helped gotten him this far!

No words can describe how it feels to see a furkiddo back to their happy and healthy self again. It is pure bliss and happiness that we can only imagine Moose and his furmily felt when they received his positive results.

What Is Multicentric Lymphoma In Dogs?

Multicentric lymphoma is the most common canine lymphoma that can account for around 80% of cancer cases in dogs. When the cancer of lymphocytes occurs, multiple lymph nodes throughout the body, such as the spleen, liver, and bone marrow, are affected.

What To Look Out For

Many dogs do not have any clinical signs of illness when they are first diagnosed, though you may see a swelling of the lymph nodes visible under their skin. If left untreated, the symptoms can be more severe, such as losing appetite, lack of enthusiasm, weight loss, and excessive urine.

Helping Puppers With Multicentric Lymphoma Naturally

Moose’s pawrents have been helping him to get through chemo with the Lymphoma Gold Support kit (which contains Tripsy, ES-Clear, and Felimm) and Milk Thistle. Together, this gentle and effective herbal regimen helps support Moose naturally and helps increase his quality of life.

Thistle, Tripsy, ES-clear, Felimm

Milk Thistle is a powerful herb that humans have used for thousands of years for its ability to help detoxify the liver and kidneys. It has antioxidant properties that can be beneficial as anti-cancer support.

Tripsy helps support kidneys and urinary tract, which is essential in maintaining Moose’s health and helping to cope with lymphoma.

ES-Clear is our overall cancer support for pets.

ES-Clear is our overall cancer support for pets. It helps support Moose’s body with detoxification and can help scavenge free radicals. It also helps ease symptoms experienced with cancer like lack of energy and appetite.

Felimm helps support Moose’s lymphatic and immune systems. It encourages detoxification of the lymphatic system, helps balance the immune system, and helps with energy levels and appetite.

Knowing Moose is being his quirky and adorable self again brings us so much joy. We wish Moose and his family to have many more exciting adventures together. You can follow their journey on Instagram at @moosemission or Twitter at @MEmoosemission.

No pet parents or furkiddos deserve to go through stress and confusion alone, we are here to help, just like we did for Moose. You can always count on us! Click on the button below to chat with one of our pet experts if you have any questions or concerns regarding your pet’s health.

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Published: August 24, 2021

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