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Turmeric for Cats

Support for Arthritis and Cancer

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NHV Gives Back: Gramps – a senior kitty fighting cancer

NHV Gives Back 2 min read
Gramps cat form @saving.seniors with tumor Natural selfie donations

Thankfully, through the #NHVNaturalselfie donation drive, our amazing Social Media community helped us give back a 100-day supply of some supplements to Gramps – Milk Thistle for his liver, ES-Clear to help his body cope with cancer & Natures Immuno to help keep tumor growth at check.

Gramps is senior kitty fighting cancer who received NHV supplements as donations. He lives with other senior rescues saved from euthanasia by a cat rescue in PA. He has a large mass removed from his stomach and under his arm, he has masses on his body and malignant multi-cell cancer. He is such a brave kitty and we are helping him fight cancer with natural supplements.

We also donated to another senior kitty at the same rescue who is fighting kidney disease. We sent a few extra bottles of Turmeric, knowing that most of the cats at the rescues are seniors, and Turmeric can help them with so much – liver, kidneys, heart, and most importantly, joints!

These kitties are loved and taken care of by @saving.seniors , rescued from the to-be-euthanized list.

Gramps cat form @saving.seniors with tumor Natural selfie donations

Update from his rescue – January 2019: 

At this moment he is still purring and eating, but unfortunately his cancer is in his bones and a new mass has formed. He has a mass under his jawline which will continue to be watched (we do not want it to block his airway). At this moment he is not in any current pain. He still moves fine, just slower.
gramps 2


Learn more about Gramps’ regimen:

NHV Milk Thistle is a natural supplement for liver and kidney support and detox and its antioxidant properties may benefit as anti-cancer support as well.

ES-Clear is a natural cat cancer support and it helps manage the symptoms of feline cancer. It promotes improved quality of life, maintains energy levels, and supports their appetite.

Natures Immuno is a blend of medicinal mushrooms. It helps cats suffering from a variety of health conditions, like feline cancer, chronic infections, liver disorders, compromised immune system, and many more.

Along with natural supplements, it’s also important to provide a well-balanced diet to your kitty fighting cancer. Learn what you should feed your pet with cancer with Dr. Amanda.

Do you know a pet with cancer? Or do you wish to add some preventative support to your pet’s diet? We would love to help you out. Get in touch with an NHV Pet Expert today.

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We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: January 10, 2019

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