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Matricalm for Cats

Natural Help for Stress Reduction, Anxiety Relief, Behavioral Problems, and Aggression in Cats

USD $44.95
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Why Can’t We Be Friends? – How To Help Your Cats Get Along

Pet Care Tips 3 min read
Two cats snuggling together on a bed. How to help your cats get along.

Are your cats no longer getting along? Concerned they may hurt one another? Want to help them get back to their previous loving relationship? There are times when our feline companions, who previously got along, may be displaying aggression toward one another. It can take a lot of trial and error to find out what the solution is, but we are here to help with some starting points on how to help your cats get along.

Before you can properly act as their referee, you need to determine what has caused this recent change in behavior. 

Possible Reasons For Aggression in Cats

Ruling out an underlying medical condition is the initial step.

The underlying cause can stem from two main categories:

  • Medical reasons
  • Behavioral reasons

Medical Reasons

Ruling out an underlying medical condition is the initial step in determining what is going on with your kitties. Various medical conditions can cause a change in mood for one or both of your furbabies. By visiting your local vet, they can rule in or out the following:

  • Neurological disorders (i.e. epilepsy, etc.)
  • Organ disorders (i.e. liver disease, kidney disease, etc.)
  • A decrease in their senses (i.e. poor hearing, sight, etc.)
  • Discomfort-related conditions (i.e. arthritis, UTI, etc.)
  • Endocrine disorders (i.e. hormone imbalances, etc.)

One or more of your kitties could be experiencing an underlying medical condition. If this is the case, they can be lashing out due to the discomfort associated with these conditions. 

If your local vet successfully rules out a medical condition for both of your kitties, then they may indicate the recent change is behavioral in nature. 

Behavioral Reasons

You may want to ask your local vet to refer you to a certified veterinary behaviorist. These specialists, at times, will visit your home to determine if they can pinpoint the underlying reason behind the recent behavioral changes. Some of the main causes for aggression in cats are as follows:

  • Lack of early socialization with their littermates 
  • Overcrowding/lack of space in the household (both vertically and horizontally)
  • Inappropriate, initial introduction of the cats
  • Redirected aggression
  • Play and/or predation
  • Recent changes in their lives (i.e. litter change, food change, etc.)

Our feline friends are very sensitive beings and even the slightest change in their environment can cause them to display unusual behaviors, including aggression toward one another. For example, if you recently added new furniture, changed to a new litter or food, etc. your little ones can be reacting to what they see as a drastic and sudden change.

Two cats sitting away from each other with unhappy looks on their faces.

How To Help Your Cats Get Along

Once you know the ‘why’ you can better approach the referee position!

If your furbabies are not getting along due to one or both having underlying medical conditions, then your local vet will have a treatment plan to best address the medical condition. Other ways to help your furbabies if they have health conditions is by combining a diet that meets their conditional needs, alongside our supplements. Contact our Pet Experts and they will happily guide you on a supplement regimen that will best suit your furbaby’s individual needs.

If your furbabies are displaying behavioral-related aggression toward each other, we would recommend determining what the cause is. Once you know the cause, you can make slight changes to help your furbaby feel more comfortable. So, for example, if your furbabies are acting out due to a lack of space, you can do some spring cleaning and/or declutter their main spaces in the house.

We would also recommend combining these changes with our Matricalm supplement. Matricalm is our unique herbal formula that aids in naturally reducing anxiety, agitation, aggression, and/or excitability. One of the various herbal extracts in Matricalm is Lemon Balm, which has a history of having natural sedative properties that aid in reducing stress and anxiety.

If you want more information about how to help your cats get along again or any other questions you may have, feel free to reach out to our pet experts by using the chat button below!

Vet Assistant Setti

Vet Assistant Setti

Setti completed her Bachelor’s degree in General Sciences with a double major in biology and anthropology from Simon Fraser University in 2017. After struggling with her own dog’s misdiagnosis, Setti found her passion for helping animals and pet parents. She completed the pre-veterinary medicine program at Dalhousie University in Truro, Nova Scotia, in 2018. Setti worked as a Vet Assistant in veterinary clinics for three and a half years before joining the NHV Pet Expert team.

Published: June 9, 2021

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