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What are The Causes of Paralysis in Pets?

Pet Care Tips 4 mins read

Paralysis in pets is the loss of the ability of one or more body parts to move voluntarily. It can be confused with paresis, which implies that a specific limb may be able to move but not as easily. Conversely, paralysis means there is a complete loss of function or control of a body part....

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Arthritis in cats can be a tough condition to watch your little one go through. There are still so many ways to help your furkid with arthritis feel better, though!

How Bianca Conquered Arthritis in Cats

Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min read

Arthritis in cats is a very common condition that can cause a lot of discomfort for a kitty. For furparents, it can be especially hard to watch your sweetheart slow down and show difficulty in doing the things they normally do. If you can relate to this, we want you to know that there are...

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Photo of a golden retriever looking dog being examined by a vet, looking very sad, to illustrate a blog that helps answer to the question can dogs survive cancer?

Can Dogs Survive Cancer? Understanding Life After Diagnosis

Vet Talks 2 min read

If your pup has received the scary diagnosis, you might be wondering, “can dogs survive cancer?” The truth is that life for your little one after the cancer treatment will change. But some dogs are able to bounce back quickly, while others take more time to recover fully. In any case, extra love and care...

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A black and white cat displaying signs of separation anxiety in cats. She is lying down and looking sad.

Back-To-School Season: Signs of Separation Anxiety in Cats to Look Out For

Vet Talks 3 min read

Is your family getting ready for school to start again, and you’re starting to notice signs of separation anxiety in cats in your home? While most of us are familiar with this behavioral issue in our canine companions, have you ever wondered if our feline friends can experience similar emotions? As we prepare to spend...

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Secret Benefits of Turkey Tail Mushroom for Dogs and Cats

Herbs For Pets 3 min read

Ever wondered about the benefits of turkey tail mushroom for dogs and cats? This fascinating fungus is not only beneficial to us, but it also holds the potential to support your little one’s health and well-being. Studies have even shown that this mushroom benefits many types of cancer! That’s why, today, we are giving it...

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a dog and a cat running wild and free on grass after taking cats and dogs joint supplements

When to Start Giving Cats & Dogs Joint Supplements?

Vet Talks 3 min read

The appropriate time to start giving cats and dogs joint supplements can vary due to various factors, including age, breed, and existing mobility issues. However, one thing is certain. Joint health directly impacts a pet’s overall quality of life. So let’s understand how early detection and prevention can contribute significantly to avoiding or slowing the...

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A captivating image of guggul resin pieces kept on a table, showcasing their natural beauty and texture. This image illustrates a blog about benefits of guggul for cats and dogs.

Benefits of Guggul Supplement for Cats & Dogs

Herbs For Pets 2 min read

Have you ever wondered how holistic veterinarians use the benefits of guggul and other herbs to help promote the animal’s overall health and well-being? In this article, we’ll dive into how guggul can contribute to your little one’s proactive support or complement traditional treatment for extra relief. Getting to Know Guggul Commiphora Mukul, commonly known...

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a dog and a cat smiling and hanging out on the grass to illustrate a blog about vital dog and cat organs like liver and kidneys.

You’ve been Ignoring These Dog and Cat Organs!

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

The liver and kidneys are likely among the most underrated dog and cat organs by pet parents. That’s why we want to give them the spotlight they deserve today! The liver and kidneys play vital roles in the body’s detoxification processes, the overall well-being of your furkid, and in keeping everything running smoothly. Let’s understand the importance...

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A golden retriever dog swimming happily in a swimming pool or lake.

6 Tips For a Lake Trip: From First-Aid to Dog Swimming Lessons

Pet Care Tips 4 min read

Envision this: your dog swimming freely in a beautiful glacial lake with a natural backdrop of the mountains. The great outdoors can offer a plethora of enriching experiences for both you and your pet, especially when it comes to lake adventures. However, before you set out on your next escapade, there are some important considerations...

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Photo of a cat looking at a bowl of food to illustrate a blog with senior cat diet tips.

Aging and Senior Cat Diet Tips

Pet Diet & Nutrition 3 min read

If you’ve been lucky enough to watch your feline companion age gracefully over the years, you’ve probably noticed the importance of a specific senior cat diet by now. If not, explore with us the ins and outs of the nutritional needs of your aging cat to help keep them healthy and happy through their golden...

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Healthy pets start with proactive health! Nora uses NHV Milk Thistle and Turmeric to support her overall wellbeing.

Proactive Support Helping Healthy Pets! – Nora’s NHV Review

Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min read

Proactive care helps make having healthy pets easier! We all want our furkids to live longer, healthier, and happier lives, and the best way to do that is by supporting their body every single day. Our furriend Nora’s natural wellness journey has been about that! What Made NHV Special to Nora’s Mom? Nora’s furmom, Jessica,...

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