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What are The Causes of Paralysis in Pets?

Pet Care Tips 4 mins read

Paralysis in pets is the loss of the ability of one or more body parts to move voluntarily. It can be confused with paresis, which implies that a specific limb may be able to move but not as easily. Conversely, paralysis means there is a complete loss of function or control of a body part....

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White cat itching his head as an example of skin issues in pets to talk about ringworm treatment for cats and dogs.

Ringworm treatment for cats and dogs 

Pet Care Tips 4 min read

The saying: “it can get worse before it gets better” is very accurate when it comes to ringworm treatment for cats and dogs. Did you know that ringworm lesions can increase in the first days of treatment? Getting rid of these itchy circular lesions in your little one’s skin can also take time, so don’t...

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amber glass bottle is being poured into a bowl of water with a purple flower floating on the surface. are essential oils safe for dogs and cats

What Essential Oils Are Safe for Dogs and Cats? 

Pet Care Tips 4 min read

If you’ve ever searched ‘what essential oils are safe for dogs and cats?’ this blog is for you. You may be a pet parent who wants to start making natural remedies right at home. We love the enthusiasm! However, remember that what works on us won’t necessarily have the same effects on our pets. Also,...

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Collage with two photos of Boris, a black cat with inflammatory bowel disease in cats. In the first image he is wearing a cone and is inside a crate. On the second picure he is smelling a bottle of Tumflora, a herbal supplement that helps address inflammatory bowel disease in cats naturally.

Addressing inflammatory bowel disease in cats naturally

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Boris had to learn the hard way that inflammatory bowel disease in cats can be a very uncomfortable and stressful condition. This issue, also known as IBD, causes constant inflammation and irritation in your kitty’s gastrointestinal tract (GI). This condition leads not only to damage to your cat’s digestive tract but also to prevent the...

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Avoiding Cat Spraying and Dog Marking

Avoiding Cat Spraying and Dog Marking

Vet Talks 3 min read

Potty training is a great way to avoid pee accidents around the house, but it might not be enough when it comes to cat spraying and dog marking. Most pet parents think that inappropriate urination in kitties and pups is a hormonal response more commonly seen in intact males. Although that is part of the...

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Image of a hand giving a Golden Retriever dog a bowl of raw food for cats and dogs.

Pros & Cons of Raw Food for Cats and Dogs

Pet Diet & Nutrition 7 min read

Clinical studies show that raw food for cats and dogs can help promote a longer and healthier life for your little ones. But recent research also points out concerns about the presence of bacteria in raw meat and how this can affect your furkiddo. So how do you balance out the pros and cons and...

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Andy and the symptoms of collapsed trachea in dogs

How Andy Lives with Symptoms of Collapsed Trachea in Dogs

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read

Andy’s mom learned the hard way that symptoms of collapsed trachea in dogs can creep in on you. This sweet boy started showing very minor signs of coughing at first, so the vet’s result was unclear. But only a year later, Andy was diagnosed with stage 1 collapsed trachea. Despite knowing that tracheal collapse is...

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image of a small cutting board with rosemary sprigs on top. there is also a knife beside the cutting board with more rosemary on top of the knife. rosemary for dogs and cats.

Learn When To Use Rosemary for Dogs and Cats

Herbs For Pets 3 min read

Many kitchens around the world utilize Rosemary for its aromatic properties and health benefits. So you may be wondering if rosemary for dogs and cats is safe. Keep reading to learn more about this powerful plant and its effects on pet health! What is Rosemary? Also known as Rosmarinus officinalis, this aromatic shrub has creeping or upright...

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beagle dog sleeping

How long do dogs sleep? 

Pet Care Tips 4 min read

It is quite common for first-time pet parents to ask themselves “how long do dogs sleep”? This is a valid concern, seeing as too much sleep and lethargy may be a sign that something is wrong. But not enough snooze time can lead to health issues. Know which signs to look out for and how...

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close up shot of a small white colored senior apple head chihuahua. traveling internationally with a dog.

Traveling Internationally With a Dog: Hear Dai Tau Jai’s Story

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

It can be stressful managing symptoms when traveling internationally with a dog, especially a senior pup. But don’t let this get you down! Keep reading to hear about Dai Tau Jai’s amazing re-location journey from Hong Kong to Australia. Meet Dai Tau Jai – “Big Head Boy” in Cantonese Dai Tau Jai is a youthful-looking...

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A black cat playing with cat and dog enrichment toys.

Cat and Dog Enrichment Toys For Active Minds

Vet Talks 3 min read

Keeping your little one’s brain and body active is extremely important, and that’s where cat and dog enrichment toys come in! Mind and environmental enrichment games may help to slow down the symptoms and progression of cognitive dysfunctions, especially in older pets. Increased playtime is a great way to show your love, bond with your...

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