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A holistic cat family who’s been with us since the start of NHV

Inspiring Pet Tails 7 min read
A holistic cat family who’s been with us since the start of NHV

No matter how trying your pet is, you will always love them. Caring for your pet is a great joy.

Meet Adrianne, a cat mom from Illinois.  This cat mom turned to holistic means back in 2013 when she reached out to us for her cat, Eddie. Eddie faced kidney and liver diseases and Adrianne thought that natural supplements would be a great option while he was on his medication.

We recently learned that Adrianne was actually a cat mom to other kitties too – Rascal, Betsy, and Mavis. They all had such interesting stories and unique holistic regimens. We just had to share them with you!

Rascal was found as a kitten at a gas station

Rascal, Betsy, Mavis, Eddie

“Rascal came first, a tiny about 5-week-old stray who was trying to catch insects at a busy Indiana highway gas station where we had stopped to fill up one summer night. We watched as once in a while the small black kitten sat down, looked around as if lost, and pitifully meowed – but instantly recovered when distracted by a passing fly. The station attendant scowled when I asked him if the kitty was his, so I scooped him up, and he slept almost all the way to his new home in Illinois. He had no real use for affection from us (too busy exploring) until he was about 7 years old when he suddenly transformed into the most loving, shy homebody we’ve ever known.”

Rascal is on a comprehensive regimen for his renal disease to help control the nasty symptoms it brings

“Rascal has the renal disease for which he gets Milk Thistle and Tripsy. His digestive system is troubled by constipation, for which he gets Maris, and by hairballs, so he gets Hairb-EZ. His doctor additionally suggested giving him a pinch of Miralax. When his appetite seems to need stimulating, I have also given him Multi-essentials and Yucca, and they help.”

Betsy had been homeless twice


“We adopted our calico, Betsy, from a shelter where she looked hopeful but resigned to only momentary attention from people. She had been a pregnant stray, and she and her kittens all found new homes. But her new home had several children and dogs and the family decided she didn’t fit in, so she was back at the shelter. While her cage was being cleaned, we watched her play, alone in a small room, her happy spirit and love of life apparent regardless of circumstance. For several months after we took her home, this beautiful girl tried to ingratiate herself with anyone who came over–but good food and treats and love finally made her realize she was already home.”

Betsy was using an inhaler for a year before starting NHV Resp Aid

“Betsy seemed to have mild coughing and wheezing episodes when she came to us, and I suspected allergies and perhaps asthma. Her doctor prescribed Flonase inhalant for asthma, which she took for a year, but now she is doing fine on Alge-ex and Resp-aid and occasional Hairb-EZ doses. Her appetite is excellent, she plays often, and is just a happy kitty.”

A photo of a senior Mavis at a local Shelter won Adrianne over

Mavis-Old Cat-Old Timer-Hairb-eze

“Small part-Maine Coon kitty Mavis looked so pleadingly at the camera while I browsed a local shelter that I couldn’t get her out of my mind. It took a month of persistent effort for her adoption before they concluded we were suitable, and I found out probably why from our veterinarian. She had no front teeth; she needed arthritis medicine for terribly painful back legs; X-rays showed a broken and mended (untended) collarbone, and evidence of other injuries; and her coat was dirty, matted, full of tangled tight hairballs, and poop was caught dangling in her back fur. She shrank from human contact, apparently expecting to be punished, and was frightened of our other cats. She is not able to meow audibly (vocal cords?). Things are better: she is getting medicine, supplements and all the food and cream she will take. She is my particular darling and looks quite spectacular now but will still need time to heal.”

Mavis needed all the support she could get to heal her old injuries

“Mavis gets Old Timer, Hairb-EZ, and a monthly shot of  [pharmaceutical]. She is doing wonderfully well, her appetite is very good, and she is getting stronger and more secure all the time. It’s just like watching a flower blossom and it is a joy to watch as it happens.”

Eddie came running towards Adrianne as a kitten one night. He picked his forever home on his own.

Eddie-RenalFailure-KidneyDisease-MilkThistle-Feline-Cat-OldTimer holistic

“We found him one night across the street from our home as I was helping my son deliver our local newspaper. Eddie came running to me from under some bushes and we learned from neighbors that he and his littermates had been abandoned in a vacant lot nearby. Our veterinarian estimated he was about six weeks old and generally in good health. We named him Fast Eddie because he never had time for a lot of affection due to his need to run around and play. (Fast Eddie was the nickname of a legendary Chicago politician who was involved in a number of shady deals.) Later on, in life when he slowed down and grew somewhat plump we dropped the “s” in his first name, but as his kidney disease surfaced and his appetite decreased he became just Eddie.”

Eddie became a part of our #NHVpets family at the age of 14

“He was diagnosed after an ultrasound with renal failure when he was 10. The internist-doctor did not give him much hope for long life (two years at best) and did not offer any suggestions for natural supplements or food. But when I asked about milk thistle, I had been reading up about feline kidney disease, he said it might help him. I found NHV after an online search and immediately started him on it. He took it for the rest of his life along with Multi-essentials and Old Timer, a daily vitamin, a coat and skin supplement, and milk and treats whenever he wanted some.”

“His appetite gradually dwindled in the coming years and we tried to fish, all types of cat food, baby food, anything he would take. His own doctor finally said to give him anything he would eat; all treats if it came to that.”

eddie cat holistic

On a warm October morning, Eddie left his family to be one with angels

“In his last months, he would follow me around constantly and want to be held and fussed over, but when he was let outside and my attention wandered from watching him, he would slip away, and I’d have to go looking for him. Just like old people, he was restless and wanting to go somewhere, especially evenings, and then was very pleased to see me when I’d catch up with him–as if I were the one who had wandered away from him. For some reason on the last day of his life, I decided to keep him with me all day, moving him in his bed from room to room as I cleaned house, and then sitting with him outside in the warm October sunshine for a while. The next morning, I found him cold in his bed, a thin old guy whose cloudy eyes were closed but whose mouth was wide open as if he were trying hard to get a breath, that wouldn’t come. At 20 years of age, his heart and will were still strong.”

“I look at his face whenever my cell phone opens.”

Eddie cat rainbow bridge poem holistic

Adrianne and her kitties are a part of our extended family. Life with cats is filled with lovely memories. They will sneak up on you from hidden corners. They will make you smile with their silly and goofy antics. They will come snuggle on a day you are feeling low. You’ll get them the best toys and cat beds, they’ll find packing paper and a box more interesting. They will smack at all the things that you don’t want them to smack. Their pitter-patter and their collar bells jingling around will fill up your home and your heart. But the last golden days you spend with your cat? They will be the ones that will stay with you forever.

We are lucky to be part of this wonderful family. This holistic cat mom always has things well under control. But whenever she needs some advice, our NHV Pet Experts will always be there.

NHV supported the overall health and extended the life of our senior cat Eddie, an orange tabby, who was diagnosed with kidney disease at 12 years of age. Later on, he had liver disease and developed diabetes which went into remission after about a year of treatment. He continued to enjoy a good quality of life until age 20. He was given these supplements: anyone with NHV’s Milk Thistle daily for kidney disease, Tripsy for liver disease, Mellit for the duration of diabetes, and Old Timer. (In addition, we have two other cats and all get Hairb-EZ twice weekly to prevent hairballs  So I feel extremely lucky to have searched and found your company, and its wonderful products, that allowed Eddie to live to be an old man and beloved pet. I wish more veterinarians, like Eddie’s, believed in natural solutions in addition to professional care to provide their pets with the help they need. Thank you from Eddie and me.

NHV’s formulas have been around for more than twenty years. Since 2013, we have been offering them commercially as NHV Natural Pet Products. Adrianne is one of our first NHV Pet Parents.

Adrianne keeps all her kitties on a holistic regimen to help keep them comfortable and healthy. It makes us happy to be a part of her pets’ routine. All pet parents can reach out to us and put their young and healthy furbabies on a holistic regimen too. Our natural supplements help support your little one’s vitality and create a healthy balance.

Patches my little miracle – a cat mom’s tale of rescue and love

Three Simple Lessons You Learn from Caring for a Cat with Cancer

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: September 11, 2019

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