general wellbeing

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Natural Help for Stress Reduction, Anxiety Relief, Behavioral Problems, and Aggression in Cats
Many kitty parents can relate when it comes to aggression in cats. Those who are experiencing cat aggression can guarantee you that it is no laughing matter. Kitty aggression can become so intolerable, that many pet parents will end up seeking professional guidance regarding the issue.
It is important to remember that this does not have to be a constant problem. It is very possible to treat but requires a lot of patience and time.
There are many reasons why cats behave aggressively and end up scratching and biting owners. Some of these reasons include:
This aggression comes from a kitty’s normal behavior in the wild. A wild cat will naturally prey and hunt. This behavior often ends up being encouraged by pet parents because of rough play as kittens. Adult cats that prey and bite their humans and/or other cats are generally caused by boredom. They build up a lot of extra energy and will naturally begin to pounce and bite their selected “victim”. Some cats will also do this due to territorial behavior. It is good to remember not to rough house your kitten no matter how entertaining it is.
This occurs when your kitty feels threatened or trapped in a situation. Their immediate response is to either fight or run away. Unfortunately, more often than not, kitties will react with the fight response. This type of aggression can result in some pretty bad injuries.
Like in the wild, cats are very territorial animals. Not only does this type of aggression occur in mating cats, but nursing mothers can also be very protective of their kittens. Whether we are kitty parents or not, we have all experienced the terrifying sounds of male cats fighting. Intact cats not only act aggressively, but they can also tend to spray urine everywhere and anywhere they can.
This is generally caused by (and I hate to say it) too much petting and cuddling. We associate these moments as sweet and relaxing but for a lot of kitties, they are extra sensitive. Enjoying a loving and bonding moment with your furbaby can turn into a battlefield. This is because cats become overwhelmed by the constant petting and cuddles or you’ve ended up hitting a sensitive area. In this scenario, most cats will give you a warning sign before acting. When you notice these warning signs, it’s time to take a step back. In this particular situation, do not try to restrain your kitty. Try to shift the focus to something else.
There are many warning signs that cats will display before actually attacking their owners or other cats. Here are some of those signs to watch out for:
Almost like a dog’s behavior, when the ears are back this will indicate that the kitty is feeling nervous, stressed, or irritated. When the ears are flat down, this means that your kitty is feeling aggressive because they are scared.
Cats will often swish the tailback and forth. They could be trying to gauge a certain situation, or they are feeling irritated. A big sign that a cat is feeling threatened or scared, is when they try to make themselves look a lot bigger. The back will become arched, they generally stand sideways, and the tail will be bristled to also appear larger. The shapes that kitties make will really show you what is going on and how they are feeling. If your cat becomes very frightened, they may also keep their tail down and tucked between the legs.
If a cat feels comfortable and happy in its surroundings, it will blink slowly. If the pupils are big and dilated, this means they are stimulated. Cats that are in a playful mood can also have dilated pupils, but it can also indicate fear, excitement, or anger.
In some cases, cat aggression will require a lot of training, perseverance, and maybe even some play therapy. There is no need to panic or become upset in these situations, cats were once wild and predatory animals. They have been domesticated for many, many years but some traits will always remain unless you dedicate the time to solving the problem.
In some cases, cat aggression will require a lot of training, perseverance, and maybe even some play therapy.
Another solution that many pet parents have found to be beneficial, is to use calming solutions. You will find that a lot of veterinary clinics use certain pheromones to calm cats, due to them being in a stressful environment. Pheromones are a type of chemical scent that cats use to interact with one another. Pheromones can at times, help with calming cats. Many pet parents will see results while others see no benefits at all.
One supplement that can help with calming cat aggression, is Matricalm. It contains 5 herbs that can help with reducing anxiety, agitation, and aggressive behavior. This blend contains:
Chamomile – This is an excellent calming agent with antiseptic properties. It can also help against microorganisms.
Passion Flower – This contains alkaloids and flavonoids which are effective and non-addictive sedatives. It helps to create a feeling of relaxation and contains anti-inflammatory properties.
Lemon Balm – It is an aromatic herb that has been used for reducing stress and anxiety.
Valerian – This herb helps to prevent heart palpitations and helps with lowering blood pressure and regulating the nervous system. Valerian can help to improve sleep latency and quality!
Hops – This is a mild sedative. It is often used to treat mood disturbances such as restlessness and anxiety.
We know that aggression in cats can be discouraging, but we are here for you! If you have any questions about Matricalm, or just need to vent, our pet experts are here to help.
general wellbeing
Newly adopted pets are often quite stressed. They have spent time in the shelter, removed from their previous home or even from time roaming the streets. Though they are happy to have found a forever home, all of these changes can be quite stressful and can cause some undesirable behaviors. Matricalm is an all-natural supplement designed to reduce anxiety, stress and undesirable behaviors in pets.
Newly adopted pets can often use nutritional support. Whether they are malnourished from being stray, not eating because of stress in the shelter or just adjusting to their new home, Multi Essentials can help to fill nutritional voids. This all-natural herbal multivitamin that can help to support your pet's health throughout their life.
Stress and anxiety can cause gastrointestinal upset. Plantaeris can help to soothe and relieve spasms of the digestive tract which may cause diarrhea. It works quickly and gently to help promote normal bowel function.
bundle and save with pet expert kits
3 month supply for a small to medium size
Newly adopted pets are often quite stressed. They have spent time in the shelter, removed from their previous home or even from time roaming the streets. This can lead to undesirable behavior and decreased appetite as they adjust to their new home. This blend of supplements can help your new pet's transition into their forever home be as stress-free and seamless as possible.
Newly adopted pets are often quite stressed. They have spent time in the shelter, removed from their previous home or even from time roaming the streets. This can lead to undesirable behavior and decreased appetite as they adjust to their new home. This blend of supplements can help your new pet's transition into their forever home be as stress-free and seamless as possible.
Chamomile – Contains sedative properties.
Passion Flower – An effective, non-addictive sedative.
Lemon Balm – An aromatic herb used for nervous disorders, excitability, and anxiety.
Valerian – Stops heart palpitations, relaxes spasms, relieves discomfort, and regulates the nervous system.
Hops – Eases tension and anxiety in pets.
Alfalfa – Contains high protein levels (50%), vitamins, amino acids, minerals, sugars, and other nutrients.
Oat – Contains gluten, vitamins, and minerals (Ca, P, Mn, Cu, Zn, Fe).
Dandelion– A highly nutritious food that stimulates liver secretions, improves digestion, and stimulates the appetite.
Kelp – Rich in macrominerals (Ca, K, Mg) and trace minerals.
Parsley – Contains protein (up to 22%), vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, K), and minerals (Ca, K, Fe, Mg, P).
Marshmallow – Contains high levels of Ca.
Chickweed – A highly nutritious digestive tonic.
Stinging Nettle – Contains vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
Barberry – Treats inflammation and infections of the urinary tract.
Mullein – Soothes and lubricates tissues.
Bayberry – Contains tannins, resins, and gums that control bacterial infection.
Myrrh – Relieves spasms, inflammation, and digestive discomfort.
Thyme – Improves digestion and relaxes spasms.
Chamomile – Relaxes the digestive system.
Chinese Peony – Reduces inflammation and relaxes spasms.
Ginger – Relieves discomfort and stimulates circulation.
Oregon Grape – Helps relieve indigestion and malabsorption.
To be taken twice daily. (Each supplement) Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
For small animals (rabbits, ferrets), avians and reptiles use 1 drop for every 2 lb of body weight.
Long term use: Feed recommended dosage every other day (1 day on 1 day off). If used in large dosages or over a long period of time it may become irritating to the stomach lining. Some pets may require a larger dosage due to their metabolism. You can safely double the recommended dosage.
How to Administer: Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provided and place the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth. Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favourite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results: Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and well-being of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage: All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications: Do not use Yucca in pregnant or nursing animals. Allowing breaks in feeding helps alleviate the possibility of a irritating effect on the digestive tract. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements. All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
This kit can absolutely help. The supplements were chosen for their support for anxiety.
This kit can help to support anxiety, nutrition and GI troubles. They are all safe to give if your pet has other conditions. Seek veterinary advice if you suspect your pet is unwell
Even if pets are over-all healthy, their bodies can be affected by stress. This kit would be a great way to keep your pet stress free and healthy when brought in to a new home
We recommend using this kit until your new pet happily settles into your home, generally we would expect for about 3 months.
Chamomile – Contains sedative properties.
Passion Flower – An effective, non-addictive sedative.
Lemon Balm – An aromatic herb used for nervous disorders, excitability, and anxiety.
Valerian – Stops heart palpitations, relaxes spasms, relieves discomfort, and regulates the nervous system.
Hops – Eases tension and anxiety in pets.
Alfalfa – Contains high protein levels (50%), vitamins, amino acids, minerals, sugars, and other nutrients.
Oat – Contains gluten, vitamins, and minerals (Ca, P, Mn, Cu, Zn, Fe).
Dandelion– A highly nutritious food that stimulates liver secretions, improves digestion, and stimulates the appetite.
Kelp – Rich in macrominerals (Ca, K, Mg) and trace minerals.
Parsley – Contains protein (up to 22%), vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, K), and minerals (Ca, K, Fe, Mg, P).
Marshmallow – Contains high levels of Ca.
Chickweed – A highly nutritious digestive tonic.
Stinging Nettle – Contains vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
Barberry – Treats inflammation and infections of the urinary tract.
Mullein – Soothes and lubricates tissues.
Bayberry – Contains tannins, resins, and gums that control bacterial infection.
Myrrh – Relieves spasms, inflammation, and digestive discomfort.
Thyme – Improves digestion and relaxes spasms.
Chamomile – Relaxes the digestive system.
Chinese Peony – Reduces inflammation and relaxes spasms.
Ginger – Relieves discomfort and stimulates circulation.
Oregon Grape – Helps relieve indigestion and malabsorption.
To be taken twice daily. (Each supplement) Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
For small animals (rabbits, ferrets), avians and reptiles use 1 drop for every 2 lb of body weight.
Long term use: Feed recommended dosage every other day (1 day on 1 day off). If used in large dosages or over a long period of time it may become irritating to the stomach lining. Some pets may require a larger dosage due to their metabolism. You can safely double the recommended dosage.
How to Administer: Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provided and place the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth. Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favourite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results: Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and well-being of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage: All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications: Do not use Yucca in pregnant or nursing animals. Allowing breaks in feeding helps alleviate the possibility of a irritating effect on the digestive tract. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements. All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
This kit can absolutely help. The supplements were chosen for their support for anxiety.
This kit can help to support anxiety, nutrition and GI troubles. They are all safe to give if your pet has other conditions. Seek veterinary advice if you suspect your pet is unwell
Even if pets are over-all healthy, their bodies can be affected by stress. This kit would be a great way to keep your pet stress free and healthy when brought in to a new home
We recommend using this kit until your new pet happily settles into your home, generally we would expect for about 3 months.
multivitamin support
Herbal Digestive Aid, Energy Booster, and Multivitamin for Cats
buy 2 and save $3
3 month supply for a small to medium size pet
These multivitamins for cats will ensure your kitty (of any age) is getting an extra dose of minerals and vitamins for extra energy, vitality, and health.
These multivitamins for cats will ensure your kitty (of any age) is getting an extra dose of minerals and vitamins for extra energy, vitality, and health.
The health benefits of multivitamins aren’t just for humans. Cats have many of the same nutrient needs as we do, and some need even more than others depending on their age and health.
A multivitamin supplies the vital nutrients your kitty needs to be healthy and to fight off potential health problems. Dr. Cook, DVM, CVA in her blog states that vitamins “help to regulate the body processes, protect the body from environmental toxins, and break down nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats so the body can utilize them”.
The best way to give your cat vitamins and minerals are from whole food sources and not just isolated synthetic vitamins. NHV Multi Essentials contains a powerful blend of alfalfa, oat, dandelion, kelp, parsley, marshmallow, chickweed, stinging nettle, Asian ginseng, yucca and Oregon grape.
Health Benefits of NHV’s Multi-Essentials for Cats
With NHV’s multi vitamins for cats, you get a proprietary blend of all-natural ingredients that are organically grown and contain no artificial additives, preservatives, or coloring. Some of the health benefits include:
Multivitamins for cats will ensure your kitty is getting the proper nutrients that could be lacking due to daily stressors, a poor diet, and environmental toxins.
Signs of Vitamin Deficiency in Your Cat
Kitties Who’ve Benefited from NHV Multi Essentials
NHV multi vitamin for cats has helped thousands of pets around the world. Here are just a few of their stories:
If you have questions regarding holistic support including vitamin supplements for cats, ask an NHV expert because, at NHV, we want your cat to feel clawtastic naturally!
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
How to Administer
Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and places the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favorite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not use Multi Essentials in pregnant or nursing animals. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
The health benefits of multivitamins aren’t just for humans. Cats have many of the same nutrient needs as we do, and some need even more than others depending on their age and health.
A multivitamin supplies the vital nutrients your kitty needs to be healthy and to fight off potential health problems. Dr. Cook, DVM, CVA in her blog states that vitamins “help to regulate the body processes, protect the body from environmental toxins, and break down nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats so the body can utilize them”.
The best way to give your cat vitamins and minerals are from whole food sources and not just isolated synthetic vitamins. NHV Multi Essentials contains a powerful blend of alfalfa, oat, dandelion, kelp, parsley, marshmallow, chickweed, stinging nettle, Asian ginseng, yucca and Oregon grape.
Health Benefits of NHV’s Multi-Essentials for Cats
With NHV’s multi vitamins for cats, you get a proprietary blend of all-natural ingredients that are organically grown and contain no artificial additives, preservatives, or coloring. Some of the health benefits include:
Multivitamins for cats will ensure your kitty is getting the proper nutrients that could be lacking due to daily stressors, a poor diet, and environmental toxins.
Signs of Vitamin Deficiency in Your Cat
Kitties Who’ve Benefited from NHV Multi Essentials
NHV multi vitamin for cats has helped thousands of pets around the world. Here are just a few of their stories:
If you have questions regarding holistic support including vitamin supplements for cats, ask an NHV expert because, at NHV, we want your cat to feel clawtastic naturally!
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
How to Administer
Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and places the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favorite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not use Multi Essentials in pregnant or nursing animals. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
Published: August 18, 2020