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What are The Causes of Paralysis in Pets?

Pet Care Tips 4 mins read

Paralysis in pets is the loss of the ability of one or more body parts to move voluntarily. It can be confused with paresis, which implies that a specific limb may be able to move but not as easily. Conversely, paralysis means there is a complete loss of function or control of a body part....

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Photo of a dog on a leash looking scared to represent a shy dog.

Help Your Shy Dog Gain Confidence

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

A shy dog shows typical tell-tale signs of discomfort and may require attention. Next time you receive a visitor in your home or take your pup to meet a new pet, pay attention to how your little one reacts. If they bark, put their tail between their legs, or hide, they feel insecure, and that...

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Photo of a lilac flower to illustrate Goat's Rue benefits for dogs and cats.

The Secret Goat’s Rue Benefits for Cats & Dogs!

Herbs For Pets 2 min read

Perhaps you haven’t heard of Goat’s Rue benefits before, but the truth is humans have used this herb for centuries as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments. In this blog, we’ll explore how this ingredient can help support animals with diabetes and pancreatitis. History of Galega officinalis It is said that it was...

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Photo of two young cats eating a small dish of wet food to illustrate the importance of kitten and puppy nutrition.

How Can Kitten & Puppy Nutrition Affect Their Development? 

Pet Diet & Nutrition 3 min read

What does it take to build a healthy kitten and puppy nutrition plan? As pet parents, we want to give our furbabies the best possible care from day one! This should include feeding them a healthy and balanced diet that provides all the necessary nutrients to keep them happy and healthy. Here’s why: The Right...

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Photo of a white and caramel colored guinea pig being carried by a kid to illustrate a blog about guinea pig care guide

Guinea Pig Care Guide for a Happy, Healthy Chomper

Pet Care Tips 4 min read

We have put together a guinea pig care guide for all wanting to give their little ones a better and healthier life. If you just adopted a guinea pig and need help caring for them, this is for you. These facts can also interest those who simply want to learn more about these little chompers. Lastly, even...

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Photo of three guinea pigs in different colors to illustrate a blog that talks about different guinea pig diseases.

Caring for Common Guinea Pig Diseases Naturally

Vet Talks 4 min read

Knowing the most common guinea pig diseases and their typical signs can help you be proactive with your little chomper. After all, caring for these adorable rodents requires lots of love and attention to any behavioral changes. Don’t let their size fool you! Typical Signs of Guinea Pig Diseases The guinea pig is a docile...

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Collage with two photos of pet parents inside an airplane with their dogs to illustrate how to fly with a large dog.

Moving Abroad: How to Fly With a Large Dog Internationally?

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Have you ever wondered how to fly with a large dog? Making the decision to move across countries can’t be easy, especially if you bring your big furkiddo along. NHV’s President, Patra de Silva, saw for herself the struggles of traveling with a pup as she shared her knowledge about natural support with pet parents...

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Photo of a gray cat eating from a blue bowl to illustrate what to feed a cat with pancreatitis.

Know What to Feed a Cat With Pancreatitis

Pet Diet & Nutrition 3 min read

Learning what to feed a cat with pancreatitis is critical to managing this uncomfortable condition. That’s because some enzymes produced in the pancreas are responsible for digesting food, and the organ works twice as much when your little one ingests a high-fat diet. So let’s understand how an overworked pancreas can lead to inflammation and...

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Photo of a brown young dog with his tongue sticking out to illustrate a blog about puppy supplements.

Why You Should Consider Puppy Supplements

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

If you’re wondering what to look for in puppy supplements, you’ve come to the right place! When preparing the house for a new furmily member, we do our very best to ensure we have everything to get them started off on the right paw. But what are the puppy essentials when it comes to nutritional...

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white pup with cystitis in dogs celebrating

Cystitis in Dogs: Valaira’s Story with Bladder Infection

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Dealing with insistent bladder cystitis in dogs is challenging. Valaira here suffered from an inflammation of the bladder since she was rescued. It took her furmom several attempts before finding something that helped control her little girl’s frequent urination.  Cystitis is usually caused by bacterial infection, and it causes dogs to urinate much more than...

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Orange cat in hospital after severe cat anemia health scare.

Supporting Cat Anemia Treatment Naturally: Juice’s Victory

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Juice’s journey is an inspiring example on how natural supplements added to your cat anemia treatment can help offer extra support. When we first met our little ginger friend, he was in the middle of a health scare. An anemic cat can quickly become very ill if untreated. Thankfully Juice’s got an amazing family who...

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