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Anemia Super Support Kit

Multi Essentials, Yucca & Turmeric

USD $141.85
Anemia Super Support Kit USD $141.85 Add to Cart

Anemia in Dogs and Primmie’s Amazing Recovery

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Primmie is a happy healthy pup now, but boy does she have a story to tell!

From being saved from the brink of euthanasia to recovering from a serious case of pet anemia, she’s had quite the journey. And while anemia in dogs is something no pet parent wants to have happen to their fur-kiddo, Primmie has a success story thanks to the love and care her pet parent gave her.

Rescued from the Brink

Susan, Primmie’s pet parent, fell in love with this cutie at first sight – although it was not under the best circumstances. In fact, Primmie was scheduled to be euthanized before Susan even met her. This poor fur-baby was dealing with some serious allergies and was potentially going to have surgery for it.

Susan saw a different future for Primmie. She adopted her, totally saving her from the possibility of euthanasia! But she still needed to address her troublesome allergies.

Susan wanted to try a holistic wellness approach, so she made changes to her diet and added natural supplements. Primmie’s allergies improved and no surgery was needed – what an incredible turn around for a pooch that no one but Susan believed in!

To stay on top of her health, Primmie was getting regular blood work. It was then that Primmie was diagnosed with her next challenge: dog anemia.

Primmie, Anemia in Dogs, and an Amazing Recovery

The main symptom of anemia in dogs is lethargy and pale gums, but weight loss, trouble breathing, and bleeding can also show. Once these signs appear, it is time to schedule a vet appointment.

One common indicator for anemia is the Packed Cell Volume (PCV) quantity in the blood. This is the percentage of cells found in the blood, and PCV will be low in pets with anemia, as was the case with Primmie.

Taking up the challenge once more, Susan made an action plan.

I consulted with a Certified Clinical Pet Nutritionist to see if she could help Primmie, she recommended NHV’s Anemia Protocol which she has been on since December 2023, I’m happy to say her PCV is at 36.4% we’re still trying to figure out where the bleed is coming from, thankfully her anemia is regenerative. We love all the NHV products, we also have on hand the Kidney, Lymphoma (as a precaution) and the IBD protocols.

Natural Supplements for Anemia in Dogs

Natural supplements can play a helpful role in combating anemia in dogs by adding nutrients and soothing symptoms. For this, Susan uses the Anemia Super Support Kit, which has three of our anemia-friendly supplements.

Because nutrition can be an underlying cause of anemia, the Anemia Super Support Kit has NHV Multi-Essentials, which can provide nutrients and stimulate metabolism. It’s a liquid, so it can easily be given by mouth or mixed into food. It pairs well with the second supplement in this kit, Yucca, which can stimulate the appetite to ensure pets are eating enough in the first place. Finally, NHV Turmeric has been added as a superfood that can help ease discomfort.

NHV is my go to for all my dogs (4) I’m so grateful your products were recommended to me, they have been lifesavers from her euthanasia date Jan 2023 to still being with us and celebrating 2 more birthdays and many more for sure!

The Role Pet Owners Can Play

Primmie is a rescue dog. She only needed a warm bed and family to love her. She found that much-needed love when Susan became her pet parent. In fact, Susan’s love saved Primmie because she saw a future for that precious pup.

Their story is a reminder that every pet-parent can play a role in their fur-kiddo’s wellness. This means frequent vet check-ups but also the things you can do at home, like learning to recognize when pets are unwell or by changing their lifestyle, diet, or supplement routine.

Curious about supplements for anemia in dogs? Our Pet Experts are happy to help you make your own action plan for your fur-kiddo, and can be reached using the link below!

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: May 29, 2024

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