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Family Works Together to Support Kitty through Lymphoma: Nala’s Story

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read
Family Works Together to Support Kitty through Lymphoma: Nala’s Story

The saying “they save us, we don’t save them” rings especially true in the case of Laura and her two kitties, Nala and Lexie. The tail of this trio is a story that has warmed our hearts. Their story proves that love can conquer anything, as Laura and Lexie (on the right) support Nala (on the left) through her battle with lymphoma.

Nala and Lexie are sniffing flowers outside. Family works together to support kitty through lymphoma.

Supermama Laura reached out to us in May because her baby, Nala, had been diagnosed with small cell lymphoma of the intestines. Nala’s beginning was rough, as she was abandoned and abused by her first owner. Nala escaped her situation by jumping out of a second-story balcony and running away until she was rescued by a nearby neighbor. When Laura met Nala by chance, she knew it was meant to be.

By the time I saw her she was shaved because her hair had been matted, she had flea bites everywhere and she was emaciated. I looked into her big green eyes and thought she might end up being a lot to handle but I can’t leave her here. I couldn’t risk someone taking her home and not being able to deal with any issues she may have from being abused and abandoned. Fortunately, she really didn’t have many, just trust and some anxiety. In neither case was I planning to get a cat. But I don’t believe in coincidences. We were meant to be a family.

Nala and Lexie are Laura’s whole world. Nala is a princess and oversees the whole house and isn’t afraid to throw a tantrum if she’s waiting too long to get her treats. Lexie, on the other hand, is Laura’s playful sidekick who loves to play in her giant playroom and can be found closely watching and caring for her little sister Nala.

Caring For A Pet With Lymphoma

Laura’s kitties are more than pets to her, they are family.

Laura’s kitties are more than pets to her, they are family. That’s why Laura reached out to our pet experts after Nala was diagnosed with lymphoma of the intestines. She was determined to give her baby the best. She wanted to find a way to support Nala by starting her on minimal supplements as she did not want to overwhelm her and was concerned about her being underweight.

When Laura reached out to us, Nala was already tackling kidney disease and was on medications for hypertension on top of her recent lymphoma diagnosis. Her mama wanted to find something to support her kidneys and immune system but would not interfere with her chemo treatments.

Our pet experts recommended the Lymphoma Gold Support Kit, which is designed to directly help support pets’ fight against lymphoma. The Lymphoma Gold Support Kit contains three supplements; ES-Clear, Felimm, and Tripsy.

Tripsy supports the kidneys and helps with the bladder, stones, and urinary infections.

ES-Clear is the main supplement for cancer support. It contains herbs that help reduce tumor growth, purify the blood, and help detoxify vital organs. It also helps support the immune system and improve the quality of life and energy levels of pets battling lymphoma. ES-Clear also helps promote digestion and aids with appetite.

Felimm helps balance the immune system and helps fight against lymphoma.

Our pet experts also suggested Turmeric which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which can have synergistic effects with chemotherapeutic agents. It can increase overall vitality and help to support the body against cancer since studies have linked the frequent use of turmeric to lower rates of certain types of cancers.

Additionally, Laura put Nala on a personalized nutrition plan designed by our vet in-house, Dr. Amanda. Having Nala on a specialized nutrition plan was a key component to her recovery, as it helped ensure that she was getting all the nutrients necessary to remain in optimal health.

We checked in with Laura and Nala a few weeks later and we were overjoyed to hear that:

She is doing AMAZING!!! She is like a brand new cat. She has so much energy…more than she has had for quite a while. Her appetite has been great and she is sassier than ever!

Nala was looking and feeling so much better thanks to the attention and care Laura and Lexie gave her. Laura shared with us that big sister Lexie was very protective and supportive of Nala the entire time she was feeling ill.

Nala the green eyes Diva is looking fierce. Family works together to support kitty through lymphoma.

Lexie watches and protects Nala constantly, even when they are enjoying some supervised fresh air outside. She’s an amazing sister to Nala.

Making Time For All Your Pets

It’s important to make sure your other pets aren’t feeling left out when a furbaby in your care is sick. All pets need lots of love and attention and making time for each pet by playing with them, giving them treats, kisses, and pats, helps them feel loved and cherished. Laura does an amazing job of giving both Nala and Lexie attention and makes time to play with Lexie in her playroom, takes them outside for walks, and is sure to include Lexie in everything that she and Nala do!

Lexie is sitting on the window sill in a large playroom. Family works together to support kitty through lymphoma.

Laura, Nala, and Lexie’s story is an amazing example of loving care, positivity, and support within a family. This trio has overcome so much together, and they continue to tackle challenges head-on and lift each other up! We are so proud of these three and love nothing more than when your furbabies are back to being their beautiful, happy, and sassy selves again.

Gizmo’s Journey: Lymphoma In Cats

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: August 12, 2020

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