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Lesstress for Dogs

Natural Support for Canine Stress and Anxiety

USD $44.95
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Is Your Pet Struggling with the Kids Back to School?

Pet Care Tips 3 min read
A dog in a library reading with a child and woman.

After a summer filled with fun playing with their kid best friends, it can understandably be tough to adjust to a new routine. But don’t worry – there are plenty of ways to help your pet cope with this change and keep their spirits high, including lifestyle changes and natural calming for dogs, cats, and other critters.

Signs Your Pet May Be Struggling with Separation Anxiety

With parents at work, and kids at school and busy with homework, our fur-kiddos may feel lonelier than usual. In some cases, this can result in separation anxiety. If your pet is developing separation anxiety, they may show these behaviors:

  • Chewing furniture
  • Howling or barking
  • Scratching at doors
  • Anxiety before you leave
  • Paw licking or tail biting
  • Peeing inside the house
  • Trembling

To save your furniture and favorite pair of shoes, you can take certain steps to help your furry friend relax while you’re away.

Natural Calming for Dogs and Cats

In extreme cases of separation anxiety, your vet may recommend anti-anxiety meds. However, there are plenty of things we can try to provide natural calming for dogs and cats. And if these lifestyle changes can work, why not try them first? Here are some tips that can help ease your pet’s back-to-school-related anxiety.

1. Feed them before everyone leaves the house – that way they don’t worry they’ll go hungry! By feeding your pet a nutritious diet, their bodies will be able to cope with stress better.

2. Exercise with your pet. While mornings are often quite busy, a quick walk around the neighborhood for dogs or a little play session with your cat can go a long way. Once you’re back home, have a longer walk or play session.

3. Provide enrichment for while they’re gone. Certain toys or treats can provide many hours of happy chewing. Some pets enjoy listening to the radio or watching TV. Apparently, dogs have a preference for reggae music!

4. Providing a nice environment can help. Make sure there is light, fresh air, and fresh water. Try to give them access to a window so that they can watch the world go by while you’re gone. If you are gone for long periods, providing a pee pad for dogs may be necessary.

5. Add a supplement: Lesstress may give your pet the chance to relax while you’re away rather than worry themselves sick. It has herbs like Chamomile, Passion Flower and Lemon Balm, which may calm their nerves. Meanwhile, ingredients like Eleuthero and Reishi may help stimulate the immune system.

Herbs like Chamomile, Passion Flower and Lemon Balm may calm their nerves

6. Leave and return calmly. While we are naturally excited to see our pets when we return, and they are in turn, this ritual can cause a lot of anticipation in pets. Instead, gently say goodbye and greet them rather than encourage them to wear themselves out. But do say goodbye each day!

Happy, Healthy, and Less Stressed

It can be a difficult transition, but with the right support, our fur-kiddos will learn to relax while we’re away rather than worrying themselves sick. If you have any questions about how natural herbs can play a role in their back-to-school routine, our pet experts are here for you and your anxious pet – we’re just a chat away!

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: September 3, 2024

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