skin support

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Winter is just around the corner. The days are getting shorter and before we’ll know it, it’ll be dark at 16:00. With every season come new challenges to keep our pets safe and happy! Their wagging tails and head bonks can be deceptive. It is up to us as pet parents to protect them from the elements.
Raincoats and winter jackets are important to keep our friends warm. What better time to make them look like little furry models! If you have a snowy winter, boots for pets are also encouraged. Roads and sidewalks are often sprinkled with salt and pea gravel. Their pads can become cracked and sore, and there’s also the danger of them licking that nasty salt off to clean themselves. Make sure you clean their feet once indoors. Remove any snow or gravel and dry their feet with a warm towel.
NHV Heal-care ointment is a holistic salve that soothes inflamed paws. Apply to the affected areas 3-4 times daily. You can even rub them along the limbs and the back to bring some relief from winter aches. There’s no harm if your pet ends up licking it, it is all-natural. But it helps to let it sit for a while. Booties or baby socks work really well while the healing process works its magic.
Sore and inflamed joints hurt more around the winter, the body stiffens up and movement is uncomfortable
Just like humans, pets too can feel the cold in their bones. Brrr. Sore and inflamed joints hurt more around the winter, the body stiffens up and movement is uncomfortable. You can help your younger pets by simply including some bone broth in their daily meals. NHV Turmeric is great for pets of all ages. It is anti-cancer, helps reduce inflammation, keeps the vitals healthy and, ensures no damage from the harsh season. For older pets, you might want to also consider getting our herbal blend Old Timer. It helps pets with hip and joint issues and arthritis. For pets with osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, or spondylosis, or for tripawd dogs and cats, we’d recommend getting our Joint Support Kit.
This calming half-wrap is something you can do on your own and it helps soothe them and aids movement in colder temperatures.
It’s that time of year again! Most vet clinics register a high number of cases of ingestion of harmful foods by pets around this time. We recently got a call from a pet mom asking for help with a little dog who had reached up as far as he could and grabbed a bag of raisins and had polished off the whole bag. The caring owner knew that grapes and raisins aren’t good for animals and she rushed him to the ER. He was presented with acute pancreatitis and was gravely ill. It became a critical situation and it was only after he was out of the woods, that we could start helping him with liver detoxification with Milk Thistle. But not all pets are this lucky.
Even the smallest of dogs can climb, jump and sometimes move things around so they can get a better sniff of what is up on the counters and tables. Remember to always push your bags and groceries far away from the edges and put them high up. Our purses or backpacks may contain products that are harmful to pets – medication, chocolate, candies, etc. Lotions, lipsticks, and even those scented pens and crayons can cause diarrhea and tummy upset if digested by our furbabies.
When your pet ingests something that they shouldn’t have, seek medical attention right away! Call your veterinarian and explain exactly what they ingested, when it was ingested, the size of the package, and the contents. This will assist your veterinary team to give you accurate and quick advice. You can also contact your local poison control at in the US, Canada, and the Caribbean. (rates may apply)
Even after seeking medical attention, your furbaby is going to be rather under the weather and it isn’t surprising that they may have diarrhea or excessive bloating and gas. This is where we come in. Milk Thistle helps detoxify the liver and undo the damage that the poisoning may have caused. BK Detox helps cleanse the blood of all impurities and toxins and works towards restoring healthy vitals. Yucca supports appetite loss and digestive issues. It has powerful anti-inflammatory support as well as reduces unpleasant odors in the urine or feces. Plantaeris is a herbal formula that helps maintain normal bowel function and relieves spasms of the digestive tract and reduces discomfort as well. A splendid addition to helping your pet feel like himself again.
While we are talking about our pets ingesting what they shouldn’t, we would love to add the importance of purchasing non-toxic antifreeze. Antifreeze is sweet to taste and our pets like the lick it. Ethylene glycol is the ingredient in antifreeze that makes it lethal and it doesn’t take a significant amount to cause damage. Less than 3 ounces of antifreeze is enough to poison a medium-sized dog. Antifreeze poisoning causes brain, liver, and kidney damage. Immediate attention is crucial.
Give your tires a good kick and give the hood of your car a good couple of knocks before getting in and starting the car. In the cold weather, our furry friends will try and find anywhere warm to cuddle up. The neighborhood cat might be curled up under the hood or laying on top of the tires. Creating some noise will hopefully awake the pet and give them time enough to escape.
With the seasons changing and fall and winter here to stay for a few months, it may bring on allergies for your pets. Allergies can include coughing, sneezing, loss of appetite, congestion, dermatitis (skin infection), and itchy and watery eyes. Stimmune is one of our popular supplements that provides support and boosts the immune system and also helps strengthen the body against infection. In addition to Stimmune, we have a complimenting product called Ouch Away. This is a powerful herbal spray that will assist in healing dry scaly skin.
We’ve put together some of our winter products in a Winter Health Kit for a reduced price to make it easier for pet parents to shop the whole bundle for their pets. If you want the Heal Care ointment, Yucca, and Old Timer together, this kit is for you. Feel free to reach out to one of our Pet Experts whenever you need us.
We’re excited to have a white Christmas in Vancouver this year, we’re excited to see pets in cute jackets in decked-up halls. We’re excited to make snow angels together with our pets. But most of all, we’re excited to help your pets have a safe and happy festive season. We love your pets, naturally!
skin support
All-Natural Dog Paw Pad Ointment & Muscle Aid
buy 2 and save $3
Most dogs love to run and play in the great outdoors, and many pups would be over the moon playing fetch for hours on end. But sometimes, they don't even notice that they are damaging their little toe beans because they are having too much fun! NHV Heal Care is an all-around soothing ointment for dog paw pads, sore muscles and even dry skin on their sweet little noses.
Most dogs love to run and play in the great outdoors, and many pups would be over the moon playing fetch for hours on end. But sometimes, they don't even notice that they are damaging their little toe beans because they are having too much fun! NHV Heal Care is an all-around soothing ointment for dog paw pads, sore muscles and even dry skin on their sweet little noses.
Dog Paw Pad Ointment for Burn Support
Paw pad injuries due to over-exercise are common injuries for active pups, especially on hot summer days. Running back and forth on rough surfaces like concrete, pavement, or gravel may cause tenderness, blisters, burns, and possible peeling in the pad skin. As a rule of thumb, if the surface is too hot to put the back of your hand onto it, then it isn't safe for your little one to be walking on it either. Dog paw pads are pretty tough, but they aren't meant for running on such hard surfaces for long periods of time. Don't feel bad if your fluffy friend has a paw pad injury and you didn’t notice right away because there may not be any symptoms until they are settling down at home later. Just like summer, winter can present some risks as well. It is easy for your pup's paw pads to get dehydrated, dry or cracked with dry, cold weather. The iconic blue/green salt that is sprinkled onto sideways and walkways can definitely cause ouchies in your furkiddo's paws. To avoid paw pad injuries, consider protective accessories like booties or shoes for your furbaby. Shorter walks, limiting time on hot surfaces and using a topical ointment for dog paws are other ways to prevent paw pad injuries.
How NHV’s Dog Paw Ointment Supports Paw Pad Injuries and More
Paw pad injuries can be minor scratches but sometimes the pads are so badly damaged that the surface of the skin begins to blister and peel away from the foot. These injuries can take quite a while to heal and cause a lot of pain and discomfort for your furkiddo. For more severe injuries, vet-prescribed antibiotics may be required. For less severe burns and scrapes, a topical ointment for dog paws like NHV Heal Care can help soothe inflamed skin and help decrease the risk of infection - your pup's paws aren't always the cleanest so they can be at a higher risk for a bacterial or fungal (yeast) infection.
Heal care for dogs contains ingredients like Arnica and St. John's Wort which are beneficial for a variety of issues from burnt paw pads to achy joints. Arnica is known for its ability to help sprains and joint discomfort by dilating blood vessels, increasing circulation to the affected area and enhancing recovery. St. John’s Wort is a cooling herb that has traditionally been used for reducing inflammation and promoting healing from injuries such as burns, bruises, sores, cramps, sprains and discomfort caused by nerve damage.
Promote Healing and Provide Relief with NHV’s Natural Pet Products
It’s great to know that there are ways to support your furkiddo’s health naturally! All NHV products use only the finest organic, wild-crafted ingredients and formulated by the combined efforts of a master herbalist and veterinarian with 50+ years of experience. If you have any questions about paw pad health or need any holistic advice, please get in touch with an NHV pet expert using the button below.
Made with the finest, organically grown, or ethically harvested herbs. Made specifically for pets, vet-formulated and vet approved.
How to Administer
Topical ointment: Clean and dry paw pads. Apply to affected area 3 to 4 times per day until healed. It may be necessary to use booties or wrap the paw with gauze dressing so that your pet does not lick the ointment.
Do not apply on open or bleeding wounds. Heal Care ointment contains arnica which may cause a skin allergy on some very sensitive pet’s. Try the product on a hairless part of the body first to test for sensitivity
Dog Paw Pad Ointment for Burn Support
Paw pad injuries due to over-exercise are common injuries for active pups, especially on hot summer days. Running back and forth on rough surfaces like concrete, pavement, or gravel may cause tenderness, blisters, burns, and possible peeling in the pad skin. As a rule of thumb, if the surface is too hot to put the back of your hand onto it, then it isn't safe for your little one to be walking on it either. Dog paw pads are pretty tough, but they aren't meant for running on such hard surfaces for long periods of time. Don't feel bad if your fluffy friend has a paw pad injury and you didn’t notice right away because there may not be any symptoms until they are settling down at home later. Just like summer, winter can present some risks as well. It is easy for your pup's paw pads to get dehydrated, dry or cracked with dry, cold weather. The iconic blue/green salt that is sprinkled onto sideways and walkways can definitely cause ouchies in your furkiddo's paws. To avoid paw pad injuries, consider protective accessories like booties or shoes for your furbaby. Shorter walks, limiting time on hot surfaces and using a topical ointment for dog paws are other ways to prevent paw pad injuries.
How NHV’s Dog Paw Ointment Supports Paw Pad Injuries and More
Paw pad injuries can be minor scratches but sometimes the pads are so badly damaged that the surface of the skin begins to blister and peel away from the foot. These injuries can take quite a while to heal and cause a lot of pain and discomfort for your furkiddo. For more severe injuries, vet-prescribed antibiotics may be required. For less severe burns and scrapes, a topical ointment for dog paws like NHV Heal Care can help soothe inflamed skin and help decrease the risk of infection - your pup's paws aren't always the cleanest so they can be at a higher risk for a bacterial or fungal (yeast) infection.
Heal care for dogs contains ingredients like Arnica and St. John's Wort which are beneficial for a variety of issues from burnt paw pads to achy joints. Arnica is known for its ability to help sprains and joint discomfort by dilating blood vessels, increasing circulation to the affected area and enhancing recovery. St. John’s Wort is a cooling herb that has traditionally been used for reducing inflammation and promoting healing from injuries such as burns, bruises, sores, cramps, sprains and discomfort caused by nerve damage.
Promote Healing and Provide Relief with NHV’s Natural Pet Products
It’s great to know that there are ways to support your furkiddo’s health naturally! All NHV products use only the finest organic, wild-crafted ingredients and formulated by the combined efforts of a master herbalist and veterinarian with 50+ years of experience. If you have any questions about paw pad health or need any holistic advice, please get in touch with an NHV pet expert using the button below.
Made with the finest, organically grown, or ethically harvested herbs. Made specifically for pets, vet-formulated and vet approved.
How to Administer
Topical ointment: Clean and dry paw pads. Apply to affected area 3 to 4 times per day until healed. It may be necessary to use booties or wrap the paw with gauze dressing so that your pet does not lick the ointment.
Do not apply on open or bleeding wounds. Heal Care ointment contains arnica which may cause a skin allergy on some very sensitive pet’s. Try the product on a hairless part of the body first to test for sensitivity
liver support
Support for liver and kidney detox and cancer support in dogs
3 month supply for a small to medium size pet
These effects help to remove chemicals and toxins that can accumulate in your dog’s system. It is one of the few herbs with no equivalent in conventional medicine.
These effects help to remove chemicals and toxins that can accumulate in your dog’s system. It is one of the few herbs with no equivalent in conventional medicine.
Milk Thistle is a powerful herb that’s been used by humans for thousands of years. The active ingredient, silymarin, has been shown through scientific studies to possess strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and detoxifying properties. It also promotes cellular regeneration and repair.
This supplement by NHV Natural Pet Products uses 100% natural milk thistle to support dogs through liver and kidney conditions in addition to conventional treatment by their veterinarian.
Milk thistle improves kidney function due to the damage from:
The extraordinary antioxidant properties of milk thistle for dog extract acts to:
The scientific name for milk thistle is Silybum Marianum. It’s also referred to as wild artichoke and holy thistle.
Milk thistle for dog liver support can be used in conjunction with conventional treatments and is glycerin based and safe for long-term use. You can read more about the benefits of using milk thistle on Dr. Hillary Cook’s blog.
At NHV, all of our products including milk thistle for dog kidney support are plant-based and make excellent proactive support for many health conditions. If you have questions on milk thistle for dogs or any of our holistic supplements, you can ask an expert at NHV because we put your pet first when it comes to health and healing naturally.
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
How to Administer
Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and places the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favourite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not use Milk Thistle in pregnant or nursing animals. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
Milk Thistle is a powerful herb that’s been used by humans for thousands of years. The active ingredient, silymarin, has been shown through scientific studies to possess strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and detoxifying properties. It also promotes cellular regeneration and repair.
This supplement by NHV Natural Pet Products uses 100% natural milk thistle to support dogs through liver and kidney conditions in addition to conventional treatment by their veterinarian.
Milk thistle improves kidney function due to the damage from:
The extraordinary antioxidant properties of milk thistle for dog extract acts to:
The scientific name for milk thistle is Silybum Marianum. It’s also referred to as wild artichoke and holy thistle.
Milk thistle for dog liver support can be used in conjunction with conventional treatments and is glycerin based and safe for long-term use. You can read more about the benefits of using milk thistle on Dr. Hillary Cook’s blog.
At NHV, all of our products including milk thistle for dog kidney support are plant-based and make excellent proactive support for many health conditions. If you have questions on milk thistle for dogs or any of our holistic supplements, you can ask an expert at NHV because we put your pet first when it comes to health and healing naturally.
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
How to Administer
Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and places the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favourite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not use Milk Thistle in pregnant or nursing animals. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
seasonal support
Old Timer, Yucca & Heal Care Ointment
bundle and save with pet expert kits
3 month supply for a small to medium size
As the winter months sets in, pets—just like people, begin to feel the chill in their bones, and general aches and discomfort may become worse. This bundle of all natural, vet-formulated supplements helps with discomfort, inflammation, joint ache, and energy for pets at any life stage.
As the winter months sets in, pets—just like people, begin to feel the chill in their bones, and general aches and discomfort may become worse. This bundle of all natural, vet-formulated supplements helps with discomfort, inflammation, joint ache, and energy for pets at any life stage.
Old Timer has gentle anti-inflammatory and restorative actions that helps pets with arthritis, musculoskeletal conditions, discomfort management, hip dysplasia.
Yucca extract is a powerful anti-inflammatory, which helps support pets with arthritic conditions or general joint problems.
A blend of arnica, St. John’s wort, in an olive oil and bee’s wax base, Heal Care Ointment helps soothes inflamed muscles and joints.
All NHV natural pet supplements can be used together simultaneously.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
For small animals (rabbits, ferrets), avians and reptiles use 1 drop for every 2 lb of body weight.
How to Administer
Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and places the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favourite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not in pregnant or nursing animals. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
How to Administer
Topical ointment: Clean and dry paw pads. Apply to affected area 3 to 4 times per day until healed. It may be necessary to use booties or wrap the paw with gauze dressing so that your pet does not lick the ointment.
Do not apply on open or bleeding wounds. Heal Care ointment contains arnica which may cause a skin allergy on some very sensitive pet’s. Try the product on a hairless part of the body first to test for sensitivity
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
Yes, absolutely! The Winter Health Kit contains Old Timer, Yucca and Heal Care Ointment, which is great for pets that are suffering from arthritis or joint discomfort – so it’s good for all seasons.
No, it doesn't change your pet's body temperature, but it does help with their aches and discomfort.
Yes, the supplements in this kit can be used for pets at any age. The Old Timer is good for pets suffering from energy loss or inflammation of the joints. Pets at any age can suffer from joint discomfort and inflammation.
It's a bit of difficult question to answer. There are some factors to take into consideration, like the size of your dog, their coat type, and if their acclimatized to the cold weather. We've known some huskies who've decedent from the north, who would rather lounge by a pool on a sunny day than put a toe (or paw) in the snow.
Old Timer has gentle anti-inflammatory and restorative actions that helps pets with arthritis, musculoskeletal conditions, discomfort management, hip dysplasia.
Yucca extract is a powerful anti-inflammatory, which helps support pets with arthritic conditions or general joint problems.
A blend of arnica, St. John’s wort, in an olive oil and bee’s wax base, Heal Care Ointment helps soothes inflamed muscles and joints.
All NHV natural pet supplements can be used together simultaneously.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
For small animals (rabbits, ferrets), avians and reptiles use 1 drop for every 2 lb of body weight.
How to Administer
Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and places the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favourite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not in pregnant or nursing animals. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
How to Administer
Topical ointment: Clean and dry paw pads. Apply to affected area 3 to 4 times per day until healed. It may be necessary to use booties or wrap the paw with gauze dressing so that your pet does not lick the ointment.
Do not apply on open or bleeding wounds. Heal Care ointment contains arnica which may cause a skin allergy on some very sensitive pet’s. Try the product on a hairless part of the body first to test for sensitivity
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
Yes, absolutely! The Winter Health Kit contains Old Timer, Yucca and Heal Care Ointment, which is great for pets that are suffering from arthritis or joint discomfort – so it’s good for all seasons.
No, it doesn't change your pet's body temperature, but it does help with their aches and discomfort.
Yes, the supplements in this kit can be used for pets at any age. The Old Timer is good for pets suffering from energy loss or inflammation of the joints. Pets at any age can suffer from joint discomfort and inflammation.
It's a bit of difficult question to answer. There are some factors to take into consideration, like the size of your dog, their coat type, and if their acclimatized to the cold weather. We've known some huskies who've decedent from the north, who would rather lounge by a pool on a sunny day than put a toe (or paw) in the snow.
Published: November 3, 2017