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Rodent Ulcers in Cats: Don Gato’s Tale

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read
Turmeric NHV cats supplement

This is the tail of a cat named “The Cat”. I mean, a cat named “Don Gato”.

Don Gato (or literally, ‘Mr. Cat’) is a gorgeous yellow tabby with a great family. We were introduced to Don Gato for the first time when they started to introduce a new kitty in the house. At the time, the new kitty was not so happy with Don Gato, so they decided to try NHV Matricalm. It helped both kitties start to get along and even cuddle.

Don Gato on play structure
This remedy did just enough to take the edge off, allowing a more relaxed play interaction that did not automatically become a fight. We are so happy we found this product and will continue to give it to our cat for the foreseeable future.

We wish all stories could be happy, beginning to end, but that is not always the case. In 2019, Don Gato was suffering from rodent ulcers in cats, also called Granuloma Complex, for a little over a year. He also had many urinary issues, which lead to him needing a perineal urethrostomy surgery to remove a urinary blockage during the summer.

The most common site where these lesions appear is in the mouth (upper lips, along gums and palate), and is characterized by uncomfortable ulcers. The most common treatment for rodent ulcers (stomatitis) is steroids, which may or may not clear up the ulcers. Unfortunately for Gato, the medication would help to alleviate the symptoms, but the ulcers would come back after a few months.

rodent ulcer on cat's bottom lip
As expected, the vet gave him a dose of steroids, which did help but did not eliminate the outbreak. Sadly, this came back several months later and again several months after that. Each time we brought him to the vet, he received more steroids. About a month and a half ago, Gato had another outbreak and although this was not as bad as previous outbreaks, we did not want to have him get yet another steroid injection.

We cannot imagine how Gato was feeling, but we are really glad that his family reached out to our vet team for advice. One of our in-house holistic veterinarians, Dr. Aline helped Don Gato’s family through a free 15-minute online video chat.

We reached out to NHV and scheduled one of their 15 min phone consultations. We spoke with Dr. Aline Dias who recommended a course of treatment that included four different remedies. Dr. Dias was so very helpful, empathetic, and very patient with answering all our questions.

Four supplements were suggested by her: Turmeric, Yucca, Felimm, and Natures Immuno. Each of the four supplements helps different issues and combined they act synergistically for well-rounded support.

Yucca contains two very beneficial compounds: Sarsasapegenin and smilagenin. These two compounds are known as steroids saponins which act as precursors to corticoids helping with symptom relief related to inflammation, discomfort, and loss of appetite.

Felimm helps support the immune system, provides support to the body to fight against viral infections. In addition, it encourages detoxification of the lymphatic system, stimulates the appetite, improves energy levels, and helps fight infections.

Natures Immuno is a blend of medicinal mushrooms that have been found to be beneficial for supporting the immune system. Rodent ulcers are considered to be related to an autoimmune response, which makes immune system support very beneficial for this condition.

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and nutritive properties that increase overall vitality. It also helps support a balanced and healthy immune system and provides support for conditions like skin issues, arthritis, and cancer. Turmeric has properties that help reduce discomfort and support the detoxification of the liver and kidneys.

The supplements working all together were a big help to our hero in fighting the ulcers and are also beneficial for the urinary problems Don Gato had in the past.

Much to the family’s surprise, after two and half weeks of taking the NHV supplements, they woke up and noticed Don Gato’s rodent ulcers were starting to improve. And after several weeks, they saw the ulcers drastically reduced. And now they are gone!

This is incredible. We never thought we would find a remedy that did not involve bringing our baby to the vet to get a terrible steroid injection that caused him so much discomfort.

Don Gato is finally getting the happy ending he deserves! Later on, our hero’s family told us some other happy “side effects” that they were seeing in their furbaby.

Now if this was not enough, the other “side effects” were nothing short of a miracle. Gato has a new sense of energy and playfulness that we have not seen since he had his surgery over a year ago. He is playing again, acting crazy like he used to, running around the house, jumping all over the place, and giving us affection that he had not done in a very long time. He appears renewed and rejuvenated.

We were beyond happy with Don Gato’s tale. It is always our pleasure to be able to help furbabies all over.

I honestly cannot explain it, but we will continue with this treatment until the bottles run out and then indefinitely keep him on the Natures Immuno and Felimm per the recommendations from NHV. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you NHV for saving our baby.

And we say, from the bottom of our hearts, we hope Don Gato keeps his young, playful, and healthy soul forever. And if anything happens, we will be here to help this great family and this lovely hero.

Vet Talks: Rodent Ulcers in Cats

NHV Pet Experts

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Published: November 21, 2020

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