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NHV Tails: Scout’s Battle with Lymphoma

NHV Tails: Scout’s Battle with Lymphoma

Inspiring Pet Tails < 1 min read

*Product reviews are solely the experience and opinion of the reviewer. Actual results may vary.

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Sage Is Fighting CLL And SLL Naturally With NHV’s Cancer Detox Kit

Sage Is Fighting CLL And SLL Naturally With NHV’s Cancer Detox Kit

Inspiring Pet Tails 5 min read

Happy tails are more special when there’s a recovery story behind them. Carol shared her cat’s story with us recently, and it’s not an ordinary one. When Sage, her precious 11- year old cat, was diagnosed with CLL/SLL, as pet parents we can all imagine Carol’s horror. Her vets suggested chemo and steroids, which is often the protocol for cats...

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Small dose of NHV ES Clear shows effect in cat with lymphoma

Small dose of NHV ES Clear shows effect in cat with lymphoma

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read

Cancer tales aren’t smooth and easy. They run through ups and downs and our furry children sometimes present various kinds of complications. Meet Brady, a handsome one-eyed Maine Coon coping with lymphoma holistically. Brady’s regime includes our Lymphoma Gold Kit which has three supplements in it. Brady has lately started rejecting his meals with the...

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Beagle With Liver Cancer Surprises Her Oncologist

Beagle With Liver Cancer Surprises Her Oncologist

Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min read

Finding out your furry companion has cancer is one of the hardest things to hear as a pet parent! Puna the sweet little Beagle was diagnosed with liver cancer, after undergoing many treatments of Chemo the cancer was getting more aggressive, her pet parents were told she only had 3-6 months to live ☹  They...

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Natural relief from symptoms of Addison’s disease in dogs

Natural relief from symptoms of Addison’s disease in dogs

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read

Hypoadrenocorticism is also known as Addison’s disease. When the adrenal gland fails to produce adrenal gland hormones, cortisol and aldosterone properly, this can lead to serious consequences. The cause of this disease is for the most part unknown; however, luckily there are ways it can be managed. The adrenal glands are located next to the kidneys...

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Diet and supplements for senior dog Gracie’s heart

Diet and supplements for senior dog Gracie’s heart

Inspiring Pet Tails 5 min read

As our pets age, we find ourselves making more visits to the veterinarian. Just as in people, as they grow older, dogs and cats are susceptible to different ailments. This is where we step in and do our best to improve their quality of life. Meet Gracie. She’s a one-of-a-kind, senior hound dog who lives with her...

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Deaf, Blind and Unstoppable: Trusty’s Story

Deaf, Blind and Unstoppable: Trusty’s Story

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read

Trusty’s amazing mama Julie adopted this beautiful deaf, blind, and unstoppable old soul from a shelter at age 14. Trusty came with an extensive list of health issues, being deaf, blind, and living with a collapsed trachea and bronchial issues. He also lives with a stage 3 Heart Murmur and arthritis… You can say Trusty has been...

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Checking temperature of dog

Vet Talks: How To Recognize If Your Pet Is In Pain

Vet Talks 4 min read

When our pets are in pain, we are in pain. It can be incredibly frustrating when you don’t know what is wrong with your pet and you don’t know how to help. Animals can experience pain even if they cannot identify or communicate it the same way people do. Just like in humans, their pain...

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Reading labels on products

How To Read Labels On Dog And Cat Food

Pet Diet & Nutrition 5 min read

Reading pet food labels seems like an impossible task. And if that is not hard enough, we also must make sure we are the best pet parent possible in all other aspects. Most information is readily available online, like what kind of toys can I give to my pet, or how to play fetch. More...

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New Pet Parent Tips: How to Take Care of a Dog

New Pet Parent Tips: How to Take Care of a Dog

Pet Care Tips 9 min read

Bringing a new dog into your life can feel a lot like bringing home a baby. You have to learn about how to interact with and care for a little one that needs you to guide them. You know what they say, “it takes a village”. That’s why we’re here to help you as much as we...

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