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What are The Causes of Paralysis in Pets?

Pet Care Tips 4 mins read

Paralysis in pets is the loss of the ability of one or more body parts to move voluntarily. It can be confused with paresis, which implies that a specific limb may be able to move but not as easily. Conversely, paralysis means there is a complete loss of function or control of a body part....

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Purr-fectly Natural Remedies for the Top 5 Most Common Cat Ailments

Purr-fectly Natural Remedies for the Top 5 Most Common Cat Ailments

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

As everyone who has experienced the “common cold” discomfort knows, even the most mundane health issues can take a major toll on your body. In an animal, minor health issues can also be difficult to diagnose since your pet cannot use words to explain his or her symptoms. However, if left unchecked, undiagnosed conditions can...

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New Season, Fresh Start: Give Your Pet the Gift of Health with NHV’s New Spring Coupon!

New Season, Fresh Start: Give Your Pet the Gift of Health with NHV’s New Spring Coupon!

Promotions & Giveaways 2 min read

For many of us in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s been a long winter. But thank goodness, very soon the polar vortexes, blizzards, and ice storms will give way to warm breezes, buds on the trees, and an opportunity for a fresh start. With Spring around the corner, the team at NHV Natural Pet Products would...

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Get Your 10% Off Coupon Today! 3 Everyday Natural Pet Products to Keep Your Pet’s Health up to Sniff

Get Your 10% Off Coupon Today! 3 Everyday Natural Pet Products to Keep Your Pet’s Health up to Sniff

Promotions & Giveaways 3 min read

One of our greatest joys at NHV is interacting with our loyal customer base. So many of you have exceptional stories about the ways in which NHV’s natural pet products have improved the everyday health and wellbeing of your pets in profound ways. We love hearing these stories! For this reason, we would like to...

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Cat Personalities: It Does Matter if You’re Black or White

Cat Personalities: It Does Matter if You’re Black or White

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

Unlike books, you can judge a cat by its cover. That’s right: The color of your cat’s fur says a lot about his or her personality. Not only that, but cats of the same coat color will often share a number of character traits between them. Curious if your pet cat fits the bill? Take...

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Fall in Puppy Love at First Sight with the 5 Best Family Dog Breeds

Fall in Puppy Love at First Sight with the 5 Best Family Dog Breeds

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

There’s something very special about adding a dog to your family brood. Children learn responsibility, companionship, and loyalty through interacting with a pet, and few animals exemplify those qualities more than dogs. But finding the perfect canine companion can be tricky. With literally thousands of available, how do you know which one is right for...

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Find the Purr-fect Pet for Your Family with These 6 Cat Breeds

Find the Purr-fect Pet for Your Family with These 6 Cat Breeds

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

Black, brown, grey, orange, tabby, short-hair, long-hair, exotic, local, or just plain cute, there’s a lot of choices out there when it comes to finding the right breed of cat for you. Different breeds come with different temperaments, life expectancies, and maintenance requirements, making research the key to finding a breed that will fit in...

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Easy Safety Tips for Pets! Stay Safe and Happy Holidays From NHV

Easy Safety Tips for Pets! Stay Safe and Happy Holidays From NHV

Pet Care Tips < 1 min read

Happy Holidays! Make sure to keep your pets safe over the Holidays. Do not feed your pets cooked turkey bones. Cooked turkey bones can be dangerous as these bones are sharp and may get lodged in the GI tract, esophagus, or teeth of your pet. You can give your pet skinless white meat as a . The...

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NHV Tails: Shep’s Battle With Dog Cushing’s Disease

NHV Tails: Shep’s Battle With Dog Cushing’s Disease

Inspiring Pet Tails < 1 min read

“Our dog Shep has been on NHV’s Supraglan since September 2011. We decided to use an all-natural approach in treating his instead of the horrible drugs available from the vet. We are so very happy to report that Shep has done so very well on this product. We use it along with the ES-Clear for...

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5 Tips to Kill the Winter Blues and Keep Your Pet Active this Winter

5 Tips to Kill the Winter Blues and Keep Your Pet Active this Winter

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

Gone are the days of ‘walkies’ in the sun and playing fetch in the lake. It’s easy to sit back and lament the loss of the outdoors once the weather turns a bit chillier. But the good news is that with a little extra planning and a dash of creativity, your pet can be equally...

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NHV Tails: Walker’s Dog Allergies and Ear Infections

NHV Tails: Walker’s Dog Allergies and Ear Infections

Inspiring Pet Tails < 1 min read

“This is a Picture of our 165+ pound Lab/Chesapeake dog, his name is Walker, he has a 3-page allergy list and most of them are the items placed in dog food. He had a severe problem with his ears and with skin infections and hair loss. We were spending up to $500.00 a week at...

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