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What are The Causes of Paralysis in Pets?

Pet Care Tips 4 mins read

Paralysis in pets is the loss of the ability of one or more body parts to move voluntarily. It can be confused with paresis, which implies that a specific limb may be able to move but not as easily. Conversely, paralysis means there is a complete loss of function or control of a body part....

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Healthy Skin, Happy Animal: Prepare Your Pet’s Coat for Winter with These Helpful Tips

Healthy Skin, Happy Animal: Prepare Your Pet’s Coat for Winter with These Helpful Tips

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

As the cold weather begins to blow our way, we often see our pets scratching, licking, and chewing their fur a little more than we’d like. Preparing our pets for winter is key to establishing a healthy, conditioned coat to keep your animals as comfortable as possible. The first step to a healthy coat is...

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Milk Thistle – The No. 1 Herbal Remedy for Liver Disease

Milk Thistle – The No. 1 Herbal Remedy for Liver Disease

Herbs For Pets 2 min read

Milk Thistle is one of the most popular herbal remedies for liver disease in humans, it is now also being recognized as an effective remedy for our pets. Liver disease is a common problem in older dogs, this may be due to the increased exposure to toxins in today’s environment, and since the function of...

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NHV Remedies Used by the University of Tennessee

NHV Remedies Used by the University of Tennessee

Clinical Trials & Research 2 min read

NHV received a glowing letter from The University of Tennessee College Of Veterinary Medicine. They have been using NHV remedies as part of their integrative service and have found them to be beneficial for a wide range of cases, from dermatitis to cancer. The number of vets who recommend using herbal remedies is steadily growing. ...

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Cats Find Respite From Hyperthyroidism With Resthyro

Cats Find Respite From Hyperthyroidism With Resthyro

Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min read

Cats who chat might share hunting techniques, ways of manipulating humans, or how to tease dogs. They may even discuss their health and tales of dreaded visits to the vet. If only they could talk to us, but, unfortunately, we have to look out for symptoms and signs of illness to know if our pets...

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Connecting the Symptoms of Cushing’s and Helping Them With Supraglan

Connecting the Symptoms of Cushing’s and Helping Them With Supraglan

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

Sometimes it can be hard to tell if your dog has a serious illness or is just a little under the weather. Some illnesses take a long time to become apparent. Cushing’s disorder is one such illness that has some symptoms that may not be immediately worrying. Cushing’s disease occurs when the adrenal glands produce...

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Cat Diabetes Support

Cat Diabetes Support

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

We have all had a good laugh at the fat cats on the Internet, but the sad truth is these cats are well on the road to type II diabetes, and that is no laughing matter. Traditional cat diabetes treatments rely on insulin injections; however, many cat owners are reluctant to inject their cat once...

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Can You Help Beat Cat Cancer With Natural Remedies?

Can You Help Beat Cat Cancer With Natural Remedies?

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

Would you use a natural cat cancer remedy if your cat was diagnosed with cancer? For all of us who like natural remedies, the good news is you don’t have to choose between natural or conventional methods. The beauty of natural cat cancer support is that it can be used in conjunction with conventional treatments to help...

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Good News for Dogs With Heart Disease – A Healthy Heart is a Healthy Heart

Good News for Dogs With Heart Disease – A Healthy Heart is a Healthy Heart

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

America’s Heart Association has a message for all dog owners, “owning a dog may prevent heart disease.” So, what are we doing to help our dogs with heart disease? have either an acquired condition or a congenital condition. Congenital means it is a condition present at birth and can be genetically passed down from the...

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Dog Adrenal Gland Disorder – Prevention is Better than Cure

Dog Adrenal Gland Disorder – Prevention is Better than Cure

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

Adrenal gland disorders in dogs may be hard to detect in the beginning stages of development. Your dog might have gained a little weight, be a little lethargic, or have slight changes in behavior, none of these symptoms seem serious but if left untreated it can lead to a more severe problem. Two of the...

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Healthy Pets + Healthy Humans = Healthy Planet – It’s a Natural Relationship

Healthy Pets + Healthy Humans = Healthy Planet – It’s a Natural Relationship

Pet Care Tips < 1 min read

NHV is all about keeping pets healthy with natural remedies, but we should also recognize that keeping a pet is a natural health remedy for humans. Research has shown that pets are good for your health. They lower blood pressure, help combat depression, and encourage exercise – Walkies! They even do Doga with us –...

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