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What are The Causes of Paralysis in Pets?

Pet Care Tips 4 mins read

Paralysis in pets is the loss of the ability of one or more body parts to move voluntarily. It can be confused with paresis, which implies that a specific limb may be able to move but not as easily. Conversely, paralysis means there is a complete loss of function or control of a body part....

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Our 20 Year Old Dog and Her Remarkable Life as a Survivor – Lady’s Story

Our 20 Year Old Dog and Her Remarkable Life as a Survivor – Lady’s Story

NHV Behind The Scenes 2 min read

*The other day I was thinking about all you wonderful pet parents and all the stories you share with us about your furry loved ones, about their struggles and their successes. I realized I too wanted to share the story of my Lady. Lady is a rescued street dog from Sri Lanka. Lady is also...

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NHV Tails: Bayou’s Breathing Difficulties

NHV Tails: Bayou’s Breathing Difficulties

Inspiring Pet Tails < 1 min read

Meet Bayou! The owner of this adorable 2-year-old cat, Sophie reached out to us for help in treating his chronic . He suffers from this condition since he was a kitten which causes him to have difficulty breathing. Bayou also suffers from food allergies and regular larynx spasms. Sophie, who studied animal care tried everything...

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Winter Walks, Protecting our Dog’s Paws

Winter Walks, Protecting our Dog’s Paws

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

Winter can be ruthless on our dog’s paws, from the cold snow to the de-icing chemicals on the ground. Thankfully, there are some ways that we can keep our dogs safe during these cold winter months. Before heading out on your winter adventures, make sure your dog’s paw pads are ready for the harsh winter...

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New Year, Improved Health for your Pet

New Year, Improved Health for your Pet

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

Happy New Year! With all our New Year resolutions ready to go, consider setting some goals for your furry friends too! There are always things we can work toward to improve the happiness and health for your pet, and what better time than a fresh year to work toward these goals. Here is my list...

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Letter from Dr. Donna Raditic

Letter from Dr. Donna Raditic

Clinical Trials & Research 3 min read

To the NHV Family the future sparkles….. I spent this weekend teaching veterinary students about nutrition, supplements, botanicals, and how to think outside the box.  By my side was the first Integrative Medicine Fellow, Dr. Danielle Conway, who lectured on pet diets and ecological sustainability. During these lectures, it confirmed my belief that students are eager...

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Keeping Your Aging Dog Youthful

Keeping Your Aging Dog Youthful

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

We all love to think of our dogs as the energetic little puppies we first brought home. But like us, our pups continue to age whether we like it or not, with veterinarians saying that most dogs begin to show the symptoms of old age near 7 years old. Many signs of aging for your...

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Fluffy's Cancer Scare

NHV Tails: Fluffy’s Cancer Scare

Inspiring Pet Tails < 1 min read

Meet Fluffy! This adorable cat’s owner Andrew reached out to us after a cancer scare. Veterinarians found a mass in Fluffy’s intestines during a recent visit. After going through a biopsy, we are happy to report the mass is not malignant! Looking for a way to boost Fluffy’s health, Andrew reached out to the ....

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NHV Tails: Suki’s Battle With Cancer

NHV Tails: Suki’s Battle With Cancer

Inspiring Pet Tails < 1 min read

We love receiving letters from all of you about how NHV Natural Pet Products have played a role in the lives of your pet. Here is one touching story sent to us by Juliana about her cat Suki: We are honored that Juliana chose to share her story with us and that our products gave...

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Happy dog - I eat pillows

How to Keep Your Dog Happy and Your Things From Being Eaten – Separation Anxiety

Pet Care Tips < 1 min read

As the kids head back to school and the adults are at work, many dogs may begin to show signs of separation anxiety. While home alone, some dogs will show their love for you by barking, eating your favorite piece of furniture, and peeing on the carpet. Not exactly how you wish they would display...

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Natural Support for Cat and Dog Urinary System Disorders

Natural Support for Cat and Dog Urinary System Disorders

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

Most humans can attest to the discomfort and suffering caused by a simple urinary tract infection, let alone a more serious urinary system disorder such as kidney stones or kidney failure. Proper kidney function is essential to maintaining optimal health in both humans and pets, playing a vital role in keeping the body free of...

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