Nutty & Nice: Why Your Pup Will Love Nutty Paw-Nanas
Pet Diet & Nutrition 3 mins readWandering down the dog treat aisle at the pet store made us wonder, “Is any of this even healthy?” With long ingredient lists, overly processed ingredients, and artificial flavors and preservatives, we were seriously wondering where the healthy treats for dogs were! So, we took to our test kitchen and whipped up some wholesome and...
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Supporting A Dog With Chronic Renal Failure (CRF): Potato’s Story
Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min readWe first met dog mom Jessica and her furkid Potato back in November, when Jessica wanted to learn more about one of our Cushing’s Disease kit. Potato’s vet suspected Cushing’s disease as he had many of the symptoms. Once the test results came back, they discovered that it wasn’t Cushing’s disease but it was a combination...
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Vet Tech Rounds: Hyperthyroidism And Hypothyroidism in Pets
Vet Talks 4 min readThe difference between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism in pets can be very confusing. But, don’t worry, we’re here to help. The terms for describing both conditions are very similar and can cause a mix-up between the two. Both affect the thyroid but work in opposite ways. One way that I learned to remember the meaning for...
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Beef Bone Broth Recipe For Pets
Easy Recipes For Pets 4 min readIf you’ve ever called or talked to one of our pet experts, you’ll probably hear us exalting the benefits of bone broth, and it’s for good reason. This bone broth recipe for pets is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and other great nutrients. It’s not a complete meal on its own, but it makes...
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Eliot’s Journey: Support For Cancer In Cats
Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min readIt’s never easy to find out our furkids are sick. We are always here to help make difficult moments easier for pet parents. We know how scary it can be when your pet receives a serious diagnosis. Each pet parent we encounter becomes a part of our extended NHV family. When we say the words...
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Vet Talks: Hot Spots On Cats
Vet Talks 3 min readIs your kitty excessively scratching, licking, and/or biting a specific area of their body? These symptoms can have a couple of different underlying causes and it can lead to a condition called acute moist dermatitis, also known as hot spots. What Is A Hot Spot? Hot spots on cats are inflamed skin lesions that are...
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Father’s Day: Which Kind Of Pet Dad Are You?
Pet Care Tips 4 min readPet parents deal with their pets’ sickness in different ways. They all love their pets, but not all show it the exact same way. Our pet experts come across pet owners from all walks of life, and when it comes to pet dads, we can identify a few broad types. To celebrate Father’s Day, we put these five types...
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NHV Team Talks: The New Normal With Our Pets
NHV Behind The Scenes 6 min readAcross the world, life is starting to transition into a new normal with our pets. Pet parents are going , parks and public spaces are reopening, and some kids are going back to school. All of these big changes to our routines in a short amount of time can really be confusing and frustrating to...
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Vet Tech Rounds: Bad Breath in Dogs
Vet Talks 4 min readBad breath in dogs is a quite common problem and it can be easy to understand why. Firstly, our dogs do not brush their teeth as we do. Our doggos also do not eat the food that we eat. A dog’s diet generally consists of wet or dry meat and some pet parents like to...
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Neem For Pets: Herb Facts, Use, And Safety
Herbs For Pets 3 min readNeem, also referred to as Azadirachta indica is one of the plants that have been used for thousands of years in India and the African continent and has shown a multitude of medicinal benefits. The seeds and leaves of the Neem tree can be used medicinally. They are rich in quercetin, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-fungal effects....
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Vet Talks: Inflammatory Bowel Disease – IBD In Cats
Vet Talks 3 min readInflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a disorder that affects mostly middle-aged to older cats and it’s caused by an inflammatory reaction to an irritation in the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the stomach and intestines. Difference Between IBD and IBS? Although diarrhea is a similar symptom in both of them, IBD refers to an inflammation in...
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