Nutty & Nice: Why Your Pup Will Love Nutty Paw-Nanas
Pet Diet & Nutrition 3 mins readWandering down the dog treat aisle at the pet store made us wonder, “Is any of this even healthy?” With long ingredient lists, overly processed ingredients, and artificial flavors and preservatives, we were seriously wondering where the healthy treats for dogs were! So, we took to our test kitchen and whipped up some wholesome and...
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Vet Tech Rounds: IBD in Dogs
Vet Talks 5 min readIs your dog suffering from vomiting or chronic diarrhea? Do they seem tired, and have a poor coat condition. These symptoms may indicate that your dog is suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). IBD in dogs is a common gastrointestinal issue. Inflammatory or Irritable Bowel Disease also known as IBD is a common gastrointestinal problem...
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New Pet Parent Tips: How To Take Care of a Cat
Pet Care Tips 7 min readIf you’ve never had a pet before, it can be really overwhelming at first. There is so much to learn, like how you should be taking care of your pet, what kind of health care they need, what their behavior and body language mean, just to name a few. Our pet experts are here to help!...
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Vet Tech Rounds: Collapsed Trachea in Pets
Vet Talks 3 min readWhen you start noticing your pet is coughing more than usual, it might be a sign that something is not right with them. But when it comes to coughing, there are several health conditions out there that your furkid can have. One that many pet parents don’t always think of is a collapsed trachea. What...
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Goodbye Cold, Hello Warm: Spring Pet Care Tips
Pet Care Tips 5 min readFor many of us in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s been a long winter. But thank goodness, soon the polar vortexes, blizzards, and ice storms will give way to warm breezes, buds on the trees, and an opportunity for a fresh start. As winter fades away, soon it will be nothing but blue skies, green grass, and...
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Vet Talks: Pets and Coronavirus – Pet Care During COVID-19 Crisis
Vet Talks 5 min readThere are lots of information about the coronavirus and COVID-19 so we wanted to share a few updates with our pet parents to help them get a little more clarity on the situation. We are always going to be updating this blog to give you the latest information on this. It’s our biggest concern to...
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Vet Talks: 5 Common Diseases in Rabbits
Vet Talks 7 min readWe have lots of room in our hearts for all kinds of pets, cats, dogs, ducks, guinea pigs, etc. Lately, we have been getting lots of questions about RABBITS and something that many of our #NHVpets family don’t know is that our supplements are also good for our bunny buddies! We put together a list of the...
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Gizmo’s Journey: Lymphoma In Cats
Inspiring Pet Tails 5 min readIt’s never easy to find out our furkids are sick. We are always here to help make difficult moments easier for pet parents. Gizmo’s dad got in touch with us eager to learn more about the supplement’s that we had here at NHV. The more we spoke with his dad, we learned that little Gizmo...
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Vet Talks: Effects Of Chemotherapy On Pets With Cancer
Vet Talks 4 min readIt’s always very difficult when our fur babies are diagnosed with cancer. I personally had many of my pets with this terrible disease, and it was always so hard to decide which was the best course of treatment for them. Chemotherapy on pets with cancer is one of the main therapeutic approaches to combat the...
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#AskNHV: How Do I Stop My Cats Fighting?
Pet Care Tips 2 min watchCat fight! What should I do?! Adding another cat to the furmily can often be a smooth transition, but what happens when your two furkiddos begin fighting each other and being temperamental? Cats sometimes can be unpredictable, even if they are siblings who have always gotten along, sometimes they can get into a disagreement. Cats...
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What Should I Feed My Dog? Buddha’s Story
Pet Diet & Nutrition 4 min readEven though nutrition is a very important component of our pets’ health, it is often overlooked or taken for granted. Just like humans, pets are all their own unique individuals with their own tastes and needs. What is a balanced diet for one pet, may not be ideal for another. With so many options available...
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