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Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) Support Kit

Tripsy & Milk Thistle

USD $85.90
Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) Support Kit USD $85.90 Add to Cart

Supporting A Dog With Chronic Renal Failure (CRF): Potato’s Story

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read
Supporting A Dog With Chronic Renal Failure (CRF): Potato’s Story

We first met dog mom Jessica and her furkid Potato back in November, when Jessica wanted to learn more about one of our Cushing’s Disease kit. Potato’s vet suspected Cushing’s disease as he had many of the symptoms. Once the test results came back, they discovered that it wasn’t Cushing’s disease but it was a combination of Chronic Renal Failure and Pancreatitis that presented symptoms similar to Cushing’s disease. Ever since our first interaction with Jessica, we have maintained a good relationship and we are so grateful to be a part of Potato’s journey back to health.

The doctor told me that one of his client’s dogs got Cushing’s and he suggested to taking your supplements was better than medicine for Cushing’s because the dog got a lot of side effects after taking medicine for Cushing’s so asked his client to try your Cushings kit.
Potato standing on a wooden patio outside

After Jessica let us know about Potato’s confirmed diagnosis, we suggested a regimen that would support his kidneys and pancreas:

Mellit – is formulated to support pets with diabetes and pancreatitis. It helps to control blood sugar levels and helps to reduce inflammation of the pancreas.

Tripsy – is formulated to support the health and function of the kidneys and bladder. It helps to fight infections, reduce inflammation, break down some forms of urinary calculi. Tripsy also contains herbs that are helpful for supporting the pancreas function.

Milk Thistle – helps to detoxify the liver and kidneys by removing toxins that can build up in the body. It supports liver and kidney function, regeneration of the liver, and supports overworked kidneys.

Multi Essentials – is a plant-based multivitamin for pets that helps fill nutritional voids, aids digestion, and supports nutrient absorption.

Beige fluffy dog sitting on a clear glass table with NHV Turmeric, Multi Essentials, and Milk Thistle in front.

He had much more energy and looked better

After taking the supplements for a few weeks we received an update from Jessica saying that Potato had been improving since starting the supplements. He had much more energy and looked better and they were hoping his next test results would show kidney values closer to the normal range. She even sent us this video of Potato running around saying “you can’t believe he’s stage 4 CRF”.

While Potato was showing all this improvement, Jessica was still concerned about his appetite as he had lost some weight since being diagnosed with the condition. We then recommended adding Yucca and Turmeric to Potato’s regimen. Yucca to support a healthy appetite, and for its nutrition and anti-inflammatory properties, and Turmeric for additional kidney support and to support overall wellbeing.

Potato Running Vid 1

After a few weeks of having Yucca and Turmeric added to his regimen, Jessica told us that his appetite was increasing and he was continuing to improve.

Potato’s crea from 520 drops down to 420, the doctor said his CRF from stage 4 to stage 3 now I am so happy his crea can drop down to 420But the doctor said Potato’s kidney is very powerful. He said seldom can get the improvement like him. I remember the doctor told me he only got around 3-4 days life, and he told me he will try his best.

We are so incredibly proud of Potato’s improvement and the excellent care that his mom gives him. Jessica has been diligently following her holistic vet’s recommendations and makes sure that Potato gets a healthy diet alongside his supplements. While supporting a dog with chronic renal failure can be stressful, by staying patient and following a holistic and integrative regimen, their symptoms and health can be managed.

Your product really works, if your client asks you for advice in a case similar to Potato’s, you can show Potato’s report to them, ask them to not give up so easily. Show your product to your vet, really hope can help more kids. All the best to all your team.

Just like Jessica said, you can see Potato’s improvement for yourself. Below is a comparison of his blood work. The top chart is from November 2019, and the bottom chart is from May 2020. Many of his kidney values have gotten lower and closer to the normal range.

We are so incredibly proud of Potato’s improvement and the excellent care that his mom gives him. Jessica has been diligently following her holistic vet’s recommendations and makes sure that Potato gets a healthy diet alongside his supplements. While supporting a dog with chronic renal failure can be stressful, by staying patient and following a holistic and integrative regimen, their symptoms and health can be managed.

Sending so much love to Potato, Jessica, and the rest of their family! We are looking forward to hearing about Potato’s continued improvement! We’ve got our paws crossed for you!
Potato's blood work from November compared to his blood work from May

Just like Jessica said, you can see Potato’s improvement for yourself. Below is a comparison of his blood work. The top chart is from November 2019, and the bottom chart is from May 2020. Many of his kidney values have gotten lower and closer to the normal range.

Sending so much love to Potato, Jessica, and the rest of their family! We are looking forward to hearing about Potato’s continued improvement! We’ve got our paws crossed for you!

If you are supporting a pet with chronic renal failure, don’t give up hope! We are here to help you as much as we can and our pet experts are only a call or click away. ❤

Vet Talks: CRF (Chronic Renal Failure) in Cats

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Published: June 23, 2020

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