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Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous

My Pet’s Zodiac Sign

Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 7 mins read

Ever wonder, “What is my pet’s zodiac sign?” Astrology can be a great way to paws and reflect on what motivates our fur kiddos. So whether you’re counting from their birthday or their Gotcha Day, let’s look to what the stars say about your furry friend… Aries (March 21 – April 19) Aries pets are...

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What’s unique about pet dads and their buddies for life

What’s unique about pet dads and their buddies for life

Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 7 min read

Without those paw swats and head bonks at 4 AM, you’d never catch a morning meeting on time. Their incessant barking has so far saved you from at least 20 mailmen, 13 UPS drivers, 1 sketchy-looking plastic bag, and 3 girl scouts. If they could read text messages, you’d be thumb tapping on your phone like...

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Jakey won’t let Cushing’s stop him from spreading cheer

Jakey won’t let Cushing’s stop him from spreading cheer

Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 4 min read

A dog mom from Australia recently shared with us an update about her sweet boy, Jakey, who was suffering from an enlarged liver and Cushing’s disease. January 2018 We wish Michelle and Jakey many healthy and happy years together. We will try to do what we can to make sure this little furbaby can continue...

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This little celeb cat would throw up after meals

This little celeb cat would throw up after meals

Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 3 min read

If you have a cat, you must have encountered throwing-up accidents. But Kitty Mojito, a popular cat from Instagram seemed to have some kind of an eating disorder. She would gobble up her food real quick and then throw up. Her mom took her to the vet, got elaborate blood work done but the vet...

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