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Natures Immuno For Dogs

Vet-Formulated Supplement of Medicinal Mushrooms for Dogs

USD $59.95
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Falling for Fungi: Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms?

Pet Care Tips 4 min read
A dog smelling mushrooms in a grassland to illustrate a blog that helps answer the question: can dogs eat mushrooms?

As we cozy up to fall – the fungi season – you might wonder, “Can dogs eat mushrooms?”

We’re afraid there isn’t an easy answer to this question. While many mushrooms, like the ones in our supplements, are safe in the proper dosage, a few can be highly toxic. So, before you and your little one venture out into the wild, learning about the different fungi types is essential, especially in the times of the year when they can be seen everywhere!

Can dogs eat mushrooms? Fungi are readily available in the fall or spring and can be dangerous to our curious furriends.

Fungi flourish in humid areas. In some parts of the world, fall can be just as damp as spring, creating the ideal conditions for mushrooms to thrive. These fungi can commonly be found in wooded or grassy areas, rocky landscapes, and even right in your own backyard.

The fact that these mushrooms are readily available can be dangerous to our curious furriends. Since they explore so much of the world with their mouths, they might end up ingesting poisonous fungi or even eating safe ones, but in a toxic amount.

Poisonous Mushrooms to Steer Clear of

Keep your furkiddo safe on any walks during the autumn by staying away from toxic mushrooms. These are the most common concerns poisonous species of fungi might cause:

Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms _ Death Cap Mushroom

Liver Damage: Amanita phalloides (Death Cap Mushroom), Amanita ocreata (Angel of Death), Lepiota (False Parasol), and Galerina

These are fatal fungi that contain hepatotoxicity. They can be spotted in mossy or forested areas after heavy rain.

Hallucinations: Conocybe, Gymnopilus, Psilocybe and Panaeolus

These fungi are rarely fatal but can cause short-term weakness, disorientation, unusual behaviors, and seizures in pets. 

Gymnopilus in a forest surrounded by different plants to illustrate a blog that answers to the question: can dogs eat mushrooms?
Boletus in grassy area to represent possible toxic fungi in response to the question can dogs eat mushrooms?

Stomach Issues: Boletus, Chlorophyllum, and Entoloma

Even though these species are the least toxic, they can still cause an upset stomach in your little one. Symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea may result within an hour of ingestion. 

How to Stay Safe?

The above are just a few examples of toxic fungi. There are still a plethora of mushrooms that could cause harm to your little one. Not to mention all the furkiddos out there that could be allergic to different types of mushrooms, causing uncomfortable symptoms if ingesting them. That is why answering the question “can dogs eat mushroom?” is not that easy.

Identifying and distinguishing the different mushrooms is also a challenging feat. That is why we strongly advise assuming every fungus in the wild or your yard is poisonous until proven otherwise. So please regularly check the grass around your house for mushrooms and remove them for extra caution.

However, there are safe mushrooms and many that are, in fact, beneficial for your furkiddo’s health. Holistic veterinarians can use a variety of mushrooms for their medicinal active components, such as polysaccharides, proteins, and glycoproteins. These natural ingredients are widely utilized in the correct dosage in supplements with anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and immune-balancing properties.

How NHV Uses Mushrooms for Pet Health

The safest way to take advantage of the medicinal properties of fungi, but also the cautions these ingredients demand, is by opting for pet-specific mushroom blends. All our supplements are vet-formulated with the right dosage in mind, ensuring that they are completely safe for your little one to take. Our holistic vet and master herbalist responsible for designing over 36 blends have included mushrooms in two of our supplements, NHV Natures Immuno and NHV Lesstress.

Natures Immuno, is a blend of five mushrooms that were carefully selected for their ability to help pets dealing with cancer. They are:

  • Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum): Well-known for their benefit in strengthening the immune system, Reishi can also promote your little one’s overall well-being.
  • Maitake mushrooms (Grifola frondosa): Also known as dancing mushrooms, this fungus may help manage liver issues and diabetes. They may also help slow tumor growth.
  • Turkey Tail mushrooms (Trametes versicolor): They contain compounds that can help improve your little one’s immune functions and may have anti-cancer properties.
  • Cordyceps mushrooms (Cordyceps ophioglossoides) : They help with the energy levels, immune system, and respiratory system of your little one. 
  • Shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula edodes): Rich in nutrients, Shiitake can support your little one’s immune system and offer essential vitamins and minerals.

Together, these medicinal mushrooms work to help strengthen the compromised immune system of sick pets, help address cancer symptoms, and can be used alongside chemotherapy for added support.

Lesstress on the other hand, is our main canine calming formula, beneficial for stress, anxiety, and other nervous system issues. This supplement includes Reishi mushrooms for their ability to help manage high blood pressure, which may be brought on by stress and anxiety. Reishi is also known to be a smooth muscle relaxant and may help restore immune health affected by stress.

So, Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms?

Even though a few mushrooms can be very dangerous, most can do wonders for our furry friends’ health! Next time you wonder “can dogs eat mushrooms”? please remember to do your research about toxic species and avoid any wild fungi when enjoying the great outdoors in the fall and spring. If you are looking to add mushroom-based supplements to your little one’s regimen, opt for vet-formulated versions and consider the correct dosage according to your furkiddo’s weight. If you have any questions, feel free to connect with us! Your little one’s health and safety is our priority. 

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We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: September 12, 2023

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