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Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) Kit

Felimm, BK-Detox, & Multi Essentials

USD $137.85
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) Kit USD $137.85 Add to Cart

FIV Cat Symptoms: Finn’s Story

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read
finn the cat is relaxing in his cat tree, he is a gray and white cat. fiv symptoms in cats

If you’ve just rescued a kitty, just know that you’ve done an amazing thing! You may be wondering what FIV cat symptoms look like since FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) is a common virus that many outdoor or rescued kitties face. Keep reading to hear about Finn’s healing journey with FIV.

What is FIV?

Similar to the HIV virus in humans, FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) in kitties is a virus that also leads to AIDS. However, the good news is that there is a long asymptomatic period before AIDS develops and it is our job as furparents and caretakers to prolong this asymptomatic period. If you know a kitty that is coping with FIV, it is not a death sentence. Just know that there are ways for an FIV-positive cat to live a healthy, full life. With dietary changes, nutritional supplementation, and lots of love and patience, an FIV-positive kitty can look forward to many happy days ahead.

We recommend keeping your kitty indoors to help prevent further transmission. The most common routes of transmission are through bite wounds or through sexual contact. It is also advised to keep your FIV positive cat away from other kitties, especially if they may fight. Sharing food dishes or snuggling with other animals is unlikely to cause transmission. FIV is also unlikely to transfer from mother to child.

Meet Finn

Michele, who runs a cat rescue in NJ, USA, saved an FIV-positive kitten that she named Finn.

He had no immune system and had itchy lesions, he was so itchy and was having intermittent fevers and was struggling with his health for many weeks.

After receiving a recommendation about us from a fellow cat rescuer, she reached out and started Finn on our FIV Kit to help address his symptoms. After having Finn on the supplements for a week or so, this is what she had to say:

“I give NHV not 5 starts but 10 stars! One dose of the FIV kit supplements and I noticed an immediate difference. Within a week all his lesions were healing and the itching was completely gone. He’s doing soooooo so well now I’m so very grateful for these products”
cat with FIV symptoms

Finn’s Supplement Regimen

To support his healing journey, Finn has been taking all of the supplements in the FIV kit which contains Felimm, BK-Detox, and Multi Essentials.

Felimm and BK-Detox are beneficial supports for any pet dealing with a serious infection or an immunocompromised condition. When taken together, they help improve the body’s ability to target harmful infection-causing microorganisms while also gently encouraging the elimination of harmful wastes. Felimm was formulated specifically to help pets with viral conditions like FIV.

Multi Essentials is like a herbal multivitamin for pets. It is a blend of eleven herbs that are naturally high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to ensure your kitten of any age is getting energy, and vitality, and stays healthy throughout their lifetime.

Here is the most recent update we have received about Finn!

“He has been on the supplements for about 6 months, and so far so good!”

FIV Cat symptoms may include:

  • Poor coat condition
  • Chronic fever
  • Low appetite
  • Inflammation in the mouth and gums
  • Chronic infections in the eyes, skin, respiratory tract, or urinary tract
  • Diarrhea
  • Eye problems
  • Seizures
  • Behavioral changes
  • Signs of neurological disorders 
  • Changes in weight (loss or gain)

General Monitoring of FIV Cat Symptoms

With an FIV-positive cat, they may not show symptoms for years so it is advised that you monitor your kitty and get an annual exam, complete with a full blood panel. It is especially important to keep a close eye on your furry friend if they are FIV-positive because any small changes can be significant and have devastating effects on their already compromised immune system.

We’re Here to Help!

We are so happy that Finn has been looking and feeling so much better! We know that he is in good hands and is so lucky to have someone like Michele on his side!

If you have any questions about your little one’s health and well-being, start chatting with our pet experts by tapping the button below.

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Published: April 30, 2022

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