anxiety & aggression support

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Many folks consider bringing a parrot into their life for several different reasons. Parrots are funny, intelligent, and curious companions, but it’s important to remember that they are not domesticated animals like cats and dogs. There are many wild-caught species being brought into the trade and sadly, parrots are not made for domesticity!
Their urges are primal and their communication, although very intelligent, is not for our entertainment. Yes, they talk to us in our language, but this is because they have not been allowed the opportunity to communicate with others of their own species in their natural environment. Even those who are captive bred and raised can not be provided the life they desire and deserve. They are not made to be captive animals living life in a cage. Some folks may not be aware of the harm that captivity can do to an intelligent species such as the parrot. The mental toll it takes on these feathered friends can be very sad, dangerous, and in many cases; fatal.
And so, this starts the tale of how our resident Pet Expert Anna helped George the Amazon parrot escape the pet store.
Anna started working in a small pet store in Niagara Falls, Canada where she met George. He was cordoned off with tape and signs stating, “stay away, I bite”. Not exactly a great sales pitch for a bird selling for $2000! No one that worked there for the 3 years since he had hatched was able to handle him. His cage was dirty from years of neglect because he would attack anyone that came near the cage. His temper was hot from living in a pet store where he only had “company” during business hours, and lights on 24/7. He literally hadn’t had a proper sleep in years.
As the “new kid” in the store, Anna was given the duty of feeding George and getting him into his cage each evening when closing up the store. After several months of being the only person to do this, she was braver and George would play with her hair while she would get his dishes. She used her hair to distract him every night until one evening, he climbed onto her shoulder and laughed happily. Anna had a minor anxiety attack thinking of all the damage that his powerful little beak could do to her face given all the stories and scars surrounding this little guy.
As the months rolled by, he was now spending the majority of Anna’s shifts on her shoulder. This soon evolved into George muttering “Mama’s Boy” whenever Anna would come to work and go near his cage. There was no way this parrot was going to sell and everyone working at the store knew it. Anna decided that she wanted to spring him from the life he was living, so she paid him off in full! That summer, the pair took a road trip across the country to Anna’s hometown in Vancouver, Canada, where George has now resided with her for the past 17 years. He’s 100% convinced that Anna is his mate (they mate for life with their chosen partner) and he is bonded to her like no other.
They certainly have had their differences of opinions and are both are quite willing to express them whenever they feel like it. Picture it, a 40+-year-old woman arguing with a 20-year-old bird! For example, when George goes through his “spring fun time”, he tries to build Anna’s nests around their apartment. He’s been very creative, even chewing up a plunger to build a nest under the toilet. He even went so far as to chew up the cat litter mat and built a nest within the litter box!
He’s got an attitude that fills the house, and in a house that has a pack of 3 large/giant breed dogs, and 2 cats, that is no small feat! It has taken training, patience, consistency, and lots of love to ensure the safety and happiness of all Anna’s pets. The help of NHV Matricalm for Birds is a major player in keeping the peace during Spring. It was never easy, but all the work has been worth it. George has his cage as a space to call his own, but he has free range to roam the entire apartment even when no one is home. He’s well behaved and isn’t destructive…outside of his cute little nest attempts.
George’s personality gives him a wonderful sense of humor.
George’s personality gives him a wonderful sense of humor. He will pick up on people’s feelings – especially folks who may be afraid of birds – and play on those fears by purposely attempting to freak them out. The way he laughs while he is playing a prank on someone to scare them is often the most terrifying part.
House-sitters are more intimidated by George than the dogs! He plays with the cats, spars with the dogs, and often times will preen the dogs and the cats while they are sleeping. For a parrot with his big attitude and all of his antics, he’s a very well-behaved boy. There are many parrots that spend their days screaming at 120 decibels, ripping their feathers out, self-harming, and destroying things.
He’s been out of his pet store prison now for more than 17 years, and has had some adventures! George has accidentally taken flight a few times, and flown out the window.
The first time, he was found only because the local crows were not happy with him sitting in their tree. Fifteen crows screaming at him is what led Anna to his location, only to find her little, green man terrified saying, “Hi Buddy, hey buddy how’s it going?” to the flock of unhappy crows.
Another day trip took him to the penthouse of a local hotel downtown where a guest reported, “there is a green bird occupying my room and saying, ‘Hi Buddy'”.
He’s had some great adventures for an Amazon species that was hatched in Niagara Falls, Canada, and traveled by car across the country. Thanks to Anna, he has had a great life here in Canada. That said, his best life would be in the Amazon rain forest where he could be with his own species and find a mate that he could build a real nest for. Given his situation, he cannot be in the Amazon, so George will be here with Anna and getting up to his usual antics of antagonizing people’s fears of birds and chasing the cats.
anxiety & aggression support
Natural Help for Stress Reduction, Anxiety Relief, Behavioral Problems, and Aggression in Cats
buy 2 and save $3
3 month supply for a small to medium size pet
Matricalm is an all-natural supplement that provides anxiety and stress relief in cats and promotes calm behavior.
Matricalm is an all-natural supplement that provides anxiety and stress relief in cats and promotes calm behavior.
Help reduce aggressive behavior and provide anxiety and stress relief for your cat with Matricalm, a natural herbal product designed to help reduce excitability in your pet. Cats can become anxious or aggressive when exposed to other animals or to people they are unfamiliar with. When this occurs they may hiss, scratch, howl, or urinate inappropriately.
It’s important to remember that a significant cause of illness in pets results from stress. Helping to keep your cat stress free can help keep them healthier for longer. NHV Pet Experts also often recommend Matricalm for cats dealing with FIV, cancer, kidney issues, hyperthyroidism, and more.
See how NHV Matricalm helped kitty Kima with yowling and stress.
Chamomile – Contains sedative properties. Chamomile also helps the immune system and has a strong affinity for the nervous system.
Passion Flower – An effective, non-addictive sedative. It helps increase gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain, which helps cause a feeling of relaxation. Passion Flower also has strong anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
Lemon Balm – An aromatic herb used for nervous disorders, excitability, and anxiety. In addition, lemon balm helps lower blood pressure.
Valerian – Helps stop heart palpitations, relaxes spasms, relieves pain, and regulates the nervous system. Valerian also helps improve sleep latency and sleep quality.
Hops – Tension, anxiety, and stress relief in cats. Hops have traditionally been used to help with mood disturbances, such as restlessness and anxiety.
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
How to Administer
Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provided and place the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky. If this occurs, consider hiding the drops in foods most pets love, such as fish, chicken, yogurt or a favorite treat. If your pet only eats dry food, then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and well-being of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently. Therefore, it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect; however, this interval will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives, or coloring. Shelf life after opening is six months, and it must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not use Matricalm for cats as stress relief in pregnant or nursing animals. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve or deteriorates after the continued use of the supplements.
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
Help reduce aggressive behavior and provide anxiety and stress relief for your cat with Matricalm, a natural herbal product designed to help reduce excitability in your pet. Cats can become anxious or aggressive when exposed to other animals or to people they are unfamiliar with. When this occurs they may hiss, scratch, howl, or urinate inappropriately.
It’s important to remember that a significant cause of illness in pets results from stress. Helping to keep your cat stress free can help keep them healthier for longer. NHV Pet Experts also often recommend Matricalm for cats dealing with FIV, cancer, kidney issues, hyperthyroidism, and more.
See how NHV Matricalm helped kitty Kima with yowling and stress.
Chamomile – Contains sedative properties. Chamomile also helps the immune system and has a strong affinity for the nervous system.
Passion Flower – An effective, non-addictive sedative. It helps increase gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain, which helps cause a feeling of relaxation. Passion Flower also has strong anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
Lemon Balm – An aromatic herb used for nervous disorders, excitability, and anxiety. In addition, lemon balm helps lower blood pressure.
Valerian – Helps stop heart palpitations, relaxes spasms, relieves pain, and regulates the nervous system. Valerian also helps improve sleep latency and sleep quality.
Hops – Tension, anxiety, and stress relief in cats. Hops have traditionally been used to help with mood disturbances, such as restlessness and anxiety.
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
How to Administer
Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provided and place the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky. If this occurs, consider hiding the drops in foods most pets love, such as fish, chicken, yogurt or a favorite treat. If your pet only eats dry food, then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and well-being of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently. Therefore, it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect; however, this interval will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives, or coloring. Shelf life after opening is six months, and it must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not use Matricalm for cats as stress relief in pregnant or nursing animals. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve or deteriorates after the continued use of the supplements.
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
stress & anxiety support
Natural Support for Canine Stress and Anxiety
buy 2 and save $3
3 month supply for a small to medium size pet
Everyone knows what stress feels like, and we all know that too much stress can make us ill—high blood pressure, ulcers and even cancer can result from excessive stress. Like us, dogs can get stressed by numerous factors as well. Help your furkiddo relax into a long and happy life with NHV Lesstress - a natural dog stress support.
Everyone knows what stress feels like, and we all know that too much stress can make us ill—high blood pressure, ulcers and even cancer can result from excessive stress. Like us, dogs can get stressed by numerous factors as well. Help your furkiddo relax into a long and happy life with NHV Lesstress - a natural dog stress support.
Natural Dog Stress Reliever Supplemental Support
With a heightened sense of hearing and smell, small events that seem mundane to us can be terrifying and stressful for your dogs. Sometimes the stress is from the ride to the office, or maybe they are missing their human companions. This all contributes to changes in behavior like excessive panting, drooling, sweaty paws, dilated eyes, pacing, excessively shedding, or just completely shutting down. Some dogs become so stressed that it may lead to fear and aggression.
Other forms of stress in a dog’s life include:
In addition to panting, excessive barking/whining, chewing on themselves, shivering (when it’s not cold), panicked tail wagging, or tense muscles, stress can also cause GI tract issues such as diarrhea or vomiting.
The key to a healthy pup is balance. Too much or too little activity can be harmful, as well as too much or too little socialization. A balanced, clean diet also helps maintain the body and the mind. If your dog is susceptible to stress, you can use calming herbs like those found in NHV Lesstress. This formulation gently acts on the nervous system and immune system to provide a natural dog stress reliever.
How NHV’s Natural Dog Stress Relief Eases Stress and Anxiety
For stressful experiences such as separation anxiety, the loss or addition of a furry friend, special events (eg. fireworks) and illness (stress can cause conditions to worsen), the natural (non-addictive) sedative properties of Lesstress gently relax the nervous system and endocrine system. Ingredients like Chamomile, Passion Flower and Lemon Balm work to calm nerves while ingredients like Reishi, Eleuthero, and Echinacea Angustifolia are very beneficial for helping the body adapt to stress and illness and stimulate healthy immune function.
Help Support Your Dog Naturally
All NHV supplements like Lesstress are 100% natural and created by a holistic veterinarian and a master herbalist, specially formulated for pets. Feel free to contact our veterinary professionals to get more insight into your little one’s health and wellbeing.
Made with the finest, organically grown, or ethically harvested herbs. Made specifically for pets, vet-formulated and vet approved.
Lesstress for Dogs
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
For small animals (rabbits, ferrets), avians and reptiles use 1 drop for every 2 lb of body weight.
How to Administer
Shake well before use.
The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and places the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favourite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not use Lesstress in pregnant or nursing animals.
Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
Natural Dog Stress Reliever Supplemental Support
With a heightened sense of hearing and smell, small events that seem mundane to us can be terrifying and stressful for your dogs. Sometimes the stress is from the ride to the office, or maybe they are missing their human companions. This all contributes to changes in behavior like excessive panting, drooling, sweaty paws, dilated eyes, pacing, excessively shedding, or just completely shutting down. Some dogs become so stressed that it may lead to fear and aggression.
Other forms of stress in a dog’s life include:
In addition to panting, excessive barking/whining, chewing on themselves, shivering (when it’s not cold), panicked tail wagging, or tense muscles, stress can also cause GI tract issues such as diarrhea or vomiting.
The key to a healthy pup is balance. Too much or too little activity can be harmful, as well as too much or too little socialization. A balanced, clean diet also helps maintain the body and the mind. If your dog is susceptible to stress, you can use calming herbs like those found in NHV Lesstress. This formulation gently acts on the nervous system and immune system to provide a natural dog stress reliever.
How NHV’s Natural Dog Stress Relief Eases Stress and Anxiety
For stressful experiences such as separation anxiety, the loss or addition of a furry friend, special events (eg. fireworks) and illness (stress can cause conditions to worsen), the natural (non-addictive) sedative properties of Lesstress gently relax the nervous system and endocrine system. Ingredients like Chamomile, Passion Flower and Lemon Balm work to calm nerves while ingredients like Reishi, Eleuthero, and Echinacea Angustifolia are very beneficial for helping the body adapt to stress and illness and stimulate healthy immune function.
Help Support Your Dog Naturally
All NHV supplements like Lesstress are 100% natural and created by a holistic veterinarian and a master herbalist, specially formulated for pets. Feel free to contact our veterinary professionals to get more insight into your little one’s health and wellbeing.
Made with the finest, organically grown, or ethically harvested herbs. Made specifically for pets, vet-formulated and vet approved.
Lesstress for Dogs
Select your pet's weight to determine the correct dose.
To be taken twice daily. Determine your pet’s weight and then use the easy chart below to determine the correct dose. This is the minimum dosage.
Pet's Weight Dosage
0 - 15 lb = 0.5 ml
16 - 30 lb = 1.0 ml
31 - 45 lb = 1.5 ml
46 - 60 lb = 2.0 ml
61 - 75 lb = 2.5 ml
Over 75 lb = 3.0 ml
For small animals (rabbits, ferrets), avians and reptiles use 1 drop for every 2 lb of body weight.
How to Administer
Shake well before use.
The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and places the drops into your pet’s food or favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the pet’s mouth.
Some pets can be finicky, if this occurs consider hiding the drops in foods most pet’s love such as fish, chicken or yogurt or a favourite treat. If your pet only eats dry food then soak a few kibbles at feeding time.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not use Lesstress in pregnant or nursing animals.
Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
Published: August 27, 2020