skin & infection support

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Herbal Digestive Aid, Energy Booster, and Multivitamin for Cats
I really enjoy watching animals eat. The noises they make, the way they chew their food. Some are quick gobblers, others take their time. But the best thing is the faces they make. Such thankful and happy faces! There are so many things to be thankful for in our day-to-day life but food, I think, is the most important one that we should all be thankful for every day. We can learn this from our pet companions.
We enjoy food for the taste and we may look forward to our meals because they make us happy. But our pets? They truly appreciate food and many gifts of health and a full tummy it brings. In this blog, I would like to share a story of 3 little kittens who were found hungry and abandoned in a construction zone in Brazil and how food brought about a happy transformation for them.
Like I said, one can learn the true value of food from an animal, the rest of the story is in the words of Salem, one of the kittens from the rescued litter.
Olá. I’m Salem. The humans who rescued us think I am magical like Sabrina’s Salem. Wait till I grow up, I’ll show them some neat tricks.
My sister’s name is Dora Magali. She is quite the explorer too. And I have a little brother too. He is Branquinho. 3 months ago we were found by our human heroes, as wee little babies.
We were born in August 2018. We don’t remember much but we know that our mother did care for us. She hid us in a post between two builds that were getting constructed. Maybe she tried to hide us from the world? Maybe something happened to her when she went out looking for food? Because on August 24, the humans tell us, we were little newborns, less than a pound each, and our mother had disappeared. Around midnight when we had started to freeze, and we were starving, we started to cry for help. We cried a lot and we were very loud. Suddenly, we saw a light and we heard some voices. Our hero humans found us!
Where our mother had left us, it was difficult for us to get out of there alone. It was starting to get colder and dark clouds had started to form in the sky. It was going to rain! The humans knew we needed to be rescued. Otherwise, we wouldn’t make it to the next morning.
For almost an hour, these strange hero humans tried to grab us. They put together a basket using things that they could find in that lot. We were still looking for our mother, so each time they would tuck us in the basket, one of us would pop out and head towards a danger zone looking for mama and food. We are so thankful that our humans persisted.
By the time we were rescued, we already had hypothermia, and the humans put us in a box with many clothes. They offered us some cow milk, but we did not how to drink it. The humans left us close to the place that we were found, inside the box with clothes to keep us warm. They had to remove the milk because they did not want other animals to come sniffing the milk and then hurting us.
They thought that our mother would return in the night and she would find us and nurse us.
We spent the night warm and dry, but starving. Mama did not return. The next morning, the humans came to get us.
The hero humans picked us up with the box and took us to what they call a doctor for animals. The doctor for animals helped them with precious advice. These hero humans had to now be like our mothers. They were to give us milk every 3 hours with a human baby’s bottle and they had to keep us warm. Just like we would have been with mama. The animal doctor also told them to clear our genitals with saline to stimulate us to urinate. Just like mama would. The humans did exactly what the vet said.
Some days passed and we started to understand the humans were helping us. We were not so little anymore but Branquinho, my little brother was the tiniest and wasn’t growing like Dora and me. Our humans then tried giving us chicken kibble. Dora and I loved it. We would nom nom nom every time humans filled our bowls. We started to gain some pounds and get stronger. However little brother Branquinho did not develop. He would not even open his eyes, he could not eat and he started to lose all his hair. Also, many wounds started to appears on his body. His tail was very damaged and was not growing at all.
Dr. Amanda was very kind and gave a lot of attention to our history. She said that because we did not have our immune system completely developed, our immunity could be very down, and little brother Branquinho might be the weakest of the litter.
She said at this moment only food could rescue us. The right food. A correct diet could be very important for us. Just the cow milk could not be enough for our body. Therefore, Dr. Amanda formulated a specific diet for us and suggested an NHV multivitamin. Also, she prescribed a specific NHV ointment for use on the wounds present in our little brother Branquinho’s body.
Dr. Amanda formulated special milk for us. Complete with mineral water, rice flour, powder oats, egg yolk, taurine, and sour cream. And some fruits, veggies, and meat protein were tossed in. The diet was specifically formulated for our situation and every ingredient was listed for our hero humans. They were told to stick to it religiously.
We were the happiest bunch of kittens to eat it! It was yummy and it made us feel good. All three of us kittens would eat our food and send thankful purrs to Dr. Amanda.
At some time, little brother Branquinho started to react to the treatment. He opened his eyes and for the first time, Dora and I saw how bright they were.
He won some pounds, and the wounds started to be better, he also started to play with us. His tail? You have to see it. It is the cutest one in whole of Brazil.
The humans continue to care for us and Dr. Amanda checks on our progress weekly. With all love showered by our hero humans that rescued us and with Dr. Amanda’s suggestions, we are growing healthy and beautiful. And every meal we eat, we are thankful for having a full tummy and a warm bed. The humans now keep sobbing when they look at us. Something about us going away to a forever home soon. We don’t know what that means but something tells us, they are happy tears.
I hope my sister Dora Magali, little brother Branquinho and I were able to tell you how much we love food and how much food loves us. If it wasn’t for the right food, we would have lost our little brother forever.
With love,
P.S. We still love boxes!
If we use an adequate diet, with the correct supplements, we will obtain very good results.
For these little kittens, I created a specific milk recipe, as cow milk is not recommended for many reasons. Also, I formulated a diet that could improve their immune system and help them in their recovery. As a multivitamin, I suggested Multi Essentials and as an ointment, All Clear. As we can see throughout this history, if we use an adequate diet, with the correct supplements, we will obtain very good results.
Through this beautiful story, I wish to tell you that we should all be thankful for food and learn from our animals. They relish every meal they get and when they fall sick, sometimes the correct diet alone can bring them back to their bouncy self. Branquinho’s immune system needed food, not medicines.
If you have a pet and you’d like to know what food should you be putting in his bowl, please reach out to me. I will help you decide just the recipe. I’ll always be thankful for being able to help you. 🙂
skin & infection support
Cat skin dermatitis and other cat skin problems
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A natural soothing and safe ointment. Helps with various cat skin problems, such as cat dermatitis, skin diseases, bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral skin conditions. Allergens, fleas, ticks, wounds and scratches, may be the cause of these cat skin problem.
A natural soothing and safe ointment. Helps with various cat skin problems, such as cat dermatitis, skin diseases, bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral skin conditions. Allergens, fleas, ticks, wounds and scratches, may be the cause of these cat skin problem.
Soothe your cat’s irritated skin with All Clear Ointment, a natural herbal formulation that calms and heals skin affected by bacterial, yeast, and fungal infections. Skin irritation is common in cats and can result from a variety of causes including food allergies and irritants like fleas and ticks.
Made with the finest, organically grown, or ethically harvested herbs. Made specifically for pets, vet-formulated and vet approved.
How to Administer
Topical ointment: Clean and dry affected area(s). Apply to affected area 3 to 4 times per day. It may some times be necessary to shave or trim your pet’s hair so that the All Clear Ointment may penetrate better.
Do not apply on open or bleeding wounds.
Soothe your cat’s irritated skin with All Clear Ointment, a natural herbal formulation that calms and heals skin affected by bacterial, yeast, and fungal infections. Skin irritation is common in cats and can result from a variety of causes including food allergies and irritants like fleas and ticks.
Made with the finest, organically grown, or ethically harvested herbs. Made specifically for pets, vet-formulated and vet approved.
How to Administer
Topical ointment: Clean and dry affected area(s). Apply to affected area 3 to 4 times per day. It may some times be necessary to shave or trim your pet’s hair so that the All Clear Ointment may penetrate better.
Do not apply on open or bleeding wounds.
skin & infection support
100% Natural Dog Ointment for Itchy Skin
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In a world full of adventure, there are so many irritants that could cause discomfort in your little one’s skin, such as plants, pollen, bacteria, fungus (yeast), and physical contact with rough surfaces that can break the skin (like if they sleep on their face!) NHV All Clear Ointment is a topical ointment, for dog skin, that may help speed healing, soothe inflamed skin, reduce itchiness, and may help eliminate bacterial and fungal infections.
In a world full of adventure, there are so many irritants that could cause discomfort in your little one’s skin, such as plants, pollen, bacteria, fungus (yeast), and physical contact with rough surfaces that can break the skin (like if they sleep on their face!) NHV All Clear Ointment is a topical ointment, for dog skin, that may help speed healing, soothe inflamed skin, reduce itchiness, and may help eliminate bacterial and fungal infections.
Natural Support for Skin Infections, Hot Spots and Scrapes
All Clear Ointment is a topical ointment for dog skin that contains all-natural herbal ingredients that protect and soothe skin while promoting healing. It can be used to help with yeast infections, fungal or bacterial infection, general itchy skin, and everyday scuffs.
Hot Spots
Did you know that the skin is the largest organ of the body? It is the boundary between the body and the outside world and is susceptible to injury at all times. A “hot spot” (aka moist dermatitis) is a condition that involves an area of skin that becomes inflamed, causing a raw, moist wound to develop. These areas are itchy and may cause a lot of discomfort for your pup; the anti-inflammatory and immune stimulating properties in All Clear help reduce swelling and discomfort.
Bacterial and Fungal (Yeast) Infections
To keep your dog’s skin happy, a delicate balance of healthy bacteria, fungus and other microorganisms are required. When there is an irritant, infection or allergy response, your dog can respond by biting or chewing to self-soothe and their mouth can introduce infection causing a secondary infection. The herbs in All Clear Ointment, like Marigold, help fight fungal infections of the skin.
Wound Healing
For pet parents with active pooches, you know that your four-legged friends like to get into trouble! For every day cuts and scrapes, make sure to disinfect the affected area before applying the All Clear ointment. The olive oil, beeswax and rosemary extracted in sunflower oil form a protective barrier and stay in place while the skin heals.
How All Clear Supports Recovery from Hot Spots and Itchy Skin
All Clear contains many beneficial ingredients like Echinacea angustifolia which has been commonly used for skin infections due to its many immune-stimulating properties. Herbs like Marigold help decrease bacteria and fungus, at the site of injury, and Goldenseal acts as a natural disinfectant that fights infection and stimulates healthy immune response. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties reduce discomfort and swelling so your furkiddo is less likely to chew the affected area. And the olive oil, beeswax and rosemary (extracted in sunflower oil) create a protective barrier so the skin can start to heal. All Clear’s 100% natural formulation means that it is totally safe if your pup licks it! This all natural, topical cream is safe to use alongside other NHV supplements, like Felimm, to give your pet the support they need for fighting fungal infections both externally and internally.
Additional Support
For an inspiring pet tail, read about how All Clear helped Daisy get show ready!
At NHV, we are a team of pet experts, holistic veterinarians, and animal nutritionists. Get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns about your furkiddo’s skin issues or need help with reducing potential allergens.
Made with the finest, organically grown, or ethically harvested herbs. Made specifically for pets, vet-formulated and vet approved.
How to Administer
Topical ointment: Clean and dry affected area(s). Apply to affected area 3 to 4 times per day. It may some times be necessary to shave or trim your pet’s hair so that the All Clear Ointment may penetrate better.
Do not apply on open or bleeding wounds.
Natural Support for Skin Infections, Hot Spots and Scrapes
All Clear Ointment is a topical ointment for dog skin that contains all-natural herbal ingredients that protect and soothe skin while promoting healing. It can be used to help with yeast infections, fungal or bacterial infection, general itchy skin, and everyday scuffs.
Hot Spots
Did you know that the skin is the largest organ of the body? It is the boundary between the body and the outside world and is susceptible to injury at all times. A “hot spot” (aka moist dermatitis) is a condition that involves an area of skin that becomes inflamed, causing a raw, moist wound to develop. These areas are itchy and may cause a lot of discomfort for your pup; the anti-inflammatory and immune stimulating properties in All Clear help reduce swelling and discomfort.
Bacterial and Fungal (Yeast) Infections
To keep your dog’s skin happy, a delicate balance of healthy bacteria, fungus and other microorganisms are required. When there is an irritant, infection or allergy response, your dog can respond by biting or chewing to self-soothe and their mouth can introduce infection causing a secondary infection. The herbs in All Clear Ointment, like Marigold, help fight fungal infections of the skin.
Wound Healing
For pet parents with active pooches, you know that your four-legged friends like to get into trouble! For every day cuts and scrapes, make sure to disinfect the affected area before applying the All Clear ointment. The olive oil, beeswax and rosemary extracted in sunflower oil form a protective barrier and stay in place while the skin heals.
How All Clear Supports Recovery from Hot Spots and Itchy Skin
All Clear contains many beneficial ingredients like Echinacea angustifolia which has been commonly used for skin infections due to its many immune-stimulating properties. Herbs like Marigold help decrease bacteria and fungus, at the site of injury, and Goldenseal acts as a natural disinfectant that fights infection and stimulates healthy immune response. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties reduce discomfort and swelling so your furkiddo is less likely to chew the affected area. And the olive oil, beeswax and rosemary (extracted in sunflower oil) create a protective barrier so the skin can start to heal. All Clear’s 100% natural formulation means that it is totally safe if your pup licks it! This all natural, topical cream is safe to use alongside other NHV supplements, like Felimm, to give your pet the support they need for fighting fungal infections both externally and internally.
Additional Support
For an inspiring pet tail, read about how All Clear helped Daisy get show ready!
At NHV, we are a team of pet experts, holistic veterinarians, and animal nutritionists. Get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns about your furkiddo’s skin issues or need help with reducing potential allergens.
Made with the finest, organically grown, or ethically harvested herbs. Made specifically for pets, vet-formulated and vet approved.
How to Administer
Topical ointment: Clean and dry affected area(s). Apply to affected area 3 to 4 times per day. It may some times be necessary to shave or trim your pet’s hair so that the All Clear Ointment may penetrate better.
Do not apply on open or bleeding wounds.
multivitamin support
Herbal multivitamin, digestive aid and energy booster for birds.
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3 month supply for a small to medium size pet
Hypovitaminosis, or low vitamin levels, can have detrimental effects on birds. Nutritional voids can lead to many health conditions in birds. Multi Essentials for birds are loaded with vitamins and minerals designed to regulate your bird’s body processes, help metabolize nutrients, and improve digestion. Our vitamins can provide support for birds exposed to environmental toxins, promote strong muscle and bone growth, and encourage healthy skin and feathers. Signs your bird may be suffering from a vitamin deficiency include feather plucking, fatigue, and skin problems.
For birds: 1 drop per two pounds twice a day
How to Administer
Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and place the drops into your bird's favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the bird’s mouth.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not use Multi Essentials in pregnant or nursing animals. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
Hypovitaminosis, or low vitamin levels, can have detrimental effects on birds. Nutritional voids can lead to many health conditions in birds. Multi Essentials for birds are loaded with vitamins and minerals designed to regulate your bird’s body processes, help metabolize nutrients, and improve digestion. Our vitamins can provide support for birds exposed to environmental toxins, promote strong muscle and bone growth, and encourage healthy skin and feathers. Signs your bird may be suffering from a vitamin deficiency include feather plucking, fatigue, and skin problems.
For birds: 1 drop per two pounds twice a day
How to Administer
Shake well before use. The easiest method is to use the dropper provide and place the drops into your bird's favorite treat. You can also use the dropper and squirt directly into the bird’s mouth.
For Best Results
Herbal dietary supplements are beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your pet and are safe for long-term use. Every pet responds to natural herbal supplements differently, therefore it is important to be consistent and administer the product daily. Supplements generally take two to four weeks to take effect, however this will vary from one animal to the next.
Product Storage
All NHV Natural Pet Products are pure herbal extracts and contain no artificial additives, preservatives or coloring. Shelf life after opening is 6 months and must be refrigerated after opening.
Cautions and Contraindications
Do not use Multi Essentials in pregnant or nursing animals. Speak to your vet before using our products. A second visit is recommended if your pet’s condition does not improve, or deteriorates after continued use of the supplements.
All information provided by NHV Natural Pet Products is for educational purposes only.
Published: November 22, 2018