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Kidney Disorders Gold Support Kit

Tripsy & Milk Thistle for Kidney Health

USD $85.90
Kidney Disorders Gold Support Kit USD $85.90 Add to Cart

Urinary tract infection and kidney stones in cats and the natural solution for them

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read
Urinary tract infection and kidney stones in cats. And the natural solution for them.

Sandra’s cats were facing two different health issues but both related to the kidneys and urinary function. While High Tail started to develop calcium deposits and granules in his bladder, suggesting a kidney disorder, Merlyn would pee more than usual and started to have blood in his urine, indicating a Urinary Tract Infection. Continuous trips to the vet and the need to support her cats naturally made Sandra look for a holistic solution. Sandra put them both on consistent and therapeutic doses of Tripsy. Weeks later, she got back to us and shared such adorable pictures with awesome updates!

Update 1 – January Week 1

Crystals found in the bladder. A mass of some kind was found in via scan in High Tail’s intestine. And Merlyn had blood in his urine. I am starting them on Tripsy.
Cat with kidney stones

Update 2 – January Week 2

My pet still has not seen the physician. My High Tail seems to overcome his urinary problem with your product. My Merlyn no longer has any blood in his urine. High Tail will see the physician on Monday. No more blood in the urine. I also changed his diet from dry cat food to Hills Urinary soft cat food.
cat with kidney stones

Update 3 – January Week 3

The doctor said that High Tail no longer has the granules and calcium deposits in his bladder. It appears that between the soft food and the Tripsy he has gotten over his problem. I am going to cancel my appointment for Merlyn to see the doctor as he no longer has any presenting symptoms of blood in his urine and of his having to pee more often than normal.

As a bonus, we also got these cute videos of Merlyn, aka Meow, and some interesting stories about these two cat brothers.

Merlyn used to be called Meow when I rescued him. Here is a video of Meow in a bathtub not housing the pigeons. I keep two cat boxes in that tub. It prevents most of the cat sand from going onto the bathroom floor–but definitely not all. You can hear him purring. He hops into the bathtub when he knows I am going to sweep the cat sand into a dust pan. He needs a lot of reassurance that he is loved. High Tail dominates him and makes him anxious. He will no longer come onto the bed because High Tail chases him off or puts himself in Meow’s spot when he gets the opportunity like as soon as I go to sleep.
Meow Shows His Affection With A Purr

We are very happy to be part of the healthy recoveries these two cat brothers have made. We thank their Mom Sandra for trusting us and we are excited for the happy and healthy days ahead. Once again our herbal blend Tripsy was able to make lives better for cats and cat parents. Tripsy is a gentle yet effective blend to support all kinds of kidney, urinary and bladder-related disorders. it works equally well for both cats and dogs. Do you want to know more about it? Please talk to your NHV Pet Expert today to find out if Tripsy is the blend that your pet needs. We also have specific natural bundles to address specific renal issues. Kidney stones, urinary tract infections kit, kidney failure, we will help you find just the holistic bundle for it.

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We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: January 24, 2018

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