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NHV Helped My Cat Jax With His Hyperthyroidism and Liver!

NHV Helped My Cat Jax With His Hyperthyroidism and Liver!

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read

Thank you Linda for sharing Jax’s story of and his success using NHV remedies with us! *Product reviews are solely the experience and opinion of the reviewer. Actual results may vary.

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13 Year-Old Adorable Dog Oggie’s Tumor Tale

13 Year-Old Adorable Dog Oggie’s Tumor Tale

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

We’ve helped dogs and cats with various kinds of cancer. Tumors are scary as it is but when the tumor is external and visible, we know the fight is harder for the pet’s parents. They can see what their little fur companion is battling. Well, little Oggie has a tumor in her paw. It’s just been...

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‘I never want to be without it’ – Bo’s mom swears by NHV Mellit

‘I never want to be without it’ – Bo’s mom swears by NHV Mellit

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

A few months ago we shared with you the ‘Bo-stare.’ Bo knows when he has eaten something tummy upsetting and he comes looking for his mom. He gives her the ‘Bo-stare’ which means he’s asking for his ‘juice’. His mom gives him some NHV Mellit and he’s all set. Well, this intelligent dog who’d go...

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They almost lost her to lyme and diabetes, but Hazel wasn’t going to break her pawmise

They almost lost her to lyme and diabetes, but Hazel wasn’t going to break her pawmise

Inspiring Pet Tails 6 min read

Hazel had been rejected by a family in the past and labeled a biter. She was up to be euthanized when Christine found her as a 3-month old and decided to give this baby girl another chance at life by fostering her. Hazel loved her foster home and opened up to embrace everything in it. The...

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Jasmine the Boston Terrier’s coat starts filling in soon after starting NHV Supraglan

Jasmine the Boston Terrier’s coat starts filling in soon after starting NHV Supraglan

Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min read

The onset of Cushing’s disease can be a long, slow process. One of the first signs of this disease is excessive thirst and urination. You may find that you’re refilling your pet’s water bowl more often. They may be asking to go outside more frequently. Paired with this, you may find that your well-trained dog is...

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Rescue dog Riley’s fighting histiocytic sarcoma with chemo and NHV

Rescue dog Riley’s fighting histiocytic sarcoma with chemo and NHV

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read

Update May 15, 2018: Sadly, little Riley gained her wings on May 14, 2018. Throughout our lives, we are constantly saying hellos and goodbyes. But on the flip side, we are forever touched and changed by the amazing creatures that impact our lives. This beautiful girl will be forever missed by her family.  Riley is a puppy...

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Feline Leukemia won’t slow down a mother’s unconditional love

Feline Leukemia won’t slow down a mother’s unconditional love

Inspiring Pet Tails 6 min read

We are always so grateful to receive reviews about our supplements as they allow us and other pet parents to share the experience they are having. It also gives other pet parents, who might be going through a similar thing with their fur babies, something to relate to. It isn’t always easy to take in...

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Bobby the cat tells his tale of diabetes

Bobby the cat tells his tale of diabetes

Inspiring Pet Tails 7 min read

This blog is by Bobby a.k.a Bobs, a senior cat in Toronto. Very loved by his family and deeply adored by all his friends on Instagram. Bobby lives with his humans who he adorably calls ‘dah woman’ and ‘my bro’. He recently got diagnosed with diabetes and we are going to let Bobby tell you his...

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NHV helps sweet Blue with acute kidney disease after THC poisoning

NHV helps sweet Blue with acute kidney disease after THC poisoning

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read

You must already know Bella. Bella is a strong little kitty that NHV has been supporting through her battle with intestinal cancer. Bella takes multiple supplements that help keep her strong. Meet Bella’s fur-sister Blue. Blue was diagnosed with acute kidney disease after THC poisoning and her mum has integrated NHV supplements Tripsy, BK-Detox, and Milk...

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Canine Distemper and how NHV helped puppies fight the virus

Canine Distemper and how NHV helped puppies fight the virus

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read

What is Canine Distemper? Canine Distemper is a contagious and viral illness that usually affects young and not vaccinated puppies. It can attack the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). It’s an enveloped virus very concentrated in respiratory tract secretions and it is also found in body fluids, like urine. It is...

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