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What are The Causes of Paralysis in Pets?

Pet Care Tips 4 mins read

Paralysis in pets is the loss of the ability of one or more body parts to move voluntarily. It can be confused with paresis, which implies that a specific limb may be able to move but not as easily. Conversely, paralysis means there is a complete loss of function or control of a body part....

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Natural Relief for Adrenal Dysfunction in Dogs

Natural Relief for Adrenal Dysfunction in Dogs

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

It’s hard to be a happy family when your pet is sick. Diseases of the adrenal glands, such as Cushing’s disease or Addison’s disease, can have a profound impact not only on your pet’s health but also on their personality, often leaving families desperate for a “miracle cure” that will bring back their happy, healthy...

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Traveling with Your Pets? 5 Tips for a Blissful Trip

Traveling with Your Pets? 5 Tips for a Blissful Trip

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

For many of us, wouldn’t truly be a family vacation if the furriest family members weren’t involved. Whether you’re traveling by plane, train, or automobile this summer, planning ahead is the key to keeping your pets happy and healthy when you’re on the road. Use these 5 tips to prepare for a tail-wagging good time...

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Keep Your Cool This Summer with our Pet Safety Checklist

Keep Your Cool This Summer with our Pet Safety Checklist

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

The dog days of summer are upon us. And though the warmer months provide ample opportunity for fun in the sun, they also present a number of safety hazards that diligent pet owners need to avoid. The good news is that making a few simple adjustments to your regular routine can make a huge difference...

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Keep Your Kitten Healthy

Keep Your Kitten Healthy

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

You’ve just brought home a gorgeous, playful little fluffball, and of course, you’ve instantly fallen madly in love. If you’re like most kitty lovers, you’re probably already wondering about the best ways to keep that fuzzy little cutie healthy for as many years as possible. Most veterinarians will agree that kittens are more fragile than...

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3 Keys To Preventing Heartworm

3 Keys To Preventing Heartworm

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

Heartworm is a potentially fatal disease transferred between animals by everyone’s least favorite insect: the mosquito. It’s a scary fact, but whenever your dog or cat comes into contact with mosquitoes, they run the risk of being infected. This makes prevention essential in the fight against heartworms, particularly during the summer months when many pets...

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A Story about the Road to Recovery: Nate’s Story

A Story about the Road to Recovery: Nate’s Story

Inspiring Pet Tails < 1 min read

We LOVE hearing Nate’s success story and couldn’t be happier to hear that NHV Natural Pet Products played such a prominent role in restoring his health. Es-Clear and Tripsy are two of our many products that have seen great results. It goes to show that even for a disease as horrible and powerful as cancer,...

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New Yucca Supplement

New Yucca Supplement

Herbs For Pets 2 min read

Soothe Your Pet’s Discomfort and Encourage Healthy Appetite With NHV’s New Yucca Supplement! At NHV Natural Pet Products, we are committed to keeping your pets healthy and happy. That’s why we’re always on the prowl for new natural pet supplements that can decrease an animal’s symptoms while increasing their longevity, vitality, and wellbeing. And we’re...

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Feline Friendly? You’ll Love This Cat and Mouse Game!

Feline Friendly? You’ll Love This Cat and Mouse Game!

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

Cat owners share a very special bond with their favorite felines which can’t be described as anything short of love. It’s the reason you never hear of “cat likers”! If you like cats, you love cats and all the silly, curious, fiercely independent behavior that goes along with the species. For anyone who has ever...

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Create a Tick-Free Backyard in 5 Easy Steps

Create a Tick-Free Backyard in 5 Easy Steps

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

Ticks belong to the arachnid family and come in a variety of shapes and sizes- some as small as the head of a pin! But don’t let their scale fool you- these pesky 8 leggers can carry with them a host of dangerous diseases, making them a serious threat to the health of your favorite...

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Tail-Wagging Support for the 5 Most Common Dog Health Issues

Tail-Wagging Support for the 5 Most Common Dog Health Issues

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

In our last blog post, we discussed the Top 5 most common cat ailments and the NHV Natural Pet Products we have created to help address these conditions. Today in part two of our series, we’re going to be speaking to all the dog owners out there and looking at the Top 5 most common canine...

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