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What are The Causes of Paralysis in Pets?

Pet Care Tips 4 mins read

Paralysis in pets is the loss of the ability of one or more body parts to move voluntarily. It can be confused with paresis, which implies that a specific limb may be able to move but not as easily. Conversely, paralysis means there is a complete loss of function or control of a body part....

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Can cats eat dog food? Orange cat looking up from silver bowl filled with food.

Can cats eat dog food? Are cats carnivores? Understand your picky eater!

Pet Diet & Nutrition 3 min read

If you have a kitty or are considering adding a cat to your family, you might be wondering if there’s any truth behind their bad rep for being picky eaters. Can cats eat dog food? is only one of the many questions about feline dietary needs that our pet experts have to answer ever so...

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Louie and Bladder Cancer in Dogs. Louie is looking at the camera pondering about his next meal.

Louie and Bladder Cancer in Dogs

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

When this 10-year-old pup, Louie, was diagnosed with bladder cancer, the vet said he only had three months left in him. But 5 months later, against all odds, he is still going strong. Read more to see how this little guy lives to the fullest despite the grim prognosis.   A Glance at Louie’s Life...

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Photo of a female holistic vet caring for four different dogs with a smile on her face.

How are holistic vets different from other animal specialists?

NHV Behind The Scenes 3 min read

As a loving pet pawrent looking for natural ways to support your little one’s health, you may be wondering, “what are holistic vets, and how are they different from regular vets?” This alternative veterinary approach can complement the work of animal behaviorists, to vet dentists and oncologists for pets. Our vet team is here to...

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Photo of a tabby cat sleeping on gray sheets with eyes closed and looking sick as a representation of cat flu and respiratory viruses in pets.

Cat flu season: viral infections in colder months

Vet Talks 4 min read

As humans, we know too well that when the temperatures start to drop, flu season is just around the corner. As pet parents, we might be worried that the same can happen to our little ones. Even though there is a chance of higher infection of kennel cough in dogs or cat flu near the...

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Closeup of a cluster of pale hydrangea flowers. is hydrangea poisonous for dogs and cats

Is Hydrangea Poisonous to Dogs and Cats?

Herbs For Pets 2 min read

Quite often we get asked: isn’t hydrangea poisonous to dogs and cats? You may have read about it being dangerous for your pet’s health, but is that true? We’re here to set the records straight! What is Hydrangea? Also known as Hydrangea arborescens, this plant has over a hundred different cultivars. Its impressive floral clusters grow in...

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Photo of a ginger cat having their teeth brushed by a human to illustrate Stomatitis and how you can help

Managing Cat Stomatitis and Severe Symptoms

Vet Talks 3 min read

Overlooking the importance of routine dental cleaning in your kitty can lead to severe oral health issues like cat stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontal disease. Feline kiddos can be very independent in grooming themselves and worrying about other aspects of their hygiene. But when it comes to your kitty’s mouth health, regular tooth brushing and visits...

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Photos of a wolf dog hybrid and three other pit bull type dogs laying down together in bed.

A day in the life of a wolf dog hybrid and rescued pit bulls

NHV Behind The Scenes 5 min read

What happens when a wolf dog hybrid, a pit bull and even a parrot live under the same roof? In my experience, adopting and rehabilitating pets that demand special care can sometimes seem overwhelming. But patience, training, proper diet and the right supplements can go a long way. It is all worth it when you...

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Image of Marnie a black and white furry dog that has gallbladder and liver problems in dogs like Marnie

Relieving Gallbladder & Liver Problems in Dogs Like Marnie

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Gallbladder and liver problems in dogs can bring so much stress and discomfort to our little ones, but sadly it is one of the most common canine conditions. These issues are often caused by improper diet or past injuries. Laid in between the folds of the liver, the gallbladder helps hold fluid within the body. It also...

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Image of a gray bunny with very long ears to illustrate an article about rabbit head tilt and e. cuniculi in bunnies.

How to deal with the dreadful rabbit head tilt?

Vet Talks 3 min read

As a bunny parent, you have probably heard that the rabbit head tilt is one of the scariest symptoms of E. cuniculi. But what is this disease that infects more than 50% of rabbits worldwide after all? E. cuniculi is short for Encephalitozoon cuniculi, a primitive fungus. This fungal infection affects mainly rabbits but can occasionally happen in mice, guinea...

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small exotic pets

Are small exotic pets the perfect match for your family?

Pet Care Tips 6 min read

Tiny and personable, small exotic pets like bunnies, hamsters, guinea pigs, hedgehogs, and ferrets are becoming more common as household pets. However, there is often a misconception about these furkiddos. Many people think that they are easier to take care of, less demanding, and less costly than dogs or cats. But these little animals actually...

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