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What are The Causes of Paralysis in Pets?

Pet Care Tips 4 mins read

Paralysis in pets is the loss of the ability of one or more body parts to move voluntarily. It can be confused with paresis, which implies that a specific limb may be able to move but not as easily. Conversely, paralysis means there is a complete loss of function or control of a body part....

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Pet cancer diets and nutrition

Pet Cancer Diets and Nutrition

Pet Diet & Nutrition 3 min read

Just like humans, dogs, and cats suffering from cancer or going through cancer treatment may suffer from a severe lack of appetite, which only contributes to further deterioration in their health and well-being. In fact, adequate nutrition is particularly important for any pet being treated with chemotherapy drugs since a lack of nutrition predisposes our...

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Be Kind To Your Valentine: 5 Ways To Spoil Your Furry Companion

Be Kind To Your Valentine: 5 Ways To Spoil Your Furry Companion

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

Every year loved ones get spoiled for Valentine’s day, but what about the ones we love that might be a little furrier? This Valentine’s day, why not reciprocate the unconditional love we receive every day from our cats and dogs with 5 ways to spoil your furry companion! For your significant other:  Chocolates For your...

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Vet Help For Diabetes in Pets

Vet Help For Diabetes in Pets

Vet Talks 3 min read

Many times in our veterinary practice, we see middle-aged cats or dogs who are brought in because of concerns with their excessive thirst and frequent urination. Although these symptoms can be due to other disease processes, it is a classic sign of diabetes in pets. If your cat or dog is exhibiting these symptoms, ask...

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Finding Out Your Cat Has A Tumor Or Feline Cancer Is Frightening!

Finding Out Your Cat Has A Tumor Or Feline Cancer Is Frightening!

Pet Care Tips 4 min read

Your beloved kitty has just been diagnosed with having a tumor or feline cancer, and you are feeling lost and confused. We at NHV Natural Pet Products understand and are here to support you and your fur baby during this time. We know that there will be an endless list of questions about tumors in...

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NHV’s Milk Thistle Used By University of Tennessee’s Avian and Exotics Division For Birds with Liver Disorders

NHV’s Milk Thistle Used By University of Tennessee’s Avian and Exotics Division For Birds with Liver Disorders

Clinical Trials & Research 3 min read

NHV Natural Pet Products once again had the pleasure of speaking with the University of Tennessee’s Veterinary Medical Center. This time it was the Avian and Exotics Division at the U of T that got in touch with us! Here’s what they had to say: To see other letters about NHV from the University of...

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Integrative Therapies: Aromatherapy For Pets

Integrative Therapies: Aromatherapy For Pets

Pet Care Tips 2 min read

Integrative therapies, from massage to naturopathic remedies for pets are seeing an exciting resurgence in pet care! As we continue our look at integrative veterinary care, we examine using aromatherapy for pet health and pet behavioral problems—discussing possible cautions and efficacy of aromatherapy. Click here to view part 1 in this series: “Integrative Therapies: Acupuncture...

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The Top Therapeutic Uses of Omega 3 Fatty Acids for Pets

The Top Therapeutic Uses of Omega 3 Fatty Acids for Pets

Vet Talks 2 min read

As a holistic veterinarian, we would love if all our patients were on a good quality omega 3 fatty acid supplement, simply because of the vastly positive health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids for pets. But pet parents should be aware: Not all omega 3 fatty acid supplements for pets are created equal. When...

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Tips To Keep Your Pet Safe, Happy and Healthy This Holiday Season!

Tips To Keep Your Pet Safe, Happy and Healthy This Holiday Season!

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

With all the festive preparations going on this holiday season, we wanted to give busy pet parents some important tips to keep your pet safe, healthy, and happy! 1. Don’t feed pet chocolate – This yummy human treat is one of the most common reasons for emergency vet visits during the holidays. Unfortunately, even a...

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Integrative Therapies: Acupuncture for Pets

Integrative Therapies: Acupuncture for Pets

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

Alternative or integrative therapies for pets have recently seen a huge resurgence due to their powerful healing ability with minimal side effects. Today we begin a once a month series in our NHV blogs, where we will explore alternative integrative therapies for pets, from acupuncture to aromatherapy to massage and magnetic therapy for treating illnesses...

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Heart conditions in dogs banner

Vet Talks: Advice For Heart Conditions In Dogs

Vet Talks 3 min read

In today’s blog, I wanted to touch on heart conditions in dogs, specifically what symptoms to look for, understanding what diagnostic tests your vet might recommend for heart conditions in dogs, and treatment options.

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