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5 Things to Avoid During Halloween for Pets

Pet Care Tips 3 min read
A dog holding a trick-or-treat basket in its mouth.

Halloween for pets can be more trick than treats, but with a little planning and the right safety measures, we can help our fur babies stay safe this paw-lloween!

1. Monsters!

Well, at least the ones dressed up like monsters. We know that the ghost, zombie, or vampire behind the costume is really just a kid trying to score some Halloween treats, but our pets might not.

Reactive pets will need their owners to do a bit of planning for them. Time your daily walk and bathroom breaks before the festivities start, and if you do head out into the night, always have your pet on a leash – a firework, scary costume, or other Halloween thrill may send them running!

2. Halloween Candy

In the excitement of a Halloween candy haul, we can’t forget that these treats can seriously harm our pets. Chocolate, xylitol, and other common ingredients are poisonous for our fur babies no matter how much they want a taste, so keep pets away when you’re inspecting the kids’ haul and secure candy bowl in-between handing it out.

That doesn’t mean our pets have to miss out on the fun, though. You can make them a delicious and nutritious treat following our recipe below.

Halloween Treat Recipe For Cats And Dogs

3. Unsafe Costumes

Some pets love wearing clothes or costumes and even “ask” for them because they love the extra attention and showing off. However, other pets prefer to be au natural, and that’s okay too! ‎

Here are our top tips for pets who will dress up for Halloween:

  • Always supervise your pet while they wear a costume

  • Ensure that the costume does not restrict their movement or breathing
  • Pay attention to their body language. If they look distressed, remove the costume!

  • Don’t assume that because a costume is sold for pets that it is safe. Avoid costumes that are too tight, obscure vision, or have dangling parts that could be a choking hazard.

If your fur kiddo isn’t into costumes, they can be a part of an iconic Halloween look if you dress up instead. For dogs, they could be Toto or Scooby, and cats could be Salem or Garfield, depending on their coloring – get creative with it!

4. Decorations During Halloween for Pets

Decorating is one of the best parts of Halloween, but there are definitely a few things pet parents should avoid!

Lit pumpkins or witchy candles can really set the vibe, but pets should never be around open flames unattended. And while fog and smoke machines create an incredible atmosphere, the smoke sits low and our little guys or gals will end up breathing it in. Likewise, dry ice looks amazing but can cause burns if our pets come in contact with them.

5. Scaredy-Cats (… and Dogs)

As much as we love Halloween, some pets just won’t. And fair enough! Strangers at the doors, loud and strange sounds, and the frights and scares at every corner can be a total sensory overload for some pets that cannot always be avoided.

NHV Matricalm or NHV Lesstress may help them regain their chill

For the scaredy-cats and scaredy-dogs outs there, NHV Matricalm or NHV Lesstress may help them regain their chill. This is especially important if they are known to flee when spooked, since the last thing you want to do is search for a missing pet during the Halloween chaos!

Both Matricalm and Lesstress may encourage calmness and relaxation with pet-safe herbs, but Matricalm is best for cats who may not agree with the taste of Lesstress.

Armed with these tips, your pet can have a Halloween that is more treats than tricks! Want to talk about your pet’s ongoing or situational anxiety, and how natural supports may help? Chat in with a pet expert below – we’d love to meet your little one and make personalized recommendations!

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: October 28, 2024

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