Nutty & Nice: Why Your Pup Will Love Nutty Paw-Nanas
Pet Diet & Nutrition 3 mins readWandering down the dog treat aisle at the pet store made us wonder, “Is any of this even healthy?” With long ingredient lists, overly processed ingredients, and artificial flavors and preservatives, we were seriously wondering where the healthy treats for dogs were! So, we took to our test kitchen and whipped up some wholesome and...
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How To Care For Hedgehogs
Pet Care Tips 8 min readHedgehogs are small nocturnal mammals that can be found anywhere in the world but are native to Africa, Europe, and Asia. They are omnivorous and feed on beetles, worms, and other insects in the wild. The African pygmy hedgehogs are more commonly kept as pets and are domesticated, so they are opportunistic omnivores, and would...
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How To Choose The Right Collar For Your Pet
Vet Talks 7 min readCollars are an essential part of dog ownership. They allow dogs to be identified, they allow pet parents to walk their pooches on a leash and they also provide a proper place to hang important information such as ID, license, and vaccination status, for instance. For many pet parents, getting a collar for your new...
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Diet for Pets With Kidney Disease
Pet Diet & Nutrition 4 min readChronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is one of the most common conditions in elderly dogs and cats, although it can appear at any age. Finding the right diet for pets with kidney disease is an important part of managing this condition. Chronic kidney disease is characterized by abnormalities in kidney function and/or structure. The first clinical...
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How A Cat Parent Can Manage Multiple Cats With Health Issues
Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min readWhen Kim reached out to us about her fur family and their cat health needs, we were happy to help. Kim is the pawrent of four gorgeous kitties and each one has their own unique needs and health issues. Supporting just one cat with health issues can be stressful, but this supermom and her superfamily have been...
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Is Lavender Safe for Pets?
Herbs For Pets 2 min readLavender is a popular scent and ingredient in many health and wellness products for humans, but many pet parents may be wondering, “is lavender safe for pets? The History of Lavender Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is part of the mint family. It is found in Europe, Asia, and Africa and is grown all over due to...
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NHV Love Giveaway 2021 – Win Free Products!
Promotions & Giveaways 2 min readOver the past year, telling the people (or pets) that you care about that you love them is more important than ever. Over the next few weeks, we’ll play cupid by doing a giveaway on Instagram to help you spread the love! With this giveaway, your furkiddo can send a love note to another furkiddo...
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How Yucca Root’s Natural Steroidal Benefits Can Help Your Pet
Herbs For Pets 3 min readIs yucca extract good for dogs and cats? The short answer to this question is YES! Yucca is a popular plant with medicinal properties that is used in many pet foods as it can help with the offensive odor of urine and feces. But that’s not all —this powerful plant has been demonstrated to have...
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Bringing Home A New Puppy: Stevie’s Story
Inspiring Pet Tails 5 min readEveryone loves a good story about bringing home a new puppy, so here’s mine! Instead of having baby fever like most other couples in my life, in 2019 and 2020 my partner and I had major puppy fever. I had lost my beloved Shih Tzu, Zoe, back in the summer of 2018, and since then,...
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Feline Calicivirus: Prevention and Support
Vet Talks 4 min readToday we are talking about the most charismatic felines in this world, of course, I am talking about cats. As much as they are independent and appear to be made of iron, kitties can suffer from infectious diseases, especially respiratory ones like Feline Calicivirus. What Is Feline Calicivirus? Calicivirus is an infectious disease that directly...
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Coco Furcare—How To Help Keep Your Pet’s Coat Healthy
NHV Behind The Scenes 6 min readThere are many factors that can cause unpleasant smells in your pet’s fur. Excessive secretion of oil by the skin, allergies, bacterial infection, and yeast infection are only a few examples of conditions that can benefit from NHV’s Coco Furcare. Coco Furcare is a vet-formulated topical spray that happens to be one of our best...
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