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Pets happy halloween

How To Keep Your Pet Safe This Halloween

Pet Care Tips 4 min read

Have a Safe, Happy Halloween! Halloween is approaching, little ghosts and goblins are out and about. This can be a stressful time for our pets, but it doesn’t have to be. Keep in mind the 4 C’s of Halloween to help keep your pets feeling safe, happy, and included during this spooky time. How To...

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Tinker Belle and Periwinkle, two dogs laying outside in the grass

Tinker Belle & Periwinkle Find A Natural Solution For Ear Infections

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Ear infections are a common issue that affects so many dogs! Part of why they are so common is because of the shape of their ear canals and another is that dogs are so prone to getting into things! Going for a swim, rolling around in the dirt, sniffing through a field full of pollen,...

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foods you didn't know are toxic to pets. Dog staring at pizza on counter

12 Foods You Didn’t Know Are Toxic To Pets

Pet Care Tips 5 min read

With the holidays just around the corner, thinking of how to keep our pets safe from toxic foods is more important than ever. Some foods can be toxic to pets and cause more damage than just an upset stomach, which is why we created a list of 12 foods you didn’t know are toxic to...

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Veterinarian holding a black and white shorthair cat and a white Maltese dog.

6 Ways to Support Your Pet with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

Vet Talks 4 min read

Heart failure or congestive heart failure may develop when the heart begins to deteriorate and can no longer pump blood effectively in the body. It’s essential to understand both the causes of heart failure and its early signs and symptoms so you can seek veterinary care as soon as possible and support your little one...

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NHV Helping Molly The Maltese With Her Heart Murmur

NHV Helping Molly The Maltese With Her Heart Murmur

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

All too often pet parents are stuck feeling helpless when it comes to their pet’s health. We are so glad that Molly’s mom, Anna, reached out to us for help. It is still early, but we are doing what we can to help Molly feel better and her mom will keep us updated with how’s...

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Rhea’s Doing Her Happy Dance Again And Her Special Remedies Are Yet To Start!

Rhea’s Doing Her Happy Dance Again And Her Special Remedies Are Yet To Start!

Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read

When Rhea’s mommy contacted us, she was looking for some natural support for Poppy, her dog with cancer. Sadly Poppy never got to use her NHV Cancer Support Pack and got her angel wings soon after. Rhea, Poppy’s little sister is suffering from heart problems and possible Cushing’s. She started taking Poppy’s cancer-supporting remedies in her...

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A Holistic Approach To Cancer For Milo The Silver Lab

A Holistic Approach To Cancer For Milo The Silver Lab

Inspiring Pet Tails 6 min read

Spend a few minutes gazing at his photographs and we bet you’ll fall in love. This silver lab is 9 years old and is a pro at pulling off those puppy eyes. His cancer tale involves integrative care – holistic natural support along with chemotherapy. Milo’s cancer scare started in November 2016 and since then it’s...

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‘I never want to be without it’ – Bo’s mom swears by NHV Mellit

‘I never want to be without it’ – Bo’s mom swears by NHV Mellit

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

A few months ago we shared with you the ‘Bo-stare.’ Bo knows when he has eaten something tummy upsetting and he comes looking for his mom. He gives her the ‘Bo-stare’ which means he’s asking for his ‘juice’. His mom gives him some NHV Mellit and he’s all set. Well, this intelligent dog who’d go...

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Maria has turned over 25 feral cats into rescue cats over the years. We're so delighted to share her incredible story!

Feral No More – Maria’s Rescue Tail

Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min read

Sweet, lovable, and unique. Our feline friends have always had a way of pulling on our heartstrings. Our friend Maria definitely agrees with us! Maria has devoted her life to taking care of cats in need and we know all her rescue cats love and appreciate her so much. Keep reading to learn about her...

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Mackenzie the pitbull’s coping strong with Hemangiosarcoma

Mackenzie the pitbull’s coping strong with Hemangiosarcoma

Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min read

Hemangiosarcoma is an aggressive form of cancer mostly found in dogs besides some other animals. We’ve had several pet parents come to us asking for holistic help with it. Lately, a pet mom came to us with answers. She had been using NHV Natures Immuno coupled with Chemo and other supplements. Her girl Mackenzie was...

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