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Feverfew for Dogs and Cats with Allergies

Herbs For Pets 3 mins read

Warm sunspots and long walks outside really make the warmer months exciting for our fur kiddos, but nature comes alive in more ways than one this time of year. The blooms and blossoms of plants mean that sensitive noses can get the sniffles and skin can get the itchies. Thankfully, though, something else blooms in...

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Moving to a new home with your pet can be a stressful situation for both humans and pets. Here are a few tips that can help make moving a whole lot easier!

Moving To A New Home With Your Pet

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

Moving is always frustrating and exhausting, not only for humans but for pets as well. The hustle and bustle of moving furniture, boxing things, and the change of environment can be really stressful. They don’t understand why everything is moving so fast and that can cause anxiety for furkids in new surroundings. Here are some...

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Golden Retriever is laying on the floor next to a British Shorthair cat. IBD in dogs and cats

Natural Support For IBD In Dogs And Cats

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

What is IBD in Dogs and Cats? Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in dogs and cats is a common gastrointestinal issue. When a pet suffers from IBD, inflammatory cells inside the body invade the gastrointestinal tract (GI), including the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Once inflammatory cells enter the GI tract, they may disrupt normal...

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Grey hamster gently being held in a child's hands. How to care for hamsters.

How To Care For Hamsters

Vet Talks 3 min read

Exotic and wild animals become more and more common in our homes. There are many reasons for owners to choose these cute pets, such as their size, maintenance cost. Some of these pets are very easy to handle and some of them are not as dependant on humans compared to dogs and cats. While some exotic...

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German shepherd puppy and cat laying on the grass outside. Natural Support For Pets With Giardiasis

Natural Support For Pets With Giardiasis

Vet Talks 3 min read

Giardia is a common parasite found in small animals. It is sometimes referred to as “beaver fever”. These parasites can cause acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term) gastrointestinal (GI) tract disease. Two of the most common symptoms of giardiasis in cats and dogs are diarrhea and weight loss. Giardiasis is a disease that causes gastrointestinal discomfort...

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Bright purple echinacea flowers growing in a field. The benefits of echinacea for pets.

The Benefits of Echinacea For Pets

Herbs For Pets 4 min read

Echinacea is a very popular plant, and you may already be familiar with it. You can find them as purple, daisy-like flowers in your garden, favorite teas or cough drops you take for colds. Humans and furry friends alike can benefit from echinacea as holistic support. We’re here to help you better understand the benefits...

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Brown tabby cat drinking milk out of a glass saucer outside in a yard with another cat in the background. Are cats lactose intolerant?

Are Cats Lactose Intolerant?

Pet Diet & Nutrition 2 min read

It is very cute to see a kitten getting its whiskers dirty in a bowl of milk, right? Even though this mental image is heartwarming, you may be wondering, “are cats lactose intolerant?” It is not recommended to give milk to cats and below I have explained why. When cats are very young up to...

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Cat sneezing while laying on a pale blue blanket. What you should know if your pet is coughing and sneezing

What You Need To Know If Your Pet Is Coughing And Sneezing

Vet Talks 4 min read

When you hear your pet start coughing and sneezing, it can be concerning. There are many potential causes of coughing and sneezing in dogs and cats and the severity can be indicated by factors such as their frequency and the pet’s age, for instance. In this blog, I will talk about symptoms to keep note...

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Image of 2 NHV amber glass bottles with rosemary sprig, piece of ginger and shiitake mushroom

Why NHV Uses Glass Bottles

NHV Behind The Scenes 3 min read

We are excited to take you behind the scenes and tell you a little about the love and care that goes into each one of our bottles. You may be familiar with how our supplements help, but before reaching all of our furry friends around the world, there’s a lot that goes into the process....

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Large, white, scruffy dog rolling in the grass with all four paws up in the air. Why do dogs roll in poop?

Why Do Dogs Roll In Poop?

Pet Care Tips 3 min read

Rolling in poop and stinky things, in general, is one of the most perplexing behaviors in dogs. Mostly because it looks so gross to us humans, and they seem to have so much fun doing it. It is not related to any health conditions, so no concerns there, except the concern of having to bathe...

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Homemade Halloween Treats For Cats and Dogs

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Homemade Halloween Treats For Cats and Dogs

Easy Recipes For Pets 3 min watch

Trick or treat! Everyone loves some goodies during spooky season, and our furkiddos are no exception! Our pet experts put together this easy recipe so you can make Halloween treats for your cats and dogs at home. Pumpkin is not only festive, but it also has health benefits! Pumpkin is good for digestive health, is...

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