Feverfew for Dogs and Cats with Allergies
Herbs For Pets 3 mins readWarm sunspots and long walks outside really make the warmer months exciting for our fur kiddos, but nature comes alive in more ways than one this time of year. The blooms and blossoms of plants mean that sensitive noses can get the sniffles and skin can get the itchies. Thankfully, though, something else blooms in...
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Supplements for Sheep: An Ovine Case of Caseous Lymphadenitis (CLA)
Inspiring Pet Tails 2 min readMichelle came to us when her beloved sheep had been diagnosed with Caseous Lymphadenitis (CLA), more commonly known as “Cheesy Glands”. This condition is a contagious disease best known for abscesses in the external lymph nodes of the neck and abdomen among other areas. Sadly, the bacteria that causes CLA can survive in the environment...
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Majestic Maine Coons And How To Support Them Naturally
Pet Care Tips 5 min readOne of the larger breeds of cats, Maine Coon is widely thought to be the oldest cat breed native to America. With their unmistakable lion’s mane, bushy tail, and fluffy ear tips they are easily recognized. Legend says that Maine coons were the result of cats and raccoons breeding, however, we know this to be...
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Living with Lymphoma: Notes from Tilly the senior cat
Inspiring Pet Tails 6 min readWe first heard about Tilly when her mom got in contact with us on Facebook, after leaving a review for the Lymphoma Gold Support kit. After being diagnosed with large cell Lymphoma, Tilly’s parents had made the hard decision to stop chemo and give Tilly the best care and comfort they could at home. After...
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Recipe: Tuna and Blueberry Scones For Cats And Dogs
Easy Recipes For Pets 2 min readThis scone recipe for pets makes a healthy snack for the furkiddo in your life that deserves to be spoiled once in a while. They don’t replace regular meals but are great occasional treats that your pet will love and you can feel good about serving to your pet. This treat recipe makes about 18...
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Supporting Urinary Tract Infection and Bladder Crystals in Cats
Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min readRecurring health issues are often a reason how some pets end up getting abandoned in their golden years. Fortunately, there are parents like those of #NHVpets who will make sure their pets find the support they need. Clarissa took matters into her hands and provided her cat with the best holistic support for her recurring UTIs. Clarissa’s cat was...
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5 Ways to Celebrate Your Pet’s Gotcha Day
Pet Care Tips 3 min readThe day your furkiddo entered your life is a day you will never forget. You might forget the exact date but you will never forget all the different emotions you felt that day – joy, fear, love, excitement, tears, and smiles! In some cases, pet parents don’t know their pet’s actual birthday and the Gotcha Day...
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Week by week improvements in this senior dog’s joints
Inspiring Pet Tails 3 min readIt’s not easy to watch your best friend grow old. It warms your heart but breaks it too. For a senior dog with arthritis, reduced mobility can have a huge effect on mood and health. As pawrents, we need to be a bit more flexible – to make more time for your little one, take him to...
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Is there holistic support for FeLV in cats? Sunny’s story explains.
Inspiring Pet Tails 4 min read‘They told me he was 10 weeks old. Later I found out from my vet he was between 4 and 6 weeks old. He adjusted very well to his new home. He learned his name right away and would come to find me if I said it. He also followed me around sometimes. By the...
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Which NHV Supplements Helped Pudge the Cat?
Lifestyles of the Furry & Fabulous 3 min readLast year NHV attended the first-ever MeowFest in Vancouver, and we met a whole host of famous kitties and their owners. One kitty who we fell completely in love with was Pudge @pudgethecat. After appearing on Instagram in 2011, Pudge has gained an impressive 668,000 loyal followers, and gained the status of a Kitty celeb!...
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Recipe: Pets Can’t Resist This Watermelon Yogurt Ice Treat
Easy Recipes For Pets 2 min readFor all of the fruit lovers out there, try this super easy treat recipe! It is a great way to keep your pet hydrated and cool during hot weather. to also help disguise NHV supplements for fussy eaters. If your pet isn’t a fan of fruit but you still want to try an easy frosty treat recipe,...
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